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Sara's POV

   As I was talking to my beta Jennifer I noticed her brother Phoenix walking out of the pack house I have no idea how he moves around without ever bumping into anything or tripping when he walks, Jennifer has no clue either but she doesn't care, she's the reason why Phoenix is blind. Every one in the pack abuses and tortures him even me but none is as bad as what Jennifer does to him on the daily basis he never defended himself whenever he tried the torture only got worse so he just stopped and accepted the beatings. I stopped beating  him last year I still can't believe that I did it what kind of a shit person am I to abuse a pack member specially someone like Phoenix. He's adorable, smart, helpful, kind, sweet with the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes I have ever seen.

When he walked outside a gust of with blew my way and I smelled the most intoxicating smell ever it's smelled like pineapple and honey it made my mouth water while my wolf Legacy kept yelling mate in my head. When I realized that Phoenix is my mate I couldn't help but feel like shit I abused my mate all these years argh I am the most horrible person on this planet. When Phoenix whispered mate I was frozen in my spot I couldn't breath why did he have to be my mate, he walked up to me with the biggest and the most beautiful smile on his face and the mesmerizing eyes of his shone with pure joy like he forgot about all the shit I put him through like he forgave me without a second thought.

When he hugged me I felt the spark shoot through my body and Legacy was purring in ecstasy from being in her mate's arms. That's when all the images of all the things I have done to him over the years rushed back in a montage of images and I was irate at myself for doing it to him and i was also angry at him for forgiving me so fast he should hate me, he should beat me into a pulp and reject me for being such a pathetic mate but like to beautiful kind person he is he forgave me in an instant so I did what I though was best. I pushed him away ignoring Legacy's whines and said I would never want a pathetic weak butch like you as my mate, I Sara Stone reject you Phoenix Foster as my mate. I regretted rejecting him the second I saw his heart shedder right before my eyes I watched as he fell to the ground unconscious while Jennifer was laughing and kicking him while he was on the ground. What kind of a person would torture and abuse her own twin brother?

As I started pulling Jennifer away from him in the direction of the school I heard Legacy scream at me I will never forgive you for this and she pulled up her wall and for the first time in my life I felt truly alone, and I will never forgive myself as well.

Jennifer's POV

I can't believe that pathetic mutt really believed that Sara would accept him as her mate hahaha what a fucking moron why would the most beautiful and the most popular girl in school ever want such a dorky skinny not to mention blind loser like him for a mate. Yes it's my fault that he is blind but I couldn't care less he maybe my twin brother but he is nothing to me he shouldn't be alive.

Before our parents died Phoenix and I were inseparable but once they died I couldn't deal with the hurt and anger of losing them so I took it out on him he never hit me back and that only made me angrier so I beat him more and more he almost died a few times but I don't care he shouldn't be alive in the first place and one day when I scratched his face so bad that he went blind I didn't care.

I'm happy that Sara rejected him he doesn't deserve a mate I blame him for our parents death even though he wasn't there he is just the easiest person to blame and I know he won't leave the pack because he has nowhere to go and even if he did he's blind so he wouldn't get far, I don't know how he moves around without tripping or bumping into anything and I don't want to know. As we were sitting in first period I told Sara how proud I was that she rejected him she could to so much better, she gave me a smile and said that she was too. I ended up falling asleep at my desk because this class is so fucking boring,

As I was sleeping I had a very strange dream I was standing on a cloud when I looked around I saw my mom and dad standing a little bit ahead I ran to them with tears I'm my eyes but when I reached them they had very angry looks on their faces when I tried to hug then they told me not to touch them, I was hurt. My mom said that they will never forgive me for what I did to Phoenix that I was spoused to love him and care for him and support him after they died just like he tried to do for me, they also said that I will not be allowed to join them in heaven until Phoenix forgave me for all the pain I causes him. That was the moment I regretted everything I did to him I realized how much of a horrible person and sister I've been, that the pain I felt after loosing my parents was the same pain my brother felt too and instead of supporting him and helping him get through it like he tried to do for me I just caused him more pain because I'm his sister so he felt like his whole family died not just his parents.

When I woke up I was crying Sara asked me if I was ok and I lied I told her it was just a bad dream when in reality I was crying because of what I did to Phoenix and because of the horrible sister I am at that moment I decided that I will make it all up to him somehow no matter how long it would take and wether he would ever forgive me or not starting today.

It was 5 minutes left of the first period when I felt a sharp pain go through the pack link and my wolf Isabella was whimpering saying that he was gone when I asked her who was she didn't say although I already new it was Phoenix I jumped out of my seat and ran out the front door of the school and ran straight into the pack house with Sara hot on my trail I'm sure that she knew as well. When we reached the pack house we ran straight into Phoenix's room only to see all his clothes gone I also noticed that the photo of our lake weekend getaway was gone too. Sara and I broke down into tears we drove away the only person who loved us and never hurt or judged us and he wasn't coming back we would never make up for the pain we caused him, for the first time in my pathetic live I feel truly and utterly alone, Sara and I held each other and cried our eyes out until we both fell asleep on Phienix' bed  surrounded by his sent.

Hey guys please let me know if you like the story so far and if I should continue or if I'm a horrible writer and should quit while I'm behind.

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