Chapter 13

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In the darkness before dawn, in the swirling of the storm when I'm rolling with the punches and hope is gone, leave a light on


| Ashton |

I don't even know how long it's been since my fight with Bailey. I haven't talked to any of my family members since that day. I did, however, find out that she has to go to the hospital every Wednesday for IV chemo. I also learned that Luke lost his temper on Bailey a few days ago. We both know we're in the wrong. Tearing Bailey down won't help.

"Hey, you doing any better mate?" Cal asks as he lays down next to me on the couch in our tour bus. I let out a sigh and shrug, "I keep meaning to call Bailey and tell her I'm sorry, but I just can't bring myself to do it," I say, staring at the ceiling. I just can't get the image of her pained expression out of my head. It haunts me when I close my eyes and sleeping has become a difficult task. I feel terrible for making her cry like that. She's in enough pain as it is, and I had to be a jerk and make it sound like it was all her fault.

"I just can't bear to see those pained, teary eyes again. She actually looked sick, and that's scary as hell," I say, turning to face Cal.

The bags under her dull eyes, her thinning face, her quivering lip. Her entire face had pain and exhaustion written all over it. I just can't bring myself to call her because if I do, I know that's what I'll see. She'll answer the phone and avoid eye contact, play with her hands or a bracelet or something and chew on her lip because she has no idea what I'll say and will probably be afraid I'm going to yell again. I'm not ready to see that a second time.

"Maybe," Cal says, turning to face me as well, "that's how she felt about telling you about this whole thing. You know each other inside and out, she knew you'd be devastated. If you can't bring yourself to even look at her like that, imagine how hard it must've been for her to watch your usually happy demeanor fall and plummet ten stories when she forced herself to tell you she could be dying."

"I was such a dick," I groan. "I was so horrible to her, and she's already going through enough as it is!" Cal shrugs and places a hand on my shoulder. "You were hurting, too. It was in the heat of the moment, and while nothing can be unsaid or undone, you can both try to fix it," Cal says.

"Wow, look at your philosopher side emerging and being all helpful," Michael teases from the entrance of the living area in the tour bus. Cal shrugs and flashes a cheeky grin, "Hey, it's what I do best." Michael and I exchange smirks and try to contain our laughter.

"Eh, I'd stick to the bass, you're just a little bit better at that," I tease. Cal scoffs and smacks the back of my head. "After all that knowledge I just shared with you, wow, that hurts," Cal places a hand over his heart, pretending to be deeply offended. Michael rolls his eyes, "Idiots," he mutters, "I'm surrounded by idiots."

"Hey, we learned from the best!" I counter, earning his middle finger directed at me. I chuckle lightly and lay back down on the couch, pulling out my phone and staring at Bailey's contact.

I can do this.

Before I can rethink the imminent talk, I quickly press the call button and the very annoying face time ringer echoes in my ears.

But she doesn't answer.

I furrow my eyebrows and bite the inside of my cheek. Is she ignoring me back? Is this her way to try and get revenge for my being so horrible to her? What if something happened? She could be hurt or...

My racing mind is silenced by the ringing of my cellphone. I quickly grab it and pray it's Bailey calling me back, maybe she was in the shower or the bathroom or her phone was silenced and she just missed my call. But my mother's contact pops up on the screen and I feel my heart drop a little as I answer.

"Hey mom." I scratch the back of neck and bounce my leg in anticipation, though I'm not exactly sure why I'm so anxious.

"Hi my love," mom's kind voice rings through my phone, putting a smile on my face. "How are you?"

"I'm good, touring is good." I pause. "How are things over there?"

I hear mom sigh and it instantly kicks up my nerves. "Things are alright I suppose. Bailey's in the hospital though. It isn't anything serious, she's just dehydrated because chemo made her so sick," mom finishes quickly as if to reassure me everything is okay. But is it?

"Is she okay?" I get up and start pacing the small living area at the back of the tour bus.

"Yes, she's fine. She's getting fluids and vitamins because she hadn't eaten at all last night. She's doing well now, just a bit tired," mom says. I can practically hear the relieved smile on her face and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "That's good," I breathe, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. "About our fight, I just wanted to say how sorry I am. I shouldn't have said what I did, to you or to Bailey, so just know that I'm really sorry," I rush out.

"I know, baby," mom soothes, "I forgive you."

I breathe another sigh of relief, "Is Bailey awake? Can I talk to her?"

"She's asleep right now, but when she wakes up I'll tell her you called and have her call you," mom says.

"Oh. Okay." I can't help but be disappointed. I've been wasting time making amends while she's so sick. She could . . . I shake the thought away. No, it'll be okay. I'll just talk to her later or tomorrow, when she's awake and feeling better.

"I love you Ash," my mom says, as if she's reminding me that it's true and I don't believe her.

"I love you too, mom," I say with a small smile, "Tell Bailey I hope she feels better and that I need to talk to her."

"Of course," she responds, "have some fun, my sweet boy."

A/N - Ash is finally getting over the ordeal and trying to make amends, yay!

Updating again bc I didn't for a whole week, woo!

Okay... So Girls Talk Boys is number 3 on the iTunes chart. ITS AMAZING AHDJDJ. Also, 5sos played MSG, SoLd OuT!1!1! AnD LUKE FREAKING HEMMINGS IS OFFICIALLY TWENTY IN NY NOW, bc its 12:38am. I'm sobbing. Today was so big for them, my heart is bursting with pride.

Anyway, sappiness aside, I hope y'all have a great day/night and stay positive. Ily! Xoxo - Em :)

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