Chapter 9

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I couldn't help but add this to this chapter. I looved the editing to this video. Oh and a fair warning.

Shit's about to go down.



*Natsu's POV*

The only thing I can hear was the roar of my heart. When Luna's skin and hair melted away...I knew the girl. The girl I've been looking for was right under my nose.

Lucy, and I lost her again. I smashed my fist into the ground so hard the the concrete split and sank inwards.

"Dammit!" I hissed. Happy's tail drooped. He was going to pay for taking Lucy. I could feel my flames inside me, trying to escape my hold.

"I'm all fired up," I growled underneath my breath.


*Lucy's POV*

I gritted my teeth as pain lanced up my back. 


I gripped the chains tightly. I must stay strong. They took my powers that Cosmos has once taught me. 

I screamed at the next slash, can't handle the pain anymore. The torturer yanked my hair back and hissed, "I didn't say you can speak." He drove a knife on my cuts from the whip.  

The world went dark in front of my eyes.

Boom! Boom!

The ground shook from the explosions. Muffled yells could be heard outside. I saw one of my keys glowing and saw it was Loke. Checking no one was around, I reached around the bars and got the key.

"Open...The Gate of the Lion," I rasped and coughed. A bright glow lit up the room, and Loke literally flew to me.

"Lucy! Those bastards are going to pay.." he hissed.

"Forget them, lead Natsu and the others to here. T-They need to s-stop the shadow man." 

"Fine, but please, allow me to use my power magic. You are already very weak," Loke begged. I tried to nod, but the cough beat me to it. I spat out blood and shivered a little, "Go, Loke. T-They have to stop him before h-he summons-"

"Summons who?" 



*Natsu's POV*

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" I snarled and sent 10 annoying mages flying. 

"Heaven's Wheel! Dance my blades!" A hundred flying swords knocked another ton to the ground, either temporarily or permanently. At this point, I didn't care if they were dead. Our mission was to save Lucy. I could hear her screams, and I can tell Gajeel and Wendy could too by their expressions. 

A bright flash appeared beside me...Loke?

"Regulus Punch!" Loke roared, eliminating the rest of the mages without effort. "We need to save Lucy! I'm afraid she might be dying!"

"You mean her?" The same man who captured Lucy threw her onto the ground. We all froze at the sight. Blood seeped from her wounds on the back. Her face was bruises and swollen. Her left arm looked broken. Her breathing was labored and harsh.

Erza covered Wendy's eyes because of how horrifying it was.I launched myself at the man but was thrown back. His lightning blue streaks and blue symbols on his face looked familiar..until I cursed.

The Last Star *DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE*Where stories live. Discover now