Chapter 49

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You've been hurt before, I can see it in your eyes. You try to smile it away, some things you can't disguise


| Calum |

"Do you think she'll wake up?" I ask Ash softly. It's been five days, and I'm sitting in the hospital room next to Ash as he stares off into nothing.

"I honestly don't know," he sighs, running a hand through his hair. It's easy to see how tired he is. Him, Arden and Anne have rarely left the hospital since Bailey's surgery, and they're all downright exhausted.

"Ash, maybe you should try to sleep," I say gently, taking in the bags under his eyes. They seem to become more prominent with every day that passes.

"'M not tired," he mumbles, playing with his sweater sleeves.

"You look dead tired," I point out. "You don't even have to leave if you don't want to. Just try to take a nap here," I suggest. Ashton sighs and reluctantly agrees, moving to the couch against the wall by the door to Bailey's room. He curls himself up on it and I drape a blanket over him, leaning back in my seat and humming softly to myself. It lulls Ashton to sleep, and I remember helping him do the same thing to Bailey once after she had a bad dream.

"Hey Bai," I chuckle at the rhyming words, "it's Cal Pal here. Did you like the little serenade I have to your brother? He doesn't sleep much now, and he's so stubborn. I'm glad you're not as stubborn as he is," I laugh quietly to myself.

"I remember once when you were little I helped Ashton sing you a lullaby after you had a bad dream," I say with a smile, being able to recall that day so specifically.

~ Flashback ~

"Are you sure we'll be okay to practice this late?" I ask hesitantly. "Bailey's already asleep, what if we wake her?"

"Don't worry, the basement is soundproof for exactly that reason," Ashton assures me. I nod my head and we relax on the couch until Michael and Luke arrive. Those two are always running late.

A few minutes later, I hear soft footsteps and sniffling and coo when I see a half asleep, teary eyes Bailey making her way over to us.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Ashton asks gently as he pulls Bailey onto his lap. She nods and curls into him, softly crying onto his shoulder. I pout as I watch her cry and Ashton rubs her back. Another few minutes later, Ashton slowly stands to his feet and motions for me to follow. He carries Bailey upstairs and back into her room, laying her down under the covers.

"Don't leave," she cries, holding onto Ashton's shirt tightly.

"Don't worry, we're not going anywhere," he says reassuringly. I turn the light off and sit on the other side of Bailey's bed.

"What was your nightmare about, Bai?" I ask quietly.

"There's a monster hiding in my closet and it took you guys," she says, sniffling and pulling her blankets up to her chin. I mentally awe at how precious she is.

"Well, I can prove there aren't any monsters," I say with a smile as I open her closet door. She gasps and begs me not to, but relaxes once she realizes she's perfectly safe. "See? I wouldn't lie to you," I say with a soft smile and make my way back to her bed.

"Can you sing me a song?" Bailey asks sleepily. "I like it when you guys sing. You have pretty voices." I laugh along with Ashton and we agree, quietly humming the tune to Out Of My Limit until she falls back asleep.

"You've always loved listening to us sing," I sigh to myself as I take Bailey's hand in mine and stroke her soft skin. Then, an idea hits me. I quickly grab my phone and dial Michael's number.

"Hey, what's up?"

"What are you and Luke up to today?" I ask as soon as he answers.

"Uh, Luke's at mine and we're just chilling, why?" I can hear Luke asking questions in the background as I continue to speak.

"I have an idea. Remember how Bailey always loved listening to us sing and watching is rehearse?"

"Yeah...?" Michael trails off, clearly not seeing where I'm going with this.

"What if we put on a little performance for her?" I suggest.

"That's actually not a bad idea," Michael says, the smile evident in his voice. "Luke and I will bring everything we need for an acoustic set, meet us in the hospital parking lot in like ten minutes to help bring the instruments in." I agree, and just as I hang up the phone Ashton begins to wake up. Perfect timing.

I fill him in on my plan and we meet Mike and Luke outside to bring our instruments in. Zoey graciously allows us to play a song, and we decide on Out Of My Limit because it's one of Bailey's favorites.

Once we finish, I sigh upon noticing that nothing's changed. I don't know why I was so sure this would work. I guess I just was really hoping it would.

"Hey, don't worry. We'll play a song each day for her, and when she's ready, she'll wake up," Luke says positively. I give him a smile and nod my head, and we all pile our instruments back into the trunk of Luke's van.

"Until tomorrow?" Michael questions, he and Luke giving us hugs goodbye.

"Until tomorrow," Ash and I confirm simultaneously.

• ° • ° • ° •

A/N - okay just imagine 5sos serenading you if you got hurt and were in the hospital I'm emotional now.

I went to a local festival earlier and literally as soon as I got out of the car, it started pouring, like harder than I've ever seen rain come down before. So of course I had to yell, "It's torrentially down pouring, send help!" And then it started thundering and lighting too, so we had to leave and it's been raining ever since. Lololol just thought I'd share😂

Xoxo - Em :)

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