Chapter 47

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Now don't lose your fight kid, it only takes a little push to pull on through, there's so much left to do, you'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you


| Ashton |

"Hey Bailey," I whisper, a little unsure that talking would help. The doctors say it will, and that there's a high chance she can still hear everything going on, but it felt weird. It feels like she's not even here, and it gives me chills.

"The doctors say you might be able to hear me, so it's me, Ash. Your bestest brother ever," I chuckle lightly, knowing if Bailey were awake she'd roll her eyes and argue that I'm her only brother, but even if she had more I'd still be her favorite.

"Anyway," I continue, "it's lonely here without you. I miss you a ton, and it's only been about a day," I sigh. "I'm really hoping that things start to go your way, Bai," I say softly. "Lately, life has just been giving you bad card after bad card, and it sucks. But you've pushing through like a true warrior, and I'm so proud of you."

I glance around the plain room. Mom and Arden went to the cafeteria to give me a little time alone with Bailey, which I'm grateful for. Aside from Bailey of course, I'm alone in the room. The boys brought in a few things to liven it up a bit, since it's so boring and depressing in here. I smile down at the purple throw at the foot of the hospital bed. Arden brought it from Bailey's room to help make it feel more like home. It helps me feel a little better and it helps make the hospital feel a little less like a hospital.

Lots of flowers and balloons and get well soon cards also line the room. The fans have been beyond supportive and caring and I won't ever be able to thank them enough for that.

"I know it's selfish, but I don't want you to die, Bailey," I speak up again after a few minutes of sitting in silence. The only sound is the beeping of her heart monitor and the gentle hum of the ventilator that's helping her breathe. If the sounds they made didn't mean good things, is be rather annoyed with them.

"If you die, I don't know what I'll do, but I need you. We all need your innocent little smile and the ray of Sunshine you carry with you wherever you go. You're able to light up whatever room you walk into. Having you around just makes everything better. So please, I know I'm asking a lot, but please try to fight just a little more. I love you." My voice cracks as I finish and I feel the lump rising in my throat. I intake a shaky breath, letting some silent tears spill down my cheeks.

| Luke |

I decide to visit Bailey today, since Anne told me I'm allowed to. To be honest, I'm kind of nervous to see her. None of us boys besides Ash of course, have seen her after her surgery. I'm sure she doesn't look very good, and I heard the doctor say we'll be lucky if she wakes up at all. I say hello to Zoey as I pass by and she gives me a warm smile. At least the people here are kind and understanding.

"Hey Luke, going to see your favorite Irwin?" Zoey teases.

I smile and let out a tiny laugh. "You know it. Any changes?"

She shakes her head, "No, but don't expect any too soon. That surgery was pretty hard on her body and she's even weaker than before now. She just needs time to rest and rebuild her strength."

I nod and thank Zoey before continuing down the hall and turning into Bailey's room. Ashton is sitting in a chair pulled up to her bed with his head in his hands. My heart drops at the sight of the two of them, and I take a deep breath to keep myself composed.

"Hey," I say so quietly I'm not even sure Ashton heard me. But he did, and he turns his head in my direction. He doesn't even try to hide the tears staining his cheeks, and pull my lip ring between my teeth in an attempt to push the lump in my throat away.

One of the things I hate most in this world is seeing my best friends cry. It's only happened on a few occasions, and this adds to it.

Ash doesn't say anything as I sit down next to him, wrapping my right arm around the back of his shoulders and my left arm around the front of his chest. I know there's nothing I can say to make it better or to reassure him, so we just sit in silence for a while.

"Remember the first time we met Bailey?" I question randomly after a while. "It was at our first official band practice and she watched us downstairs. She told everyone she was eight, and she was so proud of it," I chuckle. Ashton cracks the tiniest smile at the memory.

"Yeah, I do remember that. I also remember the first interaction you had with her," he chuckles slightly.

~ Flashback ~

"Why are you so tall?" Bailey questions as we make our way upstairs to eat.

"Uh, I dunno. I guess I just grow a lot," I chuckle.

"Will I grow a lot?" Bailey asks. She has to tilt her head back to look up at me, making me laugh as I smile down at her curly little head.

"Maybe," I smirk.

"You will if you eat all your fruits and vegetables," Ashton coaxes. Bailey giggles as she skips over to the table and begins eating her strawberries quickly.

"I hope I'll be as tall as Luke one day," Bailey announces with her mouth full. Ashton laughs and shakes his head.

"Trust me, no one wants to be that tall," Michael chuckles. I feel my cheeks heat up and huff to myself. I always get made fun of because of my height and my apparently abnormally long legs.

"You're not allowed to say mean things in this house. This is a judgement free zone," Bailey says with a straight face, looking directly at Michael. I can't help but laugh as Cal "oohh's" and Ashton laughs.

"We teach kindness young here, you better watch out Mikey," Ashton giggles.

I sigh with a light laugh as Ashton recalls the memory. "That was a good day," I sigh.

"Yeah," Ashton muses, "it was."

I can only hope we can have more good days like that one in the future, with Bailey still in them.

• ° • ° • ° •

A/N - I start school on Wednesday, send help!1!1! It's funny though because everyone else I know who doesn't go to my school starts tomorrow. Anyway, have a wonderful day, especially if it's your first day of school! Xoxo - Em :)

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