Chapter Two - The Day After

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A/N: don't worry guys, the rest of the book won't be as long as the first chapter!!

I'm sitting in my desk in AP History, completely ignoring the teacher and the guy I used to call my boyfriend. Instead, I was thinking about what Jax told me last night. She liked someone? Who could it be? Maybe Avery. It's pretty obvious Avery had her eyes on Jax from the start, it would only make sense if Jax just now realized.

In the midst of my daydreaming, the bell rang, breaking my concentration. My teacher was droning on about some essay I wouldn't do until the night before, and I slipped out of class. When the bell rings, it's the schools way of saying get the hell out of the classroom, not continue learning before the teacher dismisses you. I prefer to follow the bell's dismissal, not the teacher's.

Jax was waiting for me outside the door, and I remembered that it was lunch. I'm a little absentminded in school, since there were plenty of other places I'd rather be than here. Jax looped her arm through mine and led me to the cafeteria.

"So who do you think it is?" she asked suddenly, grinning to herself.

"Think who is?" I asked, my attention zeroed in on the smell of meat from the lunch line. Sadly, I couldn't have any, because I had to stay on a strict diet for swimming, which was absolutely ridiculous because I had the appetite of an elephant.

She scoffed. "Did you even think about it? Did you even wonder? Who I like, you idiot!"

"Oh yeah I wondered. Is it Avery?" I asked, tilting my head in the direction of the sensual red head who was practically drooling over Jax at the moment.

Jax blew a kiss in her direction, resulting in Avery's blushing and squirming as she tried to look as attractive as possible while she had Jax's brief gaze. Jax turned back to me and rolled her eyes. "Avery? She oozes sex. I like the buildup before hand."

I sighed. "Then who is it? Just tell me."

Jax had sat across the table from me, cross-legged, so her long tan legs were exposed in short white shorts, positioned just so that it made your mouth wet a little bit.

"Since you got today's question wrong, you have to buy me a coffee," she stated, placing her arms on the table and leaning forward, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"Coffee really? I hate coffee," I complained, and she laughed.

"Exactly. Don't worry they have hot chocolate too." She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and I swear I heard at least three people's breath hitch. She was pretty, I had to give her that. "Every time you get an answer wrong, you have to buy me a coffee. Either that or you have to be my girlfriend for a day. Don't worry, the second option can't be delayed forever because if you run out of money you'll have no choice. Deal?"

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling but I could never resist a good challenge. "Deal."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! Leave some comments and likes, thanks for reading! I guess I lied, this chapter is kind of long too. Oops. Anyways, see you next update!

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