The dragon graveyard / YASS!

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Hey guys
I don't own Fairy tail
This makes no sense at all but I like writing it.
It becomes even more crazy now
Don't forget to comment, vote and ENJOY!

Time Skip after the first day (night)

Natsu's POV
Wow. I still couldn't believe that Lucy almost beat Jura. I wonder when did she get so powerful?
'Hey, where is she now?' I thought to myself while looking around the bar. Then I spotted perverted Elsa in a corner talking to Erza. His face was really annoying so I forgot about Lucy and went to go fight him.

Gray/perverted Elsa's POV
I was talking to Erza when suddenly flame brain came and started picking a fight with me. After five minutes, the whole guild was fighting.

Lucy's POV
I was walking to the arena at nighttime. I hope no one comes looking for me because I wanted to check this out for myself.
When I had dug a hole in the ground to surprise Jura, I accidentally went too deep and found myself in a cave. I decided to explore it later because I needed to beat egg-man at that moment.
Now, I am in the same cave (security isn't good for the arena) as before. Upon further inspection, I saw that there were huge piles of bones everywhere. I walked in further and looked around, using a lamp lacrima.
"Weird! There is a huge amount of magical power down here." I said out loud.
I went further towards the magic source and saw a weird looking green dragon that was sleeping.
My mind was saying two things : DRAGON!!! AHHHH! And then start running, and F🙀CK YEAH! A dragon! And start cuddling it. (A.N. Which one would you do?)
I decided to approach it (because Y.O.L.O.) and it moved slightly. It turned it's head in my direction and mumbled something about chicken nuggets. I then decided to be even more reckless than Natsu and I went to wake it up.
It stared at me and mumbled "Who da fuq r u?" In a groggy voice.
"I'm Lucy!" I said "And what might your name be?"
"What a weird name!"
"Hey first of all, f🙀ck you and second of all, Lucy isn't the coolest name either!"
(Apologies to all the Lucy's and Jolkonis' out there I actually think that they are both awesome names.)
"Yeah whatever. So what are you doing here?"
"I'm waiting for a certain heraticfilia? I think." He said yawning
"Do you mean Heartfilia?" I responded
"Yeah whatever. I think her name was Luigi, or Lira, no Layla. Yeah Layla!"
"Hey I know her. She's my mother!"
"Yeah well she used to be a real b🙀tch and it looks like it runs through the family."
"Wait! You know my mother? Hey don't you dare insult my mother and me!"
"Yeah whatever!" He yawned again. "We were supposed to meet here but I guess she was too busy with other stuff. Still, I was entrusted to give her some weird keys or something."
"Well Layla Heartfilia is dead now." A tear fell from my eye. "So then I guess you could give the keys instead!" The dragon sweat-dropped.
"Fine. Then I can finally go back to the dragon world (just forget that the dragons are dead or the other thing that I can't tell you because it's a spoiler) where I can finally eat something."
He gave me five weird looking dragon shaped keys. One was red with a flame symbol on the face, one was silver with a block or iron on the face, one was white with a star on it, one was black with a darkness symbol on it and one was bluish green with a wind symbol on it.
"Hey wait!" I yelled. "What are these?"
"Urg, could you be more annoying? Those are dragon keys. Don't ask me why but they give the power of summoning dragons from the dragon world in their human forms and in their dragon forms to a celestial wizard. I know it makes no sense at all but it's a good storyline so it's cool." He said while scratching his ear.
"So there, you have (coincidently) the five dragons that trained dragon slayers who survived (except acnologia's dragon who is totally bat sh🙀t insane) : Igneel the fire dragon, Metalicana the iron dragon, Grandine the sky dragon, Weisslogia the holy or white dragon, I don't know anymore and frankly I don't give a 💩, and Skiadrum the darkness or shadow dragon."
"Wait, WHAT?" I screamed.
"Oh shut up, it's not like you get dragons at your calling every day, but please restrain yourself from yelling! My head is still pounding from our one hundred year long orgy." He said wincing.
"So what you mean is I can summon dragons now?"
"Yeah. Now if we're done here, I'm gonna go home."
And with that, that mother f🙀cker disappeared.
"Woah!" I looked at the five keys in my hand and said or more likely screamed "YASSS!"
And that is how I got even more powerful.

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