Begining of a new life

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    And here I am a 15 year old kid with no money and no place to call home sitting at a Red Cross shelter alone thinking what the hell to so now. I heard the front door open and saw a man in his early 40s walk into the building, from the way he smelled I knew he was a were what caught me off guard the most was the fact that he was wearing a military uniform. I never thought or even knew that there were wolfs that served in the human military.

    The man walked up the counter where they serve food to the homeless and started talking to one of the women there, after they spoke for a few min the woman looked over the man's shoulder and pointed to me and the man turned around and when he looked at me I noticed an emotion in his eyes that I could only describe as interest mixed with worry and pity, I hate when people give me pity or sorry looks I never wanted to be pitted, yes my life sucked but I made peace with that.

  When the man sat down in the chair in front of  me he introduced him self as Frank Striker, he told me that he was a General in the United States Marine Corp. I guess that explains the uniform. As we were talking I found out that he was recruiting a small number of werewolfs for a government sponsored military training program called "Section 8". The program was designed for the purpose if creating super soldiers, the ultimate weapon. Which makes sense why he was recruiting wolfs since we already are much faster, stronger, more intelligent, and more agile than humans. As we got to know each other a little bit I realized that Frank was a good man who would do anything to protect the people he loved unlike the people in my old pack who only cared about power,and title so when Frank asked me if I wanted to join the Section 8 program ofcourse I said yes since I had nowhere else to go, and I did trust him a bit already but I had to tell him that I was only 15 he just laughed and told me not to worry about it. And that ladies and gentleman was the beginning of my new life.

Author's note.

Hey guys so I think I finally got the spacing right but than again since this is my first time writing a book ever I really don't know so please tell me what you all think. I will change the spacing in the previous chapters once the next chapter is up. Thank you all for reading and feel free to comment or send a message.

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