Chapter 36

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Just because I'm loosing doesn't mean I'm lost


| Bailey |

Today is my very first date, ever. I'm actually feeling good today, so I have a feeling that this is going to go really well.

Mom, Arden and Melia are fussing over me, wanting to pick out my outfit and do my makeup. It feels like it's been so long since I got to dress up and go out like a normal kid.

Arden does my makeup and I decide to wear a plain gray beanie; Ashton took me to get some more a few weeks ago. Mom and Melia are fussing over what I should wear. Honestly, I have no clue. Normally I wouldn't dress very fancy to go to the movies, but Melia insists that because it's a date I should dress nicer.

"Mel, if he doesn't like the way I dress then he isn't worth my time," I argue.

Mom smirks, "That's exactly right dear, you be you." I giggle, because just a few minutes ago she was also fussing over what I should wear. Melia reluctantly agrees and once Arden finishes my makeup I decide to wear a warm Nirvana sweater and black skinny jeans; takes a guess where I got the idea. I also put on my gray beanie to match my shirt and shrug on my gray vans and and my army green jacket that has fur around the hood. My entourage follows me downstairs where Ashton and the guys are sitting on the couch. All conversation ceases when I walk into the room, making me suddenly feel extremely self-conscious.

"You look beautiful!" Luke, Mikey and Cal chorus. I blush immensely as everyone gushes over how nice I look.

"Well well well, it looks as if our style has finally rubbed off on you," Ashton smirks as he stands up. I blush some more as I glance at my attire and the boys grin.

"We finally have a mini us!" Mikey exclaims, making me giggle.

"I can't believe my baby is going on her first date!" Mom cries, pushing Ashton, Arden and I together for a picture.

"Alright, ready to go?" Ashton queries, swinging his keys around his finger. I take a deep breath and nod, following him out to the car and climbing into the passenger seat.

"What movie are you seeing?" Ash questions as we drive, the radio humming softly in the background.

"Nerve," I reply, fidgeting with my phone in my lap. Xander texted me yesterday and told me the movie names that were up, so we agreed it would be a cool one to see.

Ashton purses his lips and nods. "Cool, sounds like a good movie," he replies, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. I nod my head in agreement, looking out and window and bouncing my leg slightly. I'm so excited, but I'm also so nervous. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do or how to act or anything.

"Nervous?" Ashton questions with a small chuckle, glancing over at me.

I give him a timid smile, "A little," I admit shyly.

"Don't worry, just relax and pretend it's like going with a friend. You guys will be fine," Ashton assures, flashing a smile as we pull into the parking lot. He pulls up to the entrance of the theater and I see Xander leaning against the wall, his face perking up when he sees me.

"Hey, need a ride home?" Ash calls out to us. Xander gives him a smile and nods. "Actually yes. Thanks."

"Anytime. Be safe kids," he says with a smug grin, causing me to groan. Ashton waves goodbye before driving away, and I'm actually impressed with how relaxed he was about this.

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