Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

The scenery of Monatana was breathtaking from the high, snow covered mountain peaks down to the large, peaceful lakes in the valleys.  The land was covered in lush green foliage as we got further away from civilization; the wilder the area grew.  We had been driving for hours through some pretty nail biting twists and turns as we travel up and down the steep mountains.  As we wound through the mountains there were times it felt like we on the edge of the world and we would tip over the side of the mountain.  The drive was both beautiful and scary.  We lost cell phone service eight hours ago as we travel the desolate roads with no sign of human life.  At times I saw flashes of something running in the woods, but couldn’t determine what it was.  My guess wolves.

“Colin, how much further?”

“Couple more hours, get some sleep.”

“Hey are their wolves here?”

“Of course, there are several packs in the area leading to the council.”

“I thought you needed permission to go through their territory?”

“The roads are neutral.  We are safe.”  Colin squeezed my hand for reassurance.  I gave him a quick smile and leaned my seat back getting comfortable to get some sleep.

I woke up to the gentle shaking from Colin.  I stretched and looked around us we were at a canyon the rocks surrounding us.

“We’re here.”

“Here? Uhmm, Colin we are at a dead end.”  I stared at the rockface in front of the car.”

“Watch.”  Colin got of the car and walked in front to a group of boulders.  I saw his hand disappear and he appeared to be talking it.  Colin came back with a grin on his face pointing his hand at the rockface in front of us.  To my astonishment the rockwall started to move slowly from the right to the left like an electric gate.

Colin move the car slowly through the gate and after passing through came to a stop.  “They are going to check the car, its protocol.”  As soon as Colin said that, we were swarmed by men in military looking uniforms as they checked and scanned the car.

“What are they scanning for?”

“Silver, weapons, chemicals, and who knows what else.”

A knock on the window made Colin roll it down. “Sir if would please step out of the car.”

“Celeste they are going to do the inside search and a quick body search.”

I nodded as my door was open by a female dressed in the military fatigues.  I followed her into a building where she had me step on a machine and scan my entire body.  It reminded me of the body scanner I went through at the airport.  These people took their security seriously.  I joined Colin after I was cleared and got back into the car.  We continue our journey and I was expecting some medieval castle but was pleasantly surprised that a small town appeared as we broke through the dense trees.

Buildings of varying sizes were everywhere.  It was like any small town in America with houses and stores and littered with people walking the streets.  “I have to admit I wasn’t expecting this.”

“What were expecting?”

“I don’t know a mid century castle with a moat around it and a huge draw bridge.”

Colin laughed, “You watch too many movies.”  Colin pulled up to a three story building with tall white pillar columns, reminding me of an old courthouse. “This is the government building.  The hall of records, several offices, and courtroom are housed here.  The building to the right, that’s the Council’s offices.”

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