Chapter 6

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Evelyn, a teleportation mage, took us to Magnolia in a snap..only to find it in ruins. Juvia and Gray struggled to stay standing as they were getting beat down every second. Mira and Laxus were fighting back to back, but I could easily tell that they were beyond exhausted. Black flashes flickered back and forth, destroying my former home. 

My eyes searched for a certain being. There he was.

A man with blue-violet hair and yellow eyes stared me down. A smirk curled up on his face, revealing the fangs underneath. How dare he attack Fairy Tail? He must know that it had a special part in my heart. I clenched my firsts, releasing the power that was hidden inside me.

"SORYN!" I snarled. The floor underneath me cracked and flew up into the air with every step I take. Adrenaline pumped in my veins.

I tried to hit him with my fists, but he flashed into the air and slammed me into the ground. I flipped over, knocking him off of me. I rolled to the side as he blasted waves of boiling water at me.

"Are you tired, Luna? Or should I say Lu-" I snapped my whip across his jaw, going through his cheek. Soryn cried out in pain and took steps back. 

"Are you afraid people won't accept you as who you are? Are you afraid of how people would think of you?" the evil glint in his eyes brighten when he notices that he has the attention of the majority of the guild members. Brandon starts to walk over, but I waved to him to stop.

Before anyone could move, I jumped off the ground and smashed my foot into his chest and sucker punched him with my glowing fist. 

"You talk too much," I growl. He wiped the blood that trickled down his chin. His bloodshot eyes glared at me. 

"You will regret doing that."

"Oh really?" Blue and white scales travels up my arms, legs, and up to my face. My eyes turn dark violet while my the ends of my hair turned blue. The human teeth turned into sharp canines. 

"Dragon Force," I heard Wendy exclaim behind me. Soryn took a step back and mouthes 'no way'.

Moving faster than light, I shouted, "Star Dragon's Secret Art: Star Light!" White wings protruded from my back as thousands of light orbs shot from all around me. The area lit up all around me, blinding the Fairy Tail members.

With one last burst of power, I shot a beam at Soryn, finally ending the battle.

"Dark Wings...are still alive," Soryn rasped before he turned into dust. Dark wings..was that his guild?

My legs gave out underneath me, my Dragon Force was fading away. "Luna!" Brandon exclaimed, catching me before I had fallen. 

"Thanks," I muttered. "Who's down?" 

"Evelynn. She had taken a pretty bad hit. The bluenette is helping her out though." Wendy.

A small elderly man with a white coat  walked up to me, "You must be Luna. Fairy Tail thanks you."  I nodded, "Draven! Mind rebuilding the guild?" 

The little boy gave me a thumbs up and snapped his fingers. The guild AND Magnolia was all fixed up even when I just asked for the guild.

The Strauss siblings looked at the 13 year old in awe. I smiled and tried to get up. A small shadow was cast on us when it landed.

"Lector? Where's Sting?" Natsu exclaimed. 

"Sabertooth, Blue Pegasus, and Lamia Scale is being attack by this guild called the Dark Wing!" the little Exceed shouted. It examined our injuries, noticing how severe they were. Even if we had wanted to help, we were incapable and would only be in the way. They had drained our energy.

Wait, Crescent Scale still has members at the guild! An idea sparked in my mind.

"Lector! Come here for a second." It hopped over to me and flew onto my shoulder.

"Yes miss?"

"Go into the forest and say 'Crescent Moon'. You'll find some of my guild members and explain to them what is happening. MAKE SURE you remember to tell them who the enemy is. Don't tell anyone else of our base. Got it?" I whispered into its ear. He nodded and sped off. 

I looked to the concrete. Fiore was in peril. How had the Dark Wings gotten so strong?

Dimitri, another one of the members on my team, was sitting next to Wendy. He combined his healing with hers, speeding up the process. 

"Go to the line, Brandon. I'll be fine," I lightly pushed him towards Wendy and Dimitri for healing. He muttered something so quiet that even a dragon slayer couldn't hear and wandered off. I sighed and leaned against the large brick building.

"Thanks for helping us. We couldn't have won without you guys," a deep voice knocked me out of my trance. Natsu sat in front of me, wrapped in bandages. I didn't say anything to him. 

"How were you able to access Dragon Force without Ethernanos?" he suddenly asked. 

"Celestial Dragons just need stars to fuel, and I thought of the people I once loved." The images of the old days flashed in my eyes. I wrapped my arms around my knees tighter.

"It's the only thing that would ever keep me living. Otherwise, I would've been done with my life."

Stunned, Natsu stared at me with remorse and sympathy. I scowled. Why was I even talking to him?

Without thinking, I said, "You seem pretty close to that blonde over there."


"Not really. We're not that close..anymore. Just- stuff in the past really suck. Have you ever made some mistakes you wish you'd never done?" He scooted next to me, leaning his head against the wall.

"Yeah. I have." I regretted never telling you how I felt. I regretted how I just left the guild when I knew you were only drunk.

"I did love once, but I jacked up the whole situation."

"Did you now?"

"Yeah, I just messed up big time. I never meant what I had said. My own mate had rejected me then and there. It's just..I just want see her one more time. I want to explain everything."

You already did, Natsu.

You already did.


A bit rushed..but I think this should be better than the previous chapter. 

DID NATSU JUST CONFESS??? 0.0 Lol it's kinda funny how he doesn't know Lucy is LITERALLY right next to him. Just imagine his face when he finds out. XD

Anyways, that's gonna be all for like 6 hours. I need my sleep >.<.

See you laturrr,


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