Im back but with a new skill set

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   It's 11 p.m right now an I'm at me house after a 20 hour flight, I bought a house in the city it's a big two story house it was fairly expensive but when you made billions in the stock market in a matter of 2 years buying a house for 2.5 million dollars doesn't seem that expensive. So I'm sitting here thinking about what I should do now I mean I have school in the morning but since I've only slept 3 to 4 hours a night  or haven't slept for weeks at a time because it was necessary I'm not really tired maybe I'll unpack and than go to sleep.

    I woke up on Monday (I really fucking hate Mondays) and got ready for school, made breakfast, drank my two gallon coffee and decided to hit the road. I hopped in my black 2017 BMW M4 that's my baby, and headed of to school with only one thought running through my head that this day should be interesting. When I got to school I was about 20 minutes early which was good it allowed me to get my schedule an find my locker. When I told the secretary my name the look on her face was priceless (damn I wish I taken a photo) her eyes were so big I thought that they would of fallen out of her head. Like I said before I only need two more classes to graduate which are Math and U.S History but this school has some weird policy about you not being able to take less than three classes something about insurance or what not so I took a Polish language class since it was the only one available and I speak Polish fluently so it's like a fun free period.

    After I got my schedule I went to find my locker, as I got there I saw three of the schools jock standing and talking the head jock Jack was one of the assholes that bullied me nonstop but this time I'm not scared anymore because if you had the skills I do you could take on anyone and always come out the victor. As I approached my locker Jack recognized me and lit up with this evil smile and I knew what was coming but he didn't. I heard him yell "oh look the weak lil mutt is back I'll need to make up for the years I haven't seen you" and than he tried to punch me in the face, wrong move fuck boy I stopped hit fist with my left hand and squeezed his fist with enough force to break every bone in his hand (I hope he can jerk off with his left hand) than I took three steps back and while he was on his knees moaning in pain I moved forward and kicked him in the chest which sent him flying across the hall and slamming into the wall, I looked at his friends and they stood there frozen in schlock and pure fear, I knew today was gonna be interesting. After I put all my books in my locker I had 5 minutes left before start of class so I grabbed my History book and headed to class. As I was sitting in History I caught the most amazing smell I ever smelled head towards my clad and I knew it was Sara I also saw her dot in my head. (After I got my sight back my senses didn't go back to normal) When Sara walked in and her eyes landed on me I saw regret, confusion, and fear swim in them but she sat down without a word to me maybe she'll grow the balls to speak to me. The teacher had announced that we have a new student an asked me to stand up I introduce   myself and tell the class where I was from so I stood up and said "my name is Phoenix Foster and I'm actually from here but I've been traveling abroad recently" after I said down the class exploded with whispers I guess some people still remember me but they don't know the changes that took place while I was gone or maybe they do because I heard a few of them whisper about what I did to Jack during the break I guess news travels fast around here.

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