Chapter 18

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My power's turned on, starting right now I'll be strong, this is my fight song


| Bailey |

According to Dr. Phelps, the surgery couldn't have gone any better. They were able to install the port without any compilations. I woke up a little while after the procedure and once I was feeling well enough, I was allowed to leave. The anesthesia wore off fairly quickly and things went on like normal. Chemo, however, has not been so kind. It's been one week since I had my port installed, and it really is a lot easier than having to be stuck with a needle every week, but the actual chemo has been horrible. I received it two days ago like I always do on Wednesdays and now I'm currently lying in bed, feeling like I'm dying. Mom and Ashton have been giving me lots of water and occasionally trying to get me to eat some crackers so I don't end up dehydrated and in the hospital again. I appreciate their efforts, but if anything, being forced to eat and drink only makes throwing up more imminent. Granted, it's less painful when there's actually something to throw up, but that makes it even less fun. Plus, the taste is even worse.

I sigh in exasperation as my body can't decide whether it's hot or cold. I shiver and pull the blanket up and then I start sweating so I take it off, then start shivering again. Now, I've progressed to cold sweats. I don't even know whether having the blanket on or off is more beneficial now, because either way I seem to be both sweating and also shivering.

"Hey twerp, mom told me to bring you some crackers," Ashton says. He's attempting to lighten the mood, but he isn't doing a very good job. I just let out a mix of an annoyed groan and a whine and pull the blanket over my head, only to kick it off a minute later.

"Still not feeling good?" Ashton asks gently. He sits on the edge of my bed and brushes my stray strands of sweaty hair out of my face and I send him an irritated glare. "No, I just had a highly deadly dose of poisons pumped into my body and I'm feeling fantastic," I snap with a huff. "Sorry, being sick makes me grumpy." Ashton chuckles, but his eyes are dull and sad looking. "It's okay, I probably would be too if I was in your boat." I roll over and hide my face in my pillow. I'd gladly let him take my place, except I wouldn't wish what I'm going through upon anyone.

"I wish I could take your pain away," he sighs. Aw, how brotherly he is. "I'd put it on myself if I could."

"No, you wouldn't," I mumble into my pillow. "Trust me, this isn't something I'd wish on anyone." Ashton sighs sadly. "I hate that you have to go through all this. It isn't fair."

No, it isn't.

"Welcome to life, my friend," I reply with a giggle. Ashton smirks as he flops down next to me on the bed. "Hey Life, lay off my sister, would ya?" He jokes. I laugh and pull the blanket up to my chin, suddenly cold. Ashton smiles down at me affectionately. "Will you be okay if I go to Luke's for a bit?" He questions. I nod, "I'm not a baby, go have fun. Besides, mom or Arden will be here to deal with my annoyingness," I tease. Ashton rolls his eyes and ruffles my hair. "Okay. Get some rest, kid." I scoff, "I'm not a kid!" He shakes his head and smiles, "Whatever you say," he chuckles as he backs out of the room.

I snuggle into my blankets and remain fairly comfortable for a while until the oh so delightful feeling of your insides wanting to come outside emerges. I quickly get out of bed and fumble across the hall. My hurrying makes me dizzy, which causes me to loose my balance, and then fall on my left side just as I approach the bathroom. I gasp as my feet somehow entangle themselves and I fall, trying and failing to catch myself with my left arm. I wince at the sound of a splitting or cracking sound, pushing myself up to heave the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I lean back against the bathroom wall panting as the pain in my arm slowly starts to set in.

"I heard a thud, are you okay?" Mom's frantic voice calls as she enters the bathroom. I nod tiredly and flush the toilet. "I lost my balance and fell when I ran in here to throw up," I say, wincing when I try to move my arm. Mom wets a wash cloth and hands it to me. I gladly take it and use my good hand to press it to my forehead and rid my face of the icky sweat while she inspects my arm, which already seems to be bruising.

"Looks like we'll have to go back to the hospital," she sighs as she helps me to my feet. I wince and glance at my arm, which sure enough is already starting to swell a bit. And back to the hospital we go.

A/N - another kinda short chapter but heyyy I updated! Aw poor Bai and her lil arm:( what did you guys think? Predictions? Xoxo - Em:)

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