Chapter Seven {Abandoned}

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The house we had pulled up outside of was small and plain. It reflected every other house along the road with the simple size and I trailed after Eloise, straight through the front door, glancing back at my car before sliding inside. I couldn't believe the woman who could potentially save me lived in such a normal setting.

Karen was a lanky woman with a round face framed by straight, brown hair. She seemed almost half of Eloise's age, which could explain why she was so much taller than her - again, while Eloise was wearing heels. She was waiting for us in the kitchen and embraced Eloise on sight. I snorted quietly behind my hand as Karen had to bend her knees to hug her comfortably. However, I couldn't stop staring at them both but for another reason. The sight of Eloise relaxed was stunning and it seemed incredibly rare. I heard a few mutterings being exchanged, deep breaths and then Karen's electric green eyes locked on me and slowly met mine.

As soon as the hug finished, so did Eloise's relaxed stance. Those green eyes reminded me of something I had seen before. There wasn't anyone I remembered talking to with such bright green eyes previous to us leaving so it couldn't have been anyone from the past week. I didn't have any longer to mull over it because Karen had walked over to me.

"I'm sorry you're here but it's a pleasure to meet you," she held out her hand. "I'm Karen, which you already know."

I took her hand and loosely shook it. When she released me I discreetly wiped my hand along my legs, hoping I hadn't been too clammy. "I'm Anya, which you probably already know too."

"I do." Karen smiled gently. "But you won't be for much longer," she added, linking her hands in front of her stomach.

I had forgotten about me having a new identity until that moment. I could name myself after I anything I wanted - superheroes, favourite characters, colours, the list goes on. With a pause, I asked, "Do I get to choose my new name?"

Karen nodded. "As long as you don't choose something ridiculous or obvious, like Jane Smith or Jane Doe."

I hadn't even considered those names. "I've always wanted to be named after a flower or season." Something about those names seemed to be so much more captivating than my name but isn't that how it is for everyone?

Karen nodded. "Those names are lovely, yes, but we can discuss it later. For now, I'll explain to you what's going to happen after Eloise leaves."

Karen began leading me into a different room yet I remained where I was. I couldn't find the right words to stop her or to phrase what I wanted to say and thankfully Karen stopped when my footsteps weren't following behind hers on the wooden floor.

She looked me over, frowning. "Are you okay?"

Awkwardly, I tucked my fingers as far into my pockets as I could fit them. "Eloise mentioned there being some food? I don't mean to be rude but I haven't eaten in a day-"

Karen started laughing. I halted, my mouth hanging open and the speech slowly trailing off. "Of course, follow me."

She moved in the same direction and we walked into the lounge. I almost crashed into her back at her incredibly abrupt stop and side stepped her tall frame to see what had caused her to stop.

Occupying the only sofa, aside from a decrepit armchair, was Eloise, spread out on her side. I could hear her soft snoring. She seemed too vulnerable in that position and as she rested there sleeping, one hand tucked under her head, being occupied as a pillow, and the other was buried beneath other cushions, almost like they were being used as a replacement for a quilt. I began wondering who was taking care of the people who had split off from us, the same ones I would never see again. Knowing I wouldn't see Josie made me wonder if it was okay to read her letter - it was still sat in my pocket, crumpled up from my jamming my fingers there. I wanted to read the letter desperately but it wasn't mine and if I did somehow see Josie again I would feel too regretful to speak to her, especially since she wouldn't be able to read it herself.

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