There's no rest for the wicked

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     Yay it's lunch time thank goodness cause I'm starving and that damn History class was getting on my nerves, although that has probably something to do with Sara staring at me like I was some kind of ghost and not saying a single word even though she was sitting right next to me and it was really fucking creepy if I do say so myself. I haven't seen Jennifer yet but I'm betting I will any minute now, I wonder if she's gonna say anything to me or just stare at me like a fucking creep like Sara did. I got my lunch and set down at the only empty table in the lunch room, or those of you interested I bought 3 slices of pepperoni pizza, 2 chicken burgers, a large fry, an extra large Pepsi, and 4 oatmeal and cream cookies I know that's a lot but I'm starving plus weres have a huge appetite so sue me.

     As in sitting an enjoying my second slice if pizza I smell 2 sets of smells that I would recognize anywhere even if I was unconscious, yup you guessed it folks it's Sara and Jennifer a the walk into the lunch room and right away I can feel their eyes burning holes in the back of my head. I heard a bunch of people from the popular table yelling at them to sit with them like I guess they always do but this time they don't seem to be paying them any mind as they stride over to my table and sit down right in front of me.

   Jennifer was actually the first one to say anything I figured she would because unlike Sara and I Jennifer was always a bit of a loud mouth but when she said "hello brother" I couldn't help the anger that flashed across my face, after all the shit she put me through and all the pain she inflicted on me I just couldn't help it. I know it's been over 4 years but the memories will never vanish it's like it all happened just yesterday, and I guess Jennifer and Sara saw it too cause I noticed fear flash in their eyes for a second before they masked, Jennifer must have tears about what I did to Jack as well. Than Sara popped it and asked the question that's been burning in both their minds I guess, "how is it possible that you can see?" And I said "well holly shit she speaks for a second I thought you have gone mute in the years I've been gone, and to answer your question my sight was a conciliation prize". I saw their confused faces but I don't care until they say what needs to be said which is to apologize for what they both did to me and start making amends they don't deserve a straight answer from me. (I might sound childish but if you been out through that kind of pain you'd act like that too) and that's when the bell signaling the end of lunch rang, time for Math.

     Math class passed by un eventfully except the few strange looks I got from people but other than that it was smooth sailing. When I entered the Polish language class I noticed Jennifer already sitting at her desk translating the sentences that the teacher wrote on the board before start of class. Since I speak Polish fluently, and I'm already tired of being here not to mention that when I was walking to Math I got a text from Shawn and Kevin a couple of the Watcher agents saying that they are in the city and need my help finding someone, they asked me to help the after school and of course a said that I would I decided to just listen to music and read a book. When the teacher saw me she waved a hand at me till I took off the headphones and gave her my attention and she asked me " Fenix czemu nie uwazasz w clasie tylko sluchasz muzyki I czytasz ksionzke?" (Translation: Phoenix how come your not paying attention in class but your listening to music and reading a book?) by the look on her face I knew she was trying to make me look stupid in front if the class but I answered her without missing a beat I said "poniewaz ja mowie po Polsku to ta klasa mi nie jest potszebna tylko jo wziolem poniewaz byla jedyno klaso ktura byla wolna I pomyslalem ze bendzie dobro wolno klaso" (translation: because I speak Polish so I don't need the class I just took it cause it was the only one available so I thought it be a good free period) after I answered the teachers jaw hit the floor but she composed herself and told me to go back to what I was doing.

   After I walked out of school at the end of the day I saw most if the popular people standing around something that I couldn't see, as I walked up to them I saw that they were looking at my car I mean I so to blame them it is a sight to see it's all black with the windows tinted, the lights blacked out , and black rims. When I got closer Jack was sitting on the hood talking to some girls talking about how it's his car that he just got but before I could say anything Sara piped in and asked me to come to the pack house to talk when I looked at my watch it was after 3 p.m already so I said I'll be there at 6 p.m I figured it take a couple hours to help Shawn and Kevin find whoever they're looking for, and when she asked me why I can't come straight from school I have her the same vague answer I gave her at lunch I said "because there is no rest for the wicked" I new she was confused but didn't say anything. When Jack saw me the fear in his eyes was unmistakeable and he was rubbing his right hand that was incased in a cast, I guess the school nurse put it on for him. When I remembered that he was sitting on my car and since I had to go I said "get your stinking ass of my car fuck boy" and he moved so fast I'm surprised he didn't break a leg in the process while the girls he was talking to were laughing. When I approached the car the sensors around it knew it was me and opens the door which go up since they're Lamborghini doors I heard a few gasps I guess they never seen lambo doors before. As I started the car the song I was listing to in the morning came on which was Blow by Lil Jon and the trunk started shaking I could help but laught at the shocked faces of the people standing there. (I have a costume 30,000 watt subwoofer in the trunk along with 2 15,000 watt amps although when the song started playing it was only a quarter of the full power. At full power that shit cracks pavement). When the people moved aside still in schlock I out it in gear and drove off.

Author's note

Hey guys thanks to all who read, cited and commented on my boon it means a lot. As promised here is another chapter the next one will be up tomorrow.   

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