Chapter Six - Pride & Sin

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A/N: this lovelyyy song is called Pride by Totem. It's one of my favorite songs so you should most definitely check it out!! It's what Rin is singing to in the kitchen. <3
Ps. It's also about a week later XD


I hummed to myself in the kitchen, fixing a breakfast plate for Jax and myself. I didn't bother putting pants on because of the sweltering heat, and it finally sunk in that we were on summer break. Jax and I were no longer silly high schoolers, we were now about to be college students. I hopped on the counter and nibbled the side of my pinkie nail nervously. There was still no word from any of the colleges I had applied to. My grades were okay, my community service was alright, and my athletics - i.e swimming - were incredible. Why hadn't they replied?

My phone buzzed, and I propped a leg up on the counter, checking it disinterestedly. If Jax didn't hurry up the food would get cold, but I didn't want to eat without her.

I know who you are.

I nearly choked. What type of message was that? Thinking it was some kind of prank, I responded:

And who am I, exactly?

No response. I rolled my eyes, singing along to the music playing from my phone. I glanced up at the sound of yawning to see Jax in the doorway, stretching her arms over her head. She had had a rough day yesterday, and it was evident from her black eye.

My phone vibrated again, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Even if I convinced myself it was a prank, it was still creepy. How'd they even get my number anyway?

Jax rubbed her eye and wobbled over to where I was, digging into her plate like a starving child. "Whose that? Ex loser or creepy stalker?"

Recently Evan, my "ex loser" decided to get in contact with me, and kept trying to amend things. I don't understand why he was bothering, there was nothing to amend in the first place. I checked my phone.

Ex loser.

I miss you. How many times must I say I'm sorry?

I rolled my eyes. He didn't seem to get the hint that I was no longer interested, though I have to admit his determination was kind of cute. Which was why I dated him in the first place.

Until we get back together. Which we won't. Sorry

I felt like a mega bitch and instantly regretted being mean. Evan had only ever been nice to me, like puppy nice, and for once he was the only one I didn't actually want to break up with instantly. Eventually, yes. But right away? Unfortunately no. I don't know, maybe I had a hidden soft spot for big brown eyes and the pouty puppy stare.

So there's hope? For me? For us?

I gritted my teeth. He was not making this easy. Jax studied me with a stone face. I wondered what was going on in her mind. She was probably disgusted by how I was dragging this boy along - without meaning to - and not shutting him down.

I guess. Give me time.

I could practically feel his childish grin through the phone.

Of course. Whatever you need XD

I sighed and slumped. "He made that harder than it should've been."

Jax swallowed a bite of her eggs and rubbed my shoulder. "You miss him?"

I shook my head forcefully. "Absolutely not. He's just...really sweet."

Jax didn't make eye contact as she put her empty plate in the sink. "I'm going to go wash up. See you later," she mumbled and basically ran into my room. What was up with her? She's been acting weird lately. Maybe the sensual redhead with a crush on her was getting in her mind. I hope they ended up well together.

My phone buzzed again.

I know what you did, you shark.

Shark? That was a long time ago. I didn't call myself that anymore, I didn't want to. That name, Shark, was from a past I didn't like to think about.

I was the Internet piranha, hacking and coding my way around the dark world of cyberspace. Anything I wanted, I got with a few taps of the keyboard. Hacking was a game for me, and the Internet was my chessboard.

What's Shark? I think you have the wrong number.

My heart started thudding in my chest. Long ago, I could hack the unhackable. I almost got caught though, once, and I vowed never to go back. My computer, and that name, were all thrown into the trash. The only thing I couldn't bear departing was my codes. Those precious codes that I spent hours, sometimes days creating, perfecting, sweating over every individual number and letter.

I'm coming for you, Shark. I know what you did, and there's only one way out.

What was this? No one knew I was Shark, only myself.

Who are you? What do you want?

I clenched my jaw.

I want you, Shark. I'm known as Jay, and I need your help.

My help? Never in a million years.


I watched the three dots as he typed.

Either you help me, or I help the police.

I threw my phone, then closed my eyes. I guess it was time to bring back my codes.

A/N: wow this is some helluva long. Read it at your own pace I suppose. But who is this Jay? Is Jax jealous? Who is Evan? Does Rin like Evan? Woo hoo guess you won't find out til the next update lovelies <3 read on!! xxooxxoo

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