Fitter Fowl

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Fitter Fowl

The humans are always trying out new exercises to keep fit and lose weight. You can help them by sharing some of their keep fit routines.

Yoga - Its important to keep supple. Encourage the human to take part in a few simple stretching positions. This will involve them standing on their tiptoes and trying to get you down from the tree that you have just flown into. Ensure that all of your feathery companions flock around them, flapping and squawking in a frenzy; the human will have to use every muscle to avoid stepping on them, and will benefit form practicing their hand and feet co-ordination.

Aerobics - You can help the human take part in this excenlent calorie-burning exercise. If the human is trying to put you to bed early, run around your coop flapping your wings, and don't stop till they have finianlly given up and gone to bed themselves.

Kick-boxing - As a cockeral you may need to defend your territory. This is your patch, after all. Your spurs are not just for ornaments, so if the human invandes your personal space, practise this anciet contact sport with them. They will appreciate your input.

Sprint - You may need to run very fast if the human's dog catches you stealing his food. You will be doing the humans a big favour by allowing the dog to chase you back to your pen, it  also saves the humans from taking it on a daily walk.

High jump - Remember that you are not really bulit for flight, so use this only if you cannot find another method of escaping from your closed of area of the garden.

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