The shift

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   It's almost time I woke up at 11:55 pm 5 more minutes until my first shift as I try to get up every nerve in my body screams at me in protest but I try to ignore it. I grab a spear set of clothes for my shift since your first shit is extremely painful my wolf Shadow being always the wise one (note the sarcasm) reminds me that the pain will be 10 times worse since I'm already in excruciating pain from the beating thanks to my bitch of a sister.

As I make my way out the door (Even thought I'm blind my senses are so sharp that in a way I can see inside my head, it's like little dots in my head that tell me what things are and where they are) I sniff the air around me to see if Jennifer is at home, maybe she'll help me out of the pack house and help me shift since she's gonna be shifting tonight too but she is not here, no surprise there I don't know why I expected anything different. As I make my way outside into the warm summer night with the cool breeze fanning my face, even though I was born on July 10th I hate the heat I prefer winter's cold weather much more.

I start walking towards the woods, as soon as I make it to the woods that's where the pain hits and my bone begin to break and rearrange into my wolf form and as Shadow has told me the pain is excruciating but I don't scream I never have an I never will. After the pain stops I realize that in my wolf form I can see I'm happy that at least he can see he's the only thing that has been there for my all my life no matter what. I've been able to talk to my wolf ever since I could remember, my dad has told me that it's very strange you'r not spoused to be able to talk to your wolf until you shift, but I've been able to so I'm great full for that he's the only friend I have. All of a sudden Shadow takes control and takes off like a bat out of hell moving so fast that the trees began to blur, the wind blowing through my fur feels incredible I have never felt more free as I do right now running thought the woods in my wolf form. Once Shadow get tired out from the running we stop at a lake to drink and rest. After we drink enough to quench our thirst I look into the water at my reflection, and what I see blows me away.

Holly flying fuck balls I'm at least 3 times bigger than the werewolf king himself and the power is 100 times than what he possesses. My wolf is all black no other color is present and my eyes instead of being my natural color of hazel are also black even the whites and the only thing running through my my mind is what the hell am I. Shadow starts laughing in my head like I just said the funniest thing in the world. When I asked him what he's not telling me he told me that I am the Master Wolf. The wolf that can control all the supernatural species in the world with a single roar and they won't have a choice but to obey, that's when I realize what the power is. Shadow told me that we can't tell anyone who we are and that we have to hide our power because not only am I the only Master in over 10 millennia but people will try and kill me thinking if they do they can take my power. That shouldn't be a problem since everyone in my pack think of me as a pathetic weakling they wouldn't believe me anyway.

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