Chapter 20

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^I envy those who can draw pictures this pretty o.o <3

Natsu's POV

When Lucy walked away, I could see the paleness of her face. I grew a little concerned but decided to wait until she comes out to ask. Maybe she'll feel better after using the restroom. Erza and Gray were still getting the rooms after a few minutes. Lucy wasn't out yet either. I was a little more concerned.

"Ice-Make Shield!" My head whipped to the side. An ice wall separated the us and the clients away from the figure by the door. I took a good look at the intruder. It's the guy from the wanted poster!

"I-It's him!" a female client shrieked and backed away. My fists lit up in flames. Finally! Some action! 

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" Fire soared out of my mouth and hit the person I was aiming for.

"Heaven's Wheel! Dance My Blades!" Erza yelled seconds later. Swords zipped passed me, wind rustling my hair.

"Ice-Make Arrows!" I felt the cold breeze of Gray's ice arrows.

Boom! Boom! Boom! 

A cloud of smoke arose from the debris. The floor and walls were destroyed. If not, then it was charred, scratched, or frozen from our attacks.

"Did we get him?" Gray asked us, his eyes searching for the criminal. 

"No," the requip mage growled,"it didn't affect him at all." She was right. The silence was destroyed by loud, obnoxious laughter.

"You are FOOLS!" his voice boomed. Out of nowhere, the wall to the restroom was smashed to pieces. Whatever force made it break down must of been powerful. 

A tangy, metallic smell mixed with the scent of vanilla burned my nose. 


Erza and Gray continued to attack and strike down the person as I searched for the blonde celestial mage. Where could she be? My feet lightly touched the crumbled stones piled on the floor whenever I jumped in case Lucy was underneath me.

"Lucyyy?" I called out. My heart was starting to beat faster. She wasn't answering. I took a whiff of the air again. Her scent was much stronger, but I smelled more blood this time. It really started to scare me. I sped up the process.

"Eep!" I heard a yelp echo from my right, and there she was. Drenched in a pool of blood, her white face only showed utter terror. Another cloaked weirdo had an enormous sword, and no doubt that it was covered in Lucy's blood.


Back to Present Time

My vision turned red, fire boiling my blood. The sight- the sight of her wounds. I haven't seen such hideous wounds on Lucy's skin since I went insane.

I wasn't gonna lose her again.

The floor underneath me literally began to melt from the heat.

"Salamander," the thing hissed. I eyed the sword in the grasp. Lucy is a dragon too, so why didn't she transform?

Lucy did seem a bit pale earlier.

I'll solve that later with the others, but now, I got one thing as need to destroy.

"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" I casted, blasting him back 5 feet. Oddly, he swung his sword as if it was nothing. The cloaked man got up and started to laugh.

"Laugh at this! Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" My fist connected with his jaw. However, he didn't budge. I saw a flash and instantly kicked him away. Inches away from my face was the sword he was holding onto. The tip gleamed from the light of my fire.  I can hear a clear whoosh as it passed by my face. Reacting quickly, I launched for the hood of the cloak and yanked it off. 

Underneath it was the man from earlier...the person who assigned this job to us. We had just fallen into his trap..

Distracted, the hilt of his sword hit my stomach. Pain racked my body, but I had enough tolerance to burn his sword arm. He screeched and backed away.

Yes! Impact!

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" I aimed at his sword arm once again. 

In a blink, he was gone. Considering how loud Erza was exclaiming about their whereabouts, she had  similar problem.

I spun around, remembering Lucy's condition. Her blood was slowly flooding the floor. I rushed to her, and a weak smile bloomed on her face.

"H-hi Natsu," Lucy whispered. I brushed my finger against her lip, signaling her to stay quiet.

"Save your breath and go onto sleep." She snuggled into my arm, breath slowly to a soft snore. Her blood began to stain my clothes, so I hurried back to the others.

I was worried about those men and when would their next strike be. I looked down at the celestial dragon.

The question still rang in my mind-

Why didn't you transform?

Did I ever say I hate power outages? They literally jack up the internet. It's so crappy I'm struggling to write at the moment.  Jeeee I love snow and all but this is just too much. I was going to post ON SPRING BREAK but nooooooooooo. 


The Last Star *DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE*Where stories live. Discover now