Chapter 6

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     No matter what I was doing or how late I stayed up, I woke up the same time every morning like clock work.  I reached over grabbing my phone under my pillow, six o'clock.  I laid there for a minute closing my eyes trying to go back to sleep but new it was useless.  I threw back the sheets and padded over to my bathroom and turned on the shower. I knew once I had a shower I would be able to go back to sleep. I step under the warm spray of water and began washing.  The music started in my head and just like always I began humming and singing the tune that will be forever stuck.  As I sang tears ran down my cheeks blending in with water, but I didn't stop singing. I shut my eyes and stood under the water for a few minutes before turning it off. I stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around me.


I nearly jumped out of my skin covering my hand over my mouth to contain my screams.  I looked frantically around to see if someone was in the bathroom with me.

"Celeste."  Again I heard my name being called but this time it seemed to be coming from below me.  I scanned around the room but was still baffled.  Am I going crazy? I'm starting to hear voices in my head.

"Please help me." the voice sounded off again.  It sounded muffled and weak.

"Who are you? Where are you?"  its official, I'm crazy.

"Down here." down here? down here? Maybe I'm not crazy.  I try to tune in to the voice and got on my hands and knees. The vent.  I crawled over to the vent.

"Can you hear me?" I put my ear close to the vent and waited for a response.

"Yes, help me." the voice sounded a little louder but still sounded strained.  It was definitely a male.

"I'm being held prisoner."

"Oh my gosh. I will go call the cops."

"No! They are involved." Of course. If he is downstairs, that means he is in Officer Ridley's apartment. 

"What do you want me to do?" Fear nibbled at my insides.  Could I help this stranger.  Should I put myself in harms way to help someone in need.  Of course.  My dad raised me to be a person who help people in need.  

"Write this down.  I don't have much time before they come back." I bolted up from the floor and ran into my bedroom.  I flicked on the light and search for something to write with.  I ended up dumping my purse grabbing a receipt and pen.  

"Ok I'm ready." He proceeded to give me a name and number of whom to call.

"This is important. Do not make that call here in town.  Call when you get outside of town. Go towards Hwy 74 that leads out of town, then make the call.  Do you understand, Celeste."

"I got it! Hey, what's your name?"

"Colin. Now go!" his voice full of authority.

I did as I was told and ran back into my bedroom.  I ran over to the suitcase on the floor and pulled out a pair of jeans and a shirt.  My hair was still damped but I couldn't worry about that now.  I jammed my bare feet into a pair of tennis shoes and shoved everything back into my purse.  I snatched my phone off the bed and ran towards the front door. I pulled on a light jacket that I had laying across the couch grabbing the keys off the kitchen corner.  I rushed out of the apartment locking my doors and ran down the stairs. I collided right into the one person I did not want to see.

"Whoa where is the fire?" Officer Ridley had clasp both hands on my arms to steadied me.

"Umm. No where. Sorry." I let out a nervous laugh.  Calm down Celeste. Be normal.

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