Chapter One - Jax and Rin

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Look. I'm not going to waste your time, I hope. However I'm currently sitting in my best friend's closet, with a blanket wrapped around me and a tub of empty ice cream beside me. Woo hoo. Wonder how I got here?

Let's see. It started with me going out to a lovely burger diner with my best friend, where I proceeded to get a text message from my boyfriend, where he dumped me.

Now you might think I'm evil for this, but I wasn't upset about him necessarily, but more about his mother's strawberry pie she made every time I went over to their house.

I don't know why, but I just don't develop romantic feelings for anyone. Perhaps it's the result of a childhood full of very depressing abandonment and an unloving family. Maybe.

At this moment in time my best friend came in. I suppose I should give you names. My name is Rin, and my bold, bright, and beautiful best friend is named Jax. Congrats. Are introductions over now?

Anyways, I was tall, lanky, and honey blonde. Jax was average, curvy and had a head full of shiny brown hair. She looked like a model; a curvy one who was perfect in all the right places.

Oh yeah, and she's a lesbian. Yup, girls all day everyday. "Smells good, tastes good," is her nice lesbian signature line, often accompanied with a wink and a blown kiss at some hot girl that just walked by. I swear, some girls just 'become' gay with just one look from Jax's crystal clear hazel eyes.

Me on the other hand? I have no luck romantically, and I like to say I'm straight as a ruler; however, are any of us as straight as we claim?

Jax was amazing in all the places where I lacked, and incredible in the places where I actually had something. On the other hand, she was the only one who understood what I went through, and passed no judgment whatsoever on anything I said or did.

Back to this ice cream business. Anyways, my tears were for his mother's pie, not for him. The ice cream was to satisfy my undeniable craving for sugary desserts thanks to some certain female problems if you catch my drift, and the blanket was because Jax's mother seemed to have never heard of a heater and it was always cold as hell in that house.

Nothing to do with him, unfortunately. Though I can say I was a little irritated by his nerve of interrupting my delicious burger over something so silly. He must've realized I just didn't care.

Don't get me wrong, I've tried dating girls and boys, and neither seems to work. Nothing interests me, to date anyway. I'm not asexual though, contrary to popular belief, I'm just not the dateable type. More like the "hit and run" or the "smash and dash" kinda gal, you know? People seem to dig it until I'm smashing and dashing them. Besides, dating comes with a lot of perks, though I try not to date for the gifts; I mean, I'm not rude.

Jax, however, is one horny mother trucker. She bounces around, breaking hearts and kicking ass. Her thing though? The people don't know she's breaking their hearts until they try to date someone after her and realize it's not quite the same! How evil is that?

Jax doesn't do smash and dashes though. She takes her time, enjoys their company. Her problem is just that she falls in love fast, hard, and moves on just as quick. Basically, you'll feel like you're on the top of the world until a few months later when you're balling your eyes out over a girl you barely know. How cruel. I think my way is simpler and less painful. More efficient too. At least people know what's going to happen in the end. Jax just gives them false hope for a happy ending if you ask me.

So thanks for hearing this part of my story, if you even did I guess. Don't worry, it gets way more interesting from here. As in, wayyy more interesting. Exciting. Like a story. Or a movie.

Kinda like Lord of the Rings.

But gayer.


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