Chapter Eight - Sideways

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Sideways by Citizen Cope



I heard Rin come home. I listened as her steps came closer to the door, and she paused as though she were about to knock, and I held my breath. I could almost hear her sigh in my head, and she walked away. I held the covers closer to myself, chewing on my lip because I knew I was acting like a brat.

I wanted nothing but to step outside, throw my arms around Rin's neck, and kiss her until she had no oxygen left, leaving her breathless. I wanted to feel her soft hands in my hair, to rub my own up and down her smooth legs as I fought back the feral control that would threaten to take over. I wanted to bite down on her pink bottom lip, hear her moan and squeal underneath me, and nibble down her jaw as I teased her with light kisses down her neck.

I also wanted to keep my best friend.

I groaned. I didn't know how she would react to my sudden attack of her mouth, and a part of me was terrified to find out. So, I would stay in this room until my urges dissipated. In spite of my guilt, I couldn't stop my fantasies.

Her blonde hair, tangled between my fingers. Her perfect mouth, crying out while her nails raked down my back in an erotic show of pleasure and pain. Teeth clashing in a frantic blending of need and lust, which would calm to a much more tender performance of making simple love.

I wanted our love to be a theatre of emotion.

I fought back another groan and collapsed back onto the pillows. I was so screwed.

My phone buzzed rapidly. The instant it stopped, it would start again, and I recognized Bea's ringtone. I cussed, and dove for the phone.

"Hello?! Bea, are you alright?" I asked, panicked.

"Jax?? Jax is that you? Can you...can you come home please? Mom and Dad just got back and..." A sob torn through the phone as Bea cried. I could hear screaming and yelling in the background, and something crashed. The phone line went silent.

"Bea? What the hell, Bea, are you okay? What was that?" I hollered hysterically.

"Yeah, yeah I'm here. Just come home, please. I'm in your closet...they don't know I'm home. They were looking for us, and the last place they'd expect me is here. Can you...can you come get me?"

I ran a hand through my hair. "Yes, yes, of course I will. Okay I will be there as soon as possible, okay? Keep your phone with you, and if something happens, call me or Rin. I'm coming darling."

I shut the phone off, and leapt out of bed to throw a random pair of pants on. From the slight snugness I could tell they were Rin's. I put a stick of gum and flew out the room, grabbing Rin's wrist as I sprinted to the car.

Confused, Rin had no choice but to stumble after me. "Jax? What's wrong?"

I didn't say anything until I had the car started and on the road. "Bea is in trouble. She was supposed to stay home alone today, after her sleepover, because Mom and Dad weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow. I guess they came home early." I recklessly swerved into the next lane over, taking the right turn right as the light turned red. Cars all around me started honking, but I tuned them out.

Rin looked terrified; for Bea or for herself, I didn't know. "Is Bea alright? Is she hurt?"

I shook my head. "Not that I know of. She's hiding in my closet; she said that they don't know she's home."

Rin nodded, and released a slow exhale of breath. "Well, as long as she's not hurt."

I swerved into my driveway, trying to be quiet. My phone buzzed, and Rin checked it for me. She paled, and her eyes widened.

"Jax! We need to get in there, now." She swung open her door and I did the same, sprinting towards the front door, my heart sinking with the panic in her voice.

"What is it?" I whispered over my shoulder, as she caught up.

She licked her lips and shushed me. "They found Bea."

I clenched my jaw and ripped open the front door, screaming like a psychotic banshee, causing Dad to drop Bea from where he had her in his grip by the collar.


A/N: oh goodness. Tell me what you think.

(Don't forget to submit covers guys, don't be shy) xoxo

Wow, two updates at once?? ;) must be special

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