Chapter Two {Alienated}

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Knocking woke me up. I stretched out across the large bed and cracked open an eye when I didn't bump into someone else. I glanced around, where did Dillan go?

The door slid open slightly and Eloise looked in. I squeezed my eyes shut, remembering where I was and why. When I opened my eyes again, I dedicated myself to focusing on the insignificant things while banishing all thoughts of memories, including people, which could hurt me. That thought not only excluded Dillan but created an aching feeling for my parents. What would they think? However, my decision to forget the pain, at least for now, left me wanting to know what the time was but from a brief glimpse around the room I noticed the lack of decorations, just like in her office, which meant no clock. Was every room like this?


Startled, I noticed she had moved closer and was standing at the foot of the bed yet I didn't hear her move. I raised a fist and wiped at my eye. She had a bag on her arm.

"We brought in your clothes last night and had them cleaned for you." She put the bag down on the bed. "Get dressed quickly. I'll wait outside." Without anything further, she left.

I fell back. If she was waiting outside then I'd have to hurry; it didn't seem like she was someone you would want to make wait, or see angry, so I pushed off the bed covers and swung my legs to the side, standing. I needed a shower but there wasn't any time for that (I wasn't asking if she was waiting on me for something) so I pulled out a pair of jeans and a large jumper from the plastic bag so I didn't need to bother with a shirt.

Undressing from the old clothes was a relief but noticing the turned out pockets on my jeans made me pause. That wouldn't happen, not just with a wash. I pulled out the rest of my clothes and everything with pockets was in the same condition. Were they searching for something? I lifted a pair of jeans to my nose and although they smelt clean I wasn't sure if that was a sincere notion.

"Anya, please hurry. I'd like to give you a tour." I narrowed my eyes at the door but only because Eloise couldn't see it. Shrugging the turned out pockets off momentarily, I approached the door and stepped straight out, closing it behind me. I followed her eyes and watched as they pointedly hovered over my hands, tucked into the pocket of the hoodie. She met my narrowed eyes before spinning, continuing down the corridor past the two bedrooms next to me and then we turned to the left down a hallway I hadn't noticed the previous night, or morning. It led us down another flight of stairs until we were let out in a large room dotted with people eating in small groups or individually.

Unlike most scenarios when the new person is stared at, only a few looked up - a young boy, a girl who appeared to be my age and another man who was far older than me, possibly Eloise's age, who was supported by a crutch. I could sense it was more than the three people meeting my gaze studying me but I concentrated more on those who cared enough to watch me.

"This is the canteen," she stated. I didn't look away from the eyes in the room, assuming this was what she meant by a tour. If merely standing in the entrance to a room was it then I was better off figuring things out for myself. I'd unmask a lot more, too, knowing Eloise was handing me the facts I could live with knowing but retaining the information I wanted. Looking away, I counted there were just over ten people in this room. "All meals are served and eaten in here."

Eloise began moving again and I obediently followed. The clicking of her heels caused silence as she walked straight through with her head up high, shoulders back and hands laced together at the front while I followed, less confidently, behind her. Observing those around me gave me the opportunity to notice how some even smiled at Eloise. I don't think she noticed.

There was another door opposite the one we'd entered through. She only stood by it, not passing through or opening it. It made me even more curious. "This is just the relaxing room. People come in here after they've had nightmares, have recently joined us or need to feel comfortable and safe. If you go through, to the left is another door which will take you down to the final level." She stopped speaking and turned to me. "Questions?"

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