Chapter Seven - Used To Know

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A/N: okay I really like this song even tho it was pretty much a one hit wonder *~* but I thought it was very appropriate towards Evan and Rin's old relationship.



Jax had been holed up in the room for a few days, and refused to come out. Eventually, I gave up and left, deciding to go get a hot chocolate from Starbucks; I'm not that big on coffee.

I was irritable, and miserable. My best friend wasn't speaking to me, my ex-boyfriend didn't know when to stop, and the mysterious man online never responded in spite of my rising agitation.

I ordered and sat at a small table in the corner of the store.

"Hey, Rin, is that you? Fancy meeting you here."

I groaned audibly, not even disguising what I felt. Did the world turn against me? Was it anti-Rin day? Could I never catch a break? I looked up at Evan. "The hell do you want?"

His bright grin faltered. "I was just grabbing a quick coffee before I went to my job. Then I saw you in the corner, and thought it was as good a time as any to apologize."

I looked at him blankly. "Apologize for what?"

He looked uncertain. "For breaking up with you...?"

I waved him off impatiently. "Oh that? Oh it's fine, it's fine. Sit, sit down. It's been too long since we talked as just friends."

His eyes looked a little pained at the lack of distress in mine, but sat down nonetheless. I'm a cold hearted bitch I tell you, and I couldn't careless. Right now I needed to selfishly spill my problems, and Evan was unfortunate enough to cross my path at the time.

I looked him right in the eye and sipped my hot chocolate. "How is your life, Mr. Evan?" I asked, and he fidgeted under my gaze.

"Tell me yours first. I actually wanted to talk to you about something serious, so I'm glad you asked me to sit with you," he said, and I was slightly taken aback by how fierce his brown eyes were at the moment. I wondered what he meant.

Shrugging it off, I sighed. "Jax has been ignoring me lately, and I think she is permanently attached to my room. She won't come out at all to eat and when she does she shoves everything down and vanishes. She won't even look at me, and I'm positive I didn't do anything to piss her off...I think."

"You think?"

"Well, yeah. I didn't say or do anything to upset or offend her."

Evan murmured to himself. "Why don't you just ask her what's wrong? It is your room, which gives the right to come and go as you please. Barge in and demand answers." He paused, then added quietly, "like you always do."

I swallowed. "Easier said than done. You trying to get me killed?"

He laughed. "No. Just trust me."

I nodded. "Okay, your turn." I took another sip of my hot chocolate. It was so good, it made me want to-


I choked and coughed, spluttering. "Excuse me, what?"

Evan was bright red. "I mean, I mean, not gay, but, but, b-bisexual? I don't really know."

I fought back the laugh that threatened to rumble through my chest. "Why are you telling me this? Who else have you told?"

He studied his hands which rested on the table. "No one, just you."

I dropped my head, defeated, before a giggle escaped my mouth. "Wow."

He flushed. "I still like you just the same! It's just...I think...I don't know what to think!"

I grabbed his hands and he glanced at me, startled. "There must be a guy. There's always a guy."

He gaped, then his phone buzzed. Checking it, he colored even more and stood sharply. "I...I have to go. I'll text you more?"

I laughed. "It's the guy, isn't it? Ooh it is! Definitely tell me more later. What's his name?"

Evan shuffled, then muttered, "Caleb," under his breath.

I chuckled as Evan basically sprinted out of Starbucks. What an interesting turn of events.

Now, to return to my super depressed best friend who is plagued by who knows what.


A/N: holy cow this was long af. However, I just wanted to say that Rin's attitude towards Evan wasn't personal, just a reflection of her attitude towards love in general. She always preferred Evan as a friend, no more. K bye read my next update lovelies. <3 xoxoxo

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