Chapter 12

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Listen closely to the songs I play because the lyrics speak the words I fail to say


| Bailey |

Rainy days are probably my favorite kind of day. I love pretty much all types of weather, but there's something calming about the rain. I almost feel like the weather matches my mood today. The sky is gray and gloomy and the rhythmic sound of the rain beating down on the roof is actually very soothing. I sit in my bed, nestled next to the window, looking out at the green wetness that is caused from the rain.

Suddenly feeling very tumblr, I decide to take a picture of the crew socks I'm wearing and post it on Instagram,

BaileyIrwin: *photo* feelin' lazy on this rainy Friday😌

I roll onto my stomach and scroll through Instagram until I start to get tired. Chemo has been making me extremely tired lately, and also dizzy. I can barely make it down the hall without falling over due my head spinning, which I've become very annoyed with lately. A text from Xander a few minutes later puts a smile on my face.

From: Xander :) - hey pal, what's shakin?

To: Xander :) - well other than the fact that my brother hates my guts and I haven't moved from my bed since Wednesday, pretty meh :/ wbu?

It's true. Ashton still has yet to call or text me. He hasn't even talked to mom or Arden, as far as I know. It's just making me feel even worse, because as selfish as it sounds, I need him. I want him to comfort me and tell me I'll be okay. But he's hurting, too.

From: Xander:) - yikes, that blows. What'd you do to tick him off??

To: Xander :) - Kinda sorta didn't tell him about my cancer until last week... He wasn't too thrilled🙄

From: Xander:) - smooth

To: Xander :) - you know it

I sit up and take deep breaths, starting to feel nauseous. My head is spinning and it feels like someone is inside my head with a hammer. What a wonderful way to start off my Friday.

Before I know it, the all too familiar feeling rises in my throat and begins to burn. I run to the bathroom, nearly tripping and face planting because of the dizziness. I fall onto my knees and throw up violently. Once I'm finished and have somewhat recovered, I dizzily make my way back into bed and fall onto the covers. My phone vibrates next to me and I groan.

From: Xander :) - hey where'd u go?:(

To: Xander :) - just finished puking my guts out, what're you up to

From: Xander :) - yikes, feel better

From: Xander :) - not up to much, basically same as you

To: Xander :) - oh the joys of chemo, isn't it sooo much fun:D

From: Xander :) - oh yes, highlight of my Wednesday's

I sigh in exasperation and bury myself under the covers, fatigue taking over. I'm really starting to hate chemo.

"Hey, you feel sick?" Arden asks, her head poking into my room. I pull the covers over my head and nod, letting out a whine.

"I miss Ashton," I mumble. There's a pause, then I feel Arden sit down at the edge of my bed.

"I know. He'll come around, he always does," Arden soothes. She rubs my back and I close my eyes. "Just get some rest you little pest," she chuckles. I giggle tiredly, "That rhymed." We fall into light laughter as sleep calls my name. Before I know it, I'm out like a light.


Sleep doesn't last as long as I would have liked it to. I've been drifting in and out of consciousness for what feels like years, tossing and turning and occasionally throwing up if I have the energy.

I stumble my way across the hall for what feels like the millionth time today and gag, but nothing comes out. I haven't eaten anything in a while because I didn't feel well, and now I'm regretting it. I continue to gag with no success until I lean back and press my cheek against the cool tile floor. It feels nice against my burning face.

"Sweetie, you should really eat something," mom says gently, helping me sit up. I wince and shake my head, leaning on her shoulder. "I don't feel good," I croak. My voice is scratchy and feels raw. Talking is difficult now and it brings tears to my eyes.

"Alright, I'm taking you to the hospital, you're burning up," she states, feeling my forehead. I'm too tired to put up a fight, so I just let her drape my coat over my shoulders and lead me out to the car. I climb into the front seat and lean my head against the cold glass, hoping to find some comfort.

The drive to the hospital isn't that long, probably because I fell asleep. I feel mom shaking my shoulder all too soon as I wake up and let her help me out of the car. For once, the ER isn't jam packed and I'm taken and admitted fairly quickly.

An hour full of tests, needles and exams later, my usual doctor, Dr. Phelps, comes into my room holding a clip board.

"Well, thankfully chemo hasn't done any detrimental damage to your body. The nausea is obviously a side effect, but there's nothing else wrong with you other than dehydration," she says as she skims my chart. "We'll keep you overnight and give you fluids and vitamins, so from now on make sure you're eating and drinking frequently so your body doesn't get so worn down." She checks my vitals and medicine before leaving the room.

"Alright, just get some rest," mom says sleepily as she lays down on the couch across from my bed. I just nod my head ever so slightly, exhaustion already taking over.

A/N - I'm so sorry I haven't been on! How have you guys been? I hope you're all great!

Pretty normal chapter I'd say, but with some texting between Xander and Bai:) what'd you think? I can't wait to get to the more interesting chapters! let me know your thoughts and predictions please, xoxo - Em:)

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