Ultimate clash, Lucy vs Jura

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Juvia's POV
I can't believe it, Gray-sama went to Juvia's rescue!
I smiled in my bed and then fainted again after hearing the news from Porlyusica.

Lucy's POV
I can't believe that Raven tail actually cheated just to make us look bad!
I was so enraged that the glare I sent Raven tail was deadlier than Erza when you ruin her cake.
I then turned my head to look at the weird pumpkin guy named Matoh who started to speak again.
"Well that was an interesting fight, and with that, Raven tail gets ten points! Now onto the next fight."
I braced myself. This could be my time to show of in front of Natsu and the perfect opportunity to show the world what Fairy tail is capable of.
"I now call for Fairy tail's team A Lucy Heartfilia!"
"And Lamia scale's Jura Neekis!"

Erza's POV
I turned to face Lucy. She didn't seem shocked, just pissed.
It's weird, usually they choose contestants with about the same level of magical power or skill, and I think that Lucy and Jura have a huge difference.
"They surely made a mistake!" I yelled trying to save my friend from a certain death.
"It's okay Erza." She said while putting her hand on my shoulder. "I'll do my best!"
"But Lucy"
"Don't worry, I'll be fine I promise!"
"Contestants please step into the arena!"
While Lucy ran off to the centre of Domus Flau, I couldn't help but worry. Why would they put Lucy against one of the ten wizard saints? I could see that everyone else in the stadium was really confused including our guild. Everyone except master Mavis who just said to have faith in our comrade.

Lucy's POV
Wow, I didn't know that they would actually put me in a fight with Jura, but that is an excellent opportunity to test my new powers at full strength.
I went to the centre of the arena where a bald man in his late 40's was waiting. I tried recalling every bit of information I had about him. I knew that he used earth magic, a kind that solidifies earth turning it iron hard and he had good reflexes. He was also bald. I then determined a strategy that would work (hopefully) and it will make me look cool during the process.
"Ready?" I put my hand to my pouch.
Sorry guys
I just wanted to warn you that the following fight contains pure awesomeness and stuff that makes no sense at all. 👍🏻

I took out one of the golden keys from my pouch and chanted : 'Open, Gate of the Golden Bull, Taurus!' A little jingle was heard and a huge bull appeared out of thin air holding a 7 foot long Labrys. 'Open, Gate of the Lion, Loke!' A classy looking guy with to much hair gel appeared. 'Open, Gate of the Archer, Sagittarius!' A guy cosplaying as a horse appeared with a "moshimoshi!"
I heard someone from my guild yell, "Oh my god! Three gates at once?"
I smiled and told my spirits my plan through telepathy. Meanwhile, Jura was just standing there, waiting for me to attack.

Third person POV
The cow attacked first. He charged the wizard saint while Loke went in from the back and Sagittarius distracted Jura with arrows. Jura raised an earth column in front of him to block Taurus' attack, but the axe he was holding was too powerful and the column just smashed into little bits.
"Did you see how utterly awesome I was there miss Lucy?" Taurus said looking at Lucy "You get it? Utterly? It's funny because I look like a cow."
Jura raised another pillar, smashing Taurus on the ground, making him disappear with a 'moooooo!' Meanwhile, Loke had snuck up behind Jura and attacked. The wizard raised another earth pillar that blocked Loke's attack and sent him back to the spirit world. Sagittarius was the only one left. He shot an arrow that then turned into ten arrows magically, but Jura dodged them all. He lifted his hand and an earth spike rose from the ground, sending the archer back to his world.
Lucy now had no more spirits on the battlefield.
"Lucy!" Natsu yelled.
"Watch out!" Elfman yelled.
"I'm fine!" Lucy said.
Jura then said : "I'm sorry miss Heartfilia, but if I don't win this, the old hag will be very angry with me." He extended one of his hands, the index and middle fingers outstretched, towards Lucy and yelled : 'giant iron rock fist!'
A giant fist made of earth made it's way rapidly towards Lucy who didn't have time to block and got hit by the fist. The fist carried her (you know what I mean) and smashed her to the ground. That attack created a lot of dust, which made everyone in the stadium cough.
When everything became clear, Lucy was nowhere to be seen, there was just a big hole where she was standing moments ago.

Ha ha ha!
Sorry but I decided to end this chapter on a cliff hanger 😜
But don't worry, I'll try to have the next chapter tomorrow.
Love you all
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