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Look. I'm not going to waste your time, I hope. However I'm currently sitting with my best friend, a blanket wrapped around us and a tub of empty ice cream nearby. Woo hoo. Wonder how I got here?

Let's see. It all started with me going out to a lovely burger diner with her, where I then proceeded to get a text message from my boyfriend, and he dumped me.

From there, we faced off against each other, our parents, and our feelings.

I told Jax pretty much everything to know about me, like my hacker past and my horrible history. Meanwhile, she shared her own terrible stories about her parents and the emotional and physical abuse she had endured over the years.

Then, a mysterious hacker appeared, claiming to know me and talking about things no one should know about. I was out of luck trying to find out who it was, because I - surprisingly - lost my touch.

So I handed off the duty to Jax. See, Jax and I had met long ago in a public computer gaming room, where I was *coughs* trying to hack into the internet to download a few confidential files for an employer.

I guess Jax was trying to do the same thing, because she had glared at me from across the room, stomped over to where I was, and demanded to know what I was doing. Of course, I lied and said I was just playing a game, but she knew it was a lie.

Instead of turning me in like I had feared, she had sat right beside me and ordered me to show her how I had hacked in so fast, threatening to hand me over to the police if I didn't.

So I showed her, and this resulted in her becoming my pupil. After that, we became best friends.

But we didn't stay best friends our whole lives; it's very rare to be stuck in the friend-zone for an entire lifetime.

I suppose Jax developed her feelings first, but she didn't say anything for fear of ruining our friendship. Instead, she distracted herself by dating people who reminded her of me.

I, on the other hand, dated people just to say I could. When I started dating Jax I was a bit hesitant because I didn't want to break her heart; she was still my best friend, after all.

But Jax brought feelings I never knew I could feel to the surface, and took my heart to places I didn't know it could go.

That was when I realized I was in love with her.

So we started dating, well, we were pretty much friends with the title, but we progressed into a real romantic relationship. We didn't want to adopt any children yet - that's a big leap and requires a lot of responsibility we didn't have - so instead we moved into an apartment with just the two of us, and her little sister bunked in the guest room every other week.

She bought me flowers, and I bought her shoes. She bought me clothes, and I bought her nail polish.

She bought me a necklace, and I bought her a ring.

So thanks for hearing this part of my story, if you even did I guess. I hope you found it interesting. As in, reallyyy interesting. Exciting. Like a story. Or a movie.

Kinda like Lord of the Rings.

But gayer.

S C R E A M S.
Okay my loves, Tipsy is officially over. From here on, I will probably make corrections and edits but nevertheless it's over. I wasn't actually planning on writing an epilogue but since so many of you wanted it I just had to ;)
Once Tipsy reaches 10k reads I will begin the sequel. But even though the sequel is here, Rin and Jax's main story is done. It will be titled: CROOKED.
Be prepared for Book Two! Thank you guys so so much for sticking with me to the end and for commenting and voting.
There were some times I felt a little insecure about this story but every time I did someone would comment something lovely or post on my wall and even if I don't reply (I try to!) I read them all, and they all make me smile.
So once again, I hope you enjoyed Tipsy, and I'll see you in Book Two!

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