Chapter Nine - Still Breathing

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A/N: I am in love with this song!! It's Still Breathing by Mayday Parade. I was listening to it while writing, and I got all up in my feels. This chapter contains mild scenes of domestic violence. Enjoy!



After screaming into the house from the front door, my startled dad dropped Bea, who proceeded to sprint into Rin's arms allowing me to square off with my parents.

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered, my brief courage gone as I looked into the eyes of my parents. I heard Rin shuffle Bea out of the house fast, like we agreed, and I felt Rin silently pleading for me to follow.

But I couldn't, not yet.

My mother said something in response, and my parents ended up shouting at each other, like they always did. First, they argued over pointless stuff and got mad at each other. Then, they would settle these differences and make up by taking their anger out on their children. It was so, so, cruel.

Two cold, practically dead eyes zeroed in on me, and I shrank back, curling into myself. Years of being Bea's shield had clearly taken a toll on my mind, if I couldn't even find the strength to look them in the eye without wanting to run.

Something warm that smelled faintly of vanilla draped itself over my shoulders and I instantly relaxed, recognizing Rin's presence. If she was here, I could concentrate, and I knew she would protect me. Hopefully my parents wouldn't dare do anything in front of a witness.

"Wow, the fag speaks," Mom snarled, and Dad laughed along with her. The only time the two seemed to get along was when they were harassing me.

"It must be some sort of disease. First we have one fag daughter, and we make do, but then we come home to find out that our other brat is whoring herself out to a girl as well!" Dad said, and ran two hands through his greying hair, laughing hysterically. "It's insane!"

I subtly grabbed Rin's shirt with my left hand, and tucked it behind myself so I could hold on for dear life without my parents noticing. "What are you talking about?" My voice sounded hoarse and weak, even to my ears.

Mom took a step forward, but Dad was faster. One minute I was looking at them, the next I was slammed into Rin's chest, my cheek burning.

He slapped me? In front of Rin?

I started shaking, and Rin held on to me. I clutched her waist, clinging to her as though she might disappear. If she hadn't have been standing there, I would have been knocked into the corner of the couch or onto the floor.

Unlike me, Rin's shoulders were back and she stood straight and tall like my knight in shining armor. My face was buried in her shirt, staining it with tears fueled by fear, and I didn't need to see her face to know that she was staring my parents down like a mother wolf protecting her child.

"As a witness, I now have the evidence to take you to court. You are fiends of the worst nature, and if it is the last thing I do, neither of you will be fortunate enough to see the rays of sunlight ever again. Make sure your phones are plugged in, because I can guarantee you will be receiving a call from the court very soon." Rin's voice showed no hesitation or fear, and I was awed. If I wasn't in love with her already, I sure as hell was now.

Dad growled, and my spine was instantly rigid. "We tolerated you in our house, because you were the only girl Jax wasn't trying to whore herself to. However, this is MY FUCKING HOUSE and you will treat me with more respect, or so help me god-"

"That's right!" Rin snapped back. "You do need God. You need all the fucking help you can get because either you two will end up in jail or I'll KILL YOU MY FUCKING SELF. Whichever comes first, it's all up to you."

I glanced up and instantly regretted it. Rin was currently in a standoff with my parents, and there was smoldering hatred hidden in the sharp, angry colors of her eyes. You could clearly see my mom and dad fighting back the urge to tear me from her arms and beat her down, but indecision was flashing across their features. A small, evil smile stretched across Rin's face. She won, and she knew it.

Although her parents were on a vacation, they were both cops - which was how they met - and my parents obviously knew that if they dared lay a hand on her there would be no signs of salvation.

Dad exhaled, and Mom clenched her fists. "Get out of my house, both of you. This is no place for fags," Mom said quietly. I could tell she wasn't quiet because she was scared, but because she barely had any rein on her anger and if she rose her voice all would be lost, and she'd lose control in a red hot rampage.

I cautiously pulled my arms back from Rin, but without looking she took my hand in hers firmly. Dad narrowed his eyes. "Looks like you accepted her as a whore. Fucking fags," he muttered. Rin looked like she was about to say something but he interrupted her. "GET THE HELL OF MY HOUSE THIS INSTANT, YOU WHORE FAGS!" he shouted.

Rin's grip was tight so I couldn't run, and simply stumbled after her as she strolled from the house as if it were a normal day.

Once we were outside, I lost it, ugly tears pouring out of my eyes. "Thank you," I gulped, trying to speak coherently through the tears.

Rin froze, her eyes searching mine. Her eyes were so damn beautiful; they were green with flecks of blue, and it was like looking into the ocean. "Oh darling," she whispered, then tightly grabbed my shoulders, her face mere inches from mine, our noses brushing. "Look, I'll only say this once. Don't cry over them, okay? Don't waste your tears over something so unimportant. You're way too strong for that, trust me I'd know. We've been friends for way too long for you to try to hide from me, okay?"

I swallowed. "Rin-"

She shook her head. "Let me finish. I promise you, no matter what, I will protect you. I would die for you in a heartbeat, understand? I would do anything for you, and I will keep that promise forever. I love you, you're my best friend, and as long as you're breathing I will be your shield. Even if everyone else lets you down and hurts you, I'll still be here. I swear, I will always be there for you."

I bit my bottom lip, but before I could dramatically throw myself in her arms, she gave me the brightest smile I've ever seen, and held my hand in a strong, tight grip, as though reminding me she was still here. Tears slid down my cheeks, as I squeezed her hand.

I wondered if I'd ever be able to keep up with her. She was always moving, so would she end up leaving me as she continued on? I shook my head.  'Even if everyone else lets you down and hurts you, I'll still be here.' She had said, and I had to believe her.

That's okay though. As long as she was by my side, I could hide my feelings. Sorry Rin.

"I love you too," I said quietly, so she couldn't hear me. "But in a different way."


A/N: okay I was literally so emotional writing this; I was so close to crying I swear. See ya next update.
I updated early because best friend wanted me to, so you're welcome everyone ;)

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