Chapter 3

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Lucy. Come to me.

There it was again. That voice.. I felt a strong urge to go into the forest. It was like something was calling to me.

The trees led to a large open field. In the middle, there was a sparkling lake, but what caught my attention was the large, white beast. Its wings were folded behind the dragon's arms. A great, long tail curled around the body. Gold laced down its body, curling around its limbs, wings, and tail. The violet eyes stared deep into me, as if it was reading my thoughts.

In front of me...was a dragon!

Hello, Lucy. You are finally here.

I consciously backed up. "You're the voice?" The huge beast nodded.

I once knew your mother. She was a great woman. When I had heard Layla had birthed a daughter, I had desperately wanted to meet you, but other things had interrupted it.

My mother was a dragon slayer? "What type of dragon are you?"

My name is Cosmos the Celestial Dragon. I am here to fulfill my destiny as your mentor.

I couldn't speak or say anything.  She was going to be my mentor..

"How long will this take?"

Three years at most.

I looked to the ground. It wouldn't matter anyways. Fairy Tail is no longer my family or my home. 

With a deep breath, I said, "Let's get this started."

*3 years later*

Cosmos wrapped her wing around me, keeping me from from the outside world. It's been three years since I met her. Today would be the last day I will ever see her. Ever.

Apparently, she was already dead, but Cosmos never finished her duty in training a dragon slayer. She relies on a giant blue star and eats the flames, and that way she could return back to Earth to find me. My mother had taken care of her ever since she was a wee dragonet. Layla, my mother, was also taught dragon slayer magic, but she had died before she could ever finish the training with Cosmos. 

Then, there was me. I never knew this beast was waiting for me, yet alone my mother is a dragon slayer. 

Lucy, do you know what those stars are up there? Cosmos tail pointed up to the sky

I shook my head, expecting another tale, and I was right.

A long time ago, seven blue bloods met up one night. Magic did not exist in this world at that time. Underneath the great moon, the mages were granted each with one element, but it had come with a cost. They had to be turned into dragons and teach the others magic. However, they were mistaken as monsters and were sent to be hunted down. Celestial dragons were the closest to humans, trying to form bonds, but that was our biggest mistake. Our numbers suddenly decreased. Other dragons hid deep in the  woods, training their children. One by one, the star dragons disappeared into balls of flame.

"You mean-" I gasped.

Yes, they are the souls of celestial dragons. The reason why I am telling you because I will be one of them soon.

My mouth was wide open. No..this can't be happening!

Her sparkling eyes looked up to the sky and then back at me.

You were a great student. It was an honor training you, Lucy. The Last in your hands.

Just like that, her body turned into sparkles and floated into the sky. I tried to grab at them but failed.

This must've how Natsu felt when he lost Igneel.

"Now what?" I groaned. I was, once again, a loner. 

I guess I'd just have to just wander until I find something to do.


In the town of Hargeon, I lifted my dark hood to hide my face as I travel to find if there were any guilds around other than merchant guilds and Fairy Tail.

"Hey! Let him go!" a male bellowed. A little kid was being dragged away by two vigilante-looking people while the older guy was battling against the other three. He wiped the blood that dripped from his lips. I narrowed my eyes, and I could see what magic they were using on him.

They were draining his magic! Moving at the light of speed, I snapped my fingers and both of the attackers were thrown against the wall. I got out my whip that Virgo had made for me and snapped it at both of the other two's heads, choking them. When they released the kid, I exclaimed, "GO! RUN!" The boy ran towards the male and jumped on him. I couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming sight. 

I wrapped my whip and tied it against my belt.

"Thank you, sir," the male said, holding the boy against his chest. Without thinking, I laughed hard.

"A s-sir," I giggled. His cheeks were dusted in pink from embarrassment. Even the little kid laughed.

"I'm Brandon and this is my little brother Draven."

"Why were you guys attacked?" I asked, still keeping my face hidden from the view.

"My group and I were thinking about starting a guild. One of our members went crazy because we didn't choose him to be the leader. Ever since, he's been hiring these crazy people like those to kill or capture one of us."

I frowned at what he had just said. His own teammate was throwing a tantrum because of some simple thing? I remembered how Laxus was back then, wanting to be the guild master. 

I helped both of them up. Draven pulled at my cloak, gaining my attention.

"What is your name miss?" he asked. I knelt down to his height. I didn't want to answer the dreaded question, which I managed to avoid until now. If I wanted to gain their trust, I needed to tell the truth even if I don't really want to.

"Please call me Luna, but if you want to know my real name, it's Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia."

ANNND THAT'S A WRAP FOR CHAPTER 3! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Chapter 4 should be coming later on today, so get hyped! Stuff is about to go down ;)

How do you think Brandon and Draven will react to Lucy? Do they even know about her? What might happen next? Comment down below what you think.

See you guys laturrr,


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