Chapter 21

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*That moment when you realize you are hardcore shipping an anime character 😅*

Lucy's POV

"-crazy." I heard soft murmurs all around. I pretended to be asleep, curious about the conversation.

"I know it's crazy, but I have a feeling those swords are the reason they are gaining no injuries from our attacks," Erza said quietly, sounding as if she was on my left side.

"I did manage to wound him though." Natsu. On my right.

"How?"  Gray. In front of me.

"His sword arm. First time, I didn't burn him anywhere BUT the arm, and the second time was probably the reason behind their evacuation."

"Woah, flame brain is using bigger vocabulary now," Gray teased.

"Shut up," Natsu muttered. Woah, did Natsu Dragneel just turn down a fight with Gray? That's the first. 

Finally tired of pretending, my eyes opened to a hospital room full of machines. A large window sat behind Natsu, but curtains cascaded down from the wall, blocking out the light. My right foot's big toe and my index finger weighed heavier from the heart monitors plus a big ol' needle was stuck in my arm for IV fluids.

I guess it was a pleasant sight. Other than that, I felt very sore in many areas. Most likely because of the previous fight.

Totes not.

"Good morning, Lucy," Erza broke the silence. "How do you feel?"

"Better," I said, stretching a little. Some of my joints popped from the lack of movement. My eyes flickered and caught Natsu's warm green ones. My mouth twitched upwards.

"Thanks for saving me back there," I said. His famous smirk grew and he chuckled, "No probs!"

"Get a room," Gray rolled his eyes. I gave him my evil glare.

"Shall I tell them a story about you and-" 

"NOPE! NOTHING HAPPENED. HAHA. HA," Gray screeched and tried to speak over mine. Natsu burst out laughing. Erza had a soft smile.

The mood was happy, and the attackers were placed in the back of our mind for a moment.

I was still a bit nauseous though. Remnants of the phases still lingered.

The fire dragon slayer's eyes never left mine after I woke up. It was beginning to irk me, especially when I didn't favor stares.

Before I could complain, Natsu asked the others, " I needed to talk to Lucy for a moment. Alone." His face became hard to read. His head faced down, salmon hair covering his eyes.

"Alright, Gray and I will patrol and see if the town needs any aid from us," the scarlet haired mage stood and left, a Gray following close behind.

A few minutes passed in silence after the door clicked shut.

"So..what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

He held up a bag of my pills that I digested for my nausea. I gulped. Here we go.

"What is this?" his head didn't lift up.

"I wasn't feeling well earlier so I brought some in case if it happened again," I muttered.

"Why didn't you tell me? You didn't have to go on this mission."

"I needed to pay my rent, and I shouldn't depend on you for my own money." He sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. Then, he placed his forehead against mine. 

"I don't care about money," he said quietly. " I care about your health. I can about you. I'd pay your rent any day just for your sake. There's no need to hide anything from me, alright? Please tell me next time, Luce. I don't want anything happening to you." 

I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tight against me. His smokey citrus smell filled my nose as I stuffed my face in his shoulder.

Exhaustion crashed into me like a wave. I slowly fell asleep against Natsu's shoulder, and he didn't mind at all.

Sorry about the filler chapter.. I honestly do not like this chapter, but this is what I get for writing on A SCHOOL DAY AND CRAMMING ALL OF DEM HOMEWORK IN ONE HOUR. HAHA. TOTALLY NOT PROCRASTINATING AND WAITING TO DO IT LAST MINUTE. RIP SLEEP. Jk. I'm almost done but not quite. I'll try to finish the next chapter very soon. It's storming outside so I hope there are no power outages 🤞.


The Last Star *DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin