Chapter 44

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Once I was twenty years old, my story got told, I started writing about everything I saw before me


| Ashton |

Watching Bailey in the hospital is without a doubt the fucking hardest thing I've ever had to do. I never thought I'd have to sit by her bed and watch her slowly get worse and worse. To put it simply; it hurts. It hurts so freaking badly. Her time is running out, and I'm not sure that there's much else the doctors can do for her.

I'm sitting in Luke's garage on my cajon, staring down at my hands placed over it. I couldn't take it anymore, I've had enough for today. As awful as it sounds, I just couldn't stand to watch my sister get any worse off than she already is. I needed to get out of there, so I cams over to Luke's where he and the other boys are just hanging out.

"Ashton, I wish I could tell you everything will be okay," Cal sighs, pulling a chair up next to me. I glance at him briefly before looking away. "We just have to think positively. I know that things don't look very good, but we have to have faith in the doctors," he says softly.

"I know," I state, running a hand through my hair. "But even I can barely do this anymore, I can't even imagine how she must feel," I mumble.

I'm dreading the day that Bailey will say she doesn't want to do this anymore, that she just wants to die rather than suffering through this seemingly pointless treatment. I don't know if I'll be able to handle that. I can't.

So, I do the only thing I can think of; I use my feelings as an inspiration to write. The boys know how I'm feeling, seeing as they're almost as close as I am with Bailey, so we all have a feeling or worry we need to get down on paper. We spend a good three or more hours writing and working on chord progressions, using the music as an escape.

"Ashton?" Michael asks after a while, looking over at me with a sad and cautious expression. I look up, nodding for him to continue.

"What if Bailey does die?" He whispers. "What will you do?"

Michael finally asked the question we've all been wondering about for some time now. I never really thought about what I'd do if it actually happened. I've never thought about what would happen after, either. What would we do? What would it be like?

"Well, I guess I'll just have to keep going," I say, biting my lip as I consider Michael's question. "I mean, time will pass, the days will continue to go by, and I guess I'll just have to take it day by day."

I know if Bailey died, I'd never get it over it. None of us would. We'd keep going, keep trying to live our lives, just make it through the day. As time went on, the pain might dull, but it'd always be there. We'd always be missing her, we'd always be wishing she was here, and our hearts would always have a tiny hole in them since she took a part of it with her when she died.

"We can get through this, guys," Luke says, moving closer to me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "We're strong."

I feel my heart swell at the way Luke says we. We're all so close now, we're family. These boys are the brothers I never had by blood, and I seriously have no idea what I'd do without them. Meeting them made everything okay. It suddenly didn't matter that I was different or that I stood out or liked a different kind of music than everyone else my age. It didn't matter that people looked at me oddly because of the clothes I wore or the bands I listened to. Being with them made being different normal, because they're different, too. They taught me that it's okay be myself. We dared to be different, and look where we are now. I can only hope that now I'm teaching our fans the same things, and that knowing us as a band and listening to our music gives them the same safe haven that me being around my brothers gives me.

"Thank you, guys," I say, pulling them all into a group hug.

"For what?" Cal asks, a tiny smile on his face.

"For everything," I say, looking around me. "This is one hell of a ride we're on."

Michael grins. "Damn right it is."

• • •

A/N - that last part made me emo, idk why but I hope this fulfilled your sentimental souls hehe :)

Guys. I start school exactly one week from today. I'm crying on the inside.

I hope y'all have a fantastic day/night, stay fabulous my friends. xoxo - Em:)

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