Lucy kick part two

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Lucy's POV

After at least five minutes of intense fighting, Natsu and Lucy were on their knees. The twin dragons were still in their dragon force form and saying stuff like friends are useless and all that stuff.
"Hah!" Blondie said in my direction "What stupid spirit are you gonna summon now huh? You almost have no more magic power left and your dragon slayer friend has almost passed out!" He laughed.
I bit my lips and winced. No one insults my spirits. They were the first friends I had.
I then opened my eyes up wide. I had almost forgotten! I still had 'those' keys! I don't have enough power to summon them. I then thought of Ophiuchus. I still had enough power for her. In her snake form, she could be offensive and defensive, but in her human form, she could heal and support me by replenishing my magic.
I took out the key and chanted.
'Open, Gate of the Snake Charmer, Ophiuchus!' A loud jingle was heard as the air was covered by a purple mist. Then, two slanted snake eyes were visible and a huge purple tail started moving around.
"Ophiuchus! Human form!" I signalled her.
"Ssssss!" She replied.
There was a faint white glow and where the once huge snake stood, a green-haired woman wearing a white nurse outfit and holding a giant syringe had appeared.

There was a faint white glow and where the once huge snake stood, a green-haired woman wearing a white nurse outfit and holding a giant syringe had appeared

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"Hey Lucy!" She said in a sensual voice "What do you need my assistance for?" She raised her hands over her head which pushed her voluptuous chest out. She looked at Natsu and smirked. "Who's this sexy hunk? Is he your boyfriend?"
"No! He is not my boyfriend and stop acting like a slut all the time!" I yelled,
Yeah. All my spirits are freaks and Ophiuchus is like a slutty nurse. It's kind of weird, you know, because she's a snake.
"Oh my! Why didn't you tell me you were in a relationship! I would have given you so much advice!" She retorted.
"I-AM-NOT-IN-A-RELATIONSHIP!" I screamed. "Now, instead of being crazy, why don't you just replenish my magic and heal my wounds!"
"Yeah yeah, no need to be so pushy." She pointed her massive syringe at me and shot a purple liquid in my face. I felt my magic flowing back into me as the think liquid dissolved itself inside my body.
"Great! Thanks!" I said. I didn't want her to heal Natsu right away because I didn't want him to interfere in my moment of awesomeness.
"If I'm not needed here anymore I shall take my leave." The snake charmer said. "Oh and Lucy, take this, you'll need it." She smiled as she threw something small at me. I looked carefully at it and realized it was a condom.
"Why the f🙀ck would you give me that!" I screamed as she disappeared.
I sighed and decided it was a good moment to summon my trump cards, since the three dragon slayers were confused. I took out a red dragon shaped key with a fire dragon head design on the top and a fire dragon looking tail as the end of the key. It had a red dragon head as a symbol and smelled like smoked meat. I held it up high and chanted.
'O, Great Beast that once ruled the earth, I beckon you to my side to help me destroy my enemies. Pass through the gate at once and come to my aid!'
A reddish aura surrounded the key as a faint odour of smoked meat was being released from it.
'Open, Gate of the Mighty Fire Dragon!'
Everyone's mouth was wide open, including Natsu's and the two other dragon slayers'.
'Come forth, Igneel!'
A big magic circle was visible as a small jingle was heard. A huge red dragon figure passed through the circle and roared.

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