The battle royal / Natsu and Lucy sitting in a tree...

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Hey guys
I hope you enjoy and please comment to help me with my other stories.
I will be posting more fanfics.

Lucy's POV

Last night was horrible. I didn't remember a thing, but as soon as Cana and Mirajane presented to me their 'proof', I cursed my existence. Natsu has been looking at me like I was possessed or something. I sighed (for the umpteenth time) as I slid my blue and yellow crop top on to my chest.
After I got dressed, I went down to the bar. This time, it wasn't as noisy as it usually is. Today was the last day of the Grand Magic Games. It was also when I was going to do something very important in my life. I decided that, if we win, I confess my feelings to Natsu and if we loose, I'll punish him.
The last challenge was a battle royal (not to the death) where all participants of every team will have to go around in the city to try and defeat all of the other players until only one guild is standing. The winner is the team with the most points.
Of course, I had a strategy that, I hope, would make my team win for sure.

Time skip~the battle royal

We were all set. Natsu, Gajeel, Erza, Laxus and me. We were located in the market place in the centre of the city. Master Mavis had elaborated a strategy that would make us win. First, we had to wait. I have to admit, I was really bored. Then, we separate and everyone goes to a set location. All except me. I need to go to the highest point in the city. There, I can summon my strongest ally. The celestial spirit king. You may think that you need to break one of the golden keys to summon him, but I found another way. If I make a magic circle using the 12 golden keys and I put Ophiuchus' key in the middle, then I can summon him. The only thing is that I need an extreme amount of magical power and time. Yes, it takes 15 minutes to conjure the magic circle to the spirit world.
When the sound of the start of the battle was heard, we all just stayed in our places, as the other guilds started running everywhere.
I closed my eyes and waited for when I needed to make my move.
When I heard that Sabertooth had made yet another point, I opened my eyes. It was time.

We all went to our different battle stations. I went to the clock tower on the east side of the city and Natsu followed me. He was in charge of covering me while I prepare the magic circle. We reached our destination but surprise! Someone was waiting for us there. Rufus Lore from Sabertooth. He was reading a book, which just made me want to strangle him with Happy's fish bag.
"My, my! If it isn't Loosey Heartfilia and Natsu Dragbitch. If my memory serves me correctly, I think you both will die a horrible death in seconds if I wanted it to be that way." He said while smirking.
"Bruh, if I wanted to die" I said "I'd jump from your ego down to your IQ. That would be a pretty long fall now wouldn't it?"
I heard someone in the audience yell "Oh no she didn't!"
"Very funny, but it will take more than just that to defeat me." He said while closing his book.
"Oh it'll only take a few seconds!" I said. I took out one of my keys and chanted : 'Open, Gate of the Maiden, Virgo!' My favourite maid appeared.
"Punishment time princess?" She asked looking hopeful.
I take back the part about my 'favourite' now.
"Yeah Virgo, but for him!" I pointed at the masked freak and Virgo nodded.
'Spica hole!' Virgo yelled and suddenly a huge hole appeared under the sabertooth mage. He didn't have any time to react and fell in the pit.
"Great work Virgo!"
"Call me anytime princess." And with that, she disappeared.
"And Fairy tail gets one point!" The announcer said.
I smiled as I ran up the stairs of the tower. Once I got onto the roof, I quickly took out my 13 gold key and threw them in the air. They made a perfect circle with a dot in the middle. I closed my eyes and started concentrating.

Third person's POV

Meanwhile, while Lucy was casting her spell, Natsu has been looking around, trying to spot anyone dangerous.
His eyes immediately fell on a blond boy. He was the one Lucy kicked in the balls. He knew that he was evil and would harm his friend.
They both looked at each other and got ready to fight.
Only 5 minutes left to Lucy's summoning. The magic circle is getting bigger by the minute. Lucy had used up a lot of her power and was now sweating. She didn't know how long she could keep this up.

3 minutes.

Natsu was still battling with Sting and both were also running low on magic energy.

2 minutes

Lucy gave an extra push as she was nearly fainting from the extensive use of her magic.

Only 1 more minute and Lucy would summon her old friend.

Lucy's POV

I was almost there. Only a few more seconds and the gate would open. I then could turn into my strongest star dress and defeat everyone in the arena.
Almost there!

I then suddenly felt all of the magic power that I had used up changing slowly into a giant door. I knew it was time and chanted : 'Open, Gate of the Celestial Spirit King!'
A giant holding a giant sword appeared in front of me. He was at least 100 feet tall and was wearing a giant black cape.
I then said 'star dress, Celestial king form!' My outfit then changed into a big suit of armour assorted with a humongous sword.
I exchanged nods with the king and raised my sword, in sync with his.
'Oh 88 heavenly bodies, let the heavens be unleashed upon my enemies and destroy evil. Urano blade!' We both chanted and swung our blades on the ground, causing an enormous earthquake. Then, a pillar of light shined and sucked almost all of the other guilds' power out, to the. Then, it incapacitated then by crushing them with the heavy weight of the stars.

Time skip~the end of the tournament.

Lucy's POV

It's a miracle that we were able to pull that off. I thought it would be impossible to do. Well, while the rest of the guild was celebrating in the bar, I remembered that I had a vow and a promise to keep.
I went over to Natsu and asked him if he could come with me for a moment. I led him into a forest and sat near a large tree.
"Is there something wrong Lucy?" He asked with concern.
"No, I'm fine thank you" I responded. "I just need to tell you something."
"What is it?" He asked.
"We-well *gulp* wo-would y-I mean I l-l-li-lik- I like you! I always have since the first time we met. I fell in love with you the second our eyes met and I still love you!" I was practically yelling at him. Then, I started to feel my cheeks getting warmer. I was crying. I covered my eyes, ashamed of what I had just said.
I then felt a warm hand on my face. I looked up only to see Natsu smiling at me. "I love you too Luce." Was his response. I didn't have time to say anything that our lips crashed together. We stayed in that position for hours, at least that's what I thought. After thirty seconds, we parted an smiled at each other.
"I have a question for you Luce." Natsu said blushing.
"Yeah? Well what is it?"
"Well you know since my dad wants a lot of grandchildren, would you like to show him our children?" He was very nervous and I could tell.
"What?" I asked "if you are proposing to get married, you need to stop beating around the bush and just say it!"
"Well Lucy, would you marry me?"
"Yes I would my little dragon."
We then shared another passionate kiss.

Little did we know that, five seconds later, a certain matchmaker accompanied with a red-head, an underaged kid, a drunkard and a 80 year old midget popped out of a nearby bush.
"Yess! I knew NaLu would happen!" Screamed the demon.
"Congratulations brats! Now get over here so we can do the ceremony!" Master said.
"What?" I said
"Congratulations Natsu, I never thought you would be able to actually have the guts to ask someone to marry you!" Boomed Erza.
"Yay! Lucy-san? Can I be the maid of honour?" Little Wendy asked.
"Hey Lucy! Don't forget what the dragon said!" Cana yelled.
"What?" I said again.
"You now owe me also 56 NaLu babies!"
"Not again!" I screamed. Then we all started to burst out laughing like morons.

The E.N.D

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