Crocus, the strange encounters capital / Her OTPs

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Hey guys
I sadly (starts to cry) don't own Fairy tail, bla bla bla there!
Hope you enjoy this chapter and comment to tell me your opinion about this story.
Lucy's POV
After three months (or should I say one day) of hanging out with the 12 freaks of the zodiac, training my ass off to be able to change into skimpy outfits that were supposed to make me stronger, I finally got back to Earth-land and traveled to meet my guild mates at Crocus. Although I got praised/harassed a lot by Taurus and Loke, it was very fun being with all my friends at the same time. All I know is that I got really stronger and my magic power has increased very much.
I got off the train to meet my other friends in Crocus, the flower blooming capital more specifically in the Honey bone inn. An extremely cheap inn, but they had booze and a roof, which is pretty much the minimum standards for my crazy guild to be happy.
I changed back into my usual attire and entered the inn.
The second I walked in the entrance, a chair flew right past my head and into the street, almost killing an innocent passer before smashing to smithereens.
"Oh hey Luce!" A pink-haired dragon slayer said looking at me while taking a break from pummelling a now naked Gray. "Come join the fight!"
"No thanks, I'm not in the mood for fighting my friends." I replied yawning. The train trip was very long and it was already 9:00 pm.
Then, I turned to sit next to a half naked and fully drunk Cana. I looked at my left and saw a sight that I never saw before. Erza and Mira fighting.
Erza (heaven's wheel armour) : How dare you!
Mira (satan soul Sitri form) : Oh I dare!
And then the inn would have gotten destroyed if master hadn't stopped them.
"Shut up everyone before I -oh hello Lucy, how are you? Glad you made it here safely- slap the living sh💩t out of all of you!" Master yelled.
"I'm fine thank you." I said.
"Well, since all of you are so fired up, why don't you all go visit the city? As long as you get back here at midnight." He said while taking a sip of beer. "Now, -hic- I'm going to drink myself to an early grave."
We all exited the building and split up to explore the capital.
Natsu's POV
Lucy arrived just when I was about to beat Gray in our fight. I looked at her, she seemed tired and I asked her if she wanted to join the fight. She declined and went to sit next to Cana.
After getting shut up by master and going out of the inn, I took Lucy's hand and told her to follow me. Happy joined us with a camera, special request from Mira if there happened to be some NaLu action, he would memorize it with a photograph.
I started running down a big street with a lot of lights with Lucy telling me to slow down.
I stopped at a small shop and purchased three flower necklaces for me Lucy and Happy as souvenirs. Lucy smiled and I was happy to see her face again. She took my hands and I could feel her warmth and said : "I really missed you Natsu. I was very lonely and I thought about you the whole time and-
She didn't get to finish because I heard a noise that sounded like an explosion. I grinned and yelled "Fight!" while running to the source of the sound, Lucy and Happy running behind me. There were two boys standing in the middle of a wide place with a pile of about twenty unconscious guys. There was a blond and a black haired guy. I slipped through the crowd with Lucy behind me and heard people mutter : "Damn! The twin dragons of Sabertooth are really strong!"
Sabertooth? What was that? I saw the two guys were starring at me. The blond one opened his mouth to say : "Well, well, well, look what we have here. The famous Natsu Dragneel and Luigi Heratfilia. What are you two losers doing here may I ask?"
(They had the conversation in the anime about dragon slayers and now is when they are about to leave)

Lucy's POV
A vein mark appeared on my forehead. "Grrrrr! They have the nerve to talk to us like that and worst of all they messed up my name! The next time I see those f🙀ckers, Imma whip their ass!" I said with an aquarius level voice and look.
"They're gonna pay for interrupting my OTPs!" Said a voice.
I turned to see Mirajane trying to hide behind a stack of crates with a professional 20 inches long camera in her hands.
"What are you doing here Mira?" I asked while heaving a big sigh.
"Just making sure that NaLu goes canon!" She exclaimed so that anyone nearby could hear.
"For the last time NaLu doesn't exist!" I yelled knowing that my words were vain.
"Oh come on Lucy, you know you want Natsu to -" she didn't have time to finish her sentence, I took Natsu's hand and pulled him towards our inn.
Hey guys
After this there is the sky labyrinth and because I'm lazy, I won't be writing about it
Love you

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