SEERS: new story

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   Piss… The smell of years of urination offended his nose in the dark alley as he continued to track Sean in the seedier part of town.  Alek hated the city, any city, because he always ended up in the sections where the bowels of society overflowed in waste and left to rot.  Tonight was no exception as his latest assignment had him tracking one of his fellow hunters that has not be seen or heard from in two years and presumed dead.  His senses were working overtime when he caught sight of Sean two days ago, and he knew he was getting closer to his objective, Crispen Duvall. 

      I flattened against the grimy brick wall as Sean looked over his shoulder in my direction. What am I doing, Sean can’t see me, he was exposed not me.  I could walk right up to him and he wouldn’t be able to see me, the only thing Sean would be able to do is sense my presence and that would not be good. I always aired on the side of caution which is why I was good at what I do. Although I walked in the invisible plane and can only be seen by fellow brothers and sisters, a hunter never exposed himself unless necessary. It seemed that necessity is knocking on my doorstep as I watched Sean enter the bar.

     Before crossing the street to enter the bar, I noticed two figures approaching it dressed in expensive designer suits. Reapers! What were they doing here and going towards the same bar Sean had entered a few moments ago?  I jogged across the street before the next onslaught of cars blocked my crossing and watching as the Reapers grabbed a human dragging him to the alley. Something wasn’t right and I always trusted my instincts. I decided to postpone the bar and see what the Reapers were scheming.

      As I walked closer to the interrogation of the human, my presence undetected, I looked at the photo of a young woman with waves of raven hair and mesmerizing green eyes being waved in the air. 

     “Have you seen her?” Interrogator asked as the other held the human against the wall by the collar of his coat with feet dangling 3 feet off the ground.

    “No..No. No… Sirus. She hasn’t been here yet.” Sirus nodded at his companion and the companion let go of the human and he fell to his hands and knees. The Reapers looked at each other and left the alley and continued on to the bar. 

    I hated Reapers, especially when they talked to each other telepathically.  I decided to let them go inside the bar first and waited for the human to scramble to his feet and dart in the opposite direction of the bar.  I looked around to make sure that the alley was empty and blinked and enter the visible world.  Now I was exposed like Sean was earlier, and every human and nonhuman can see me.  Doing a quick weapons check and bracing myself for the unexpected. A bar that had Seers and Reapers in close quarters was not a good combination.  I opened the door only to be greeted by clouds of smoke as men and a few women sat around tables smoking, drinking, and conversing. I located the bar within seconds on my right and quickly staked out an empty bar stool ordering vodka on the rocks. The place was crawling with Seers, humans, and the Reapers that walked in before him. I continued to look through the mirrored wall behind the bar to locate Sean but had not spotted him yet.  The Reapers were seated in the corner across the bar adjacent to where I sat.

“Are you looking for someone?” the old bartender filled my glass. Alek acknowledge the bartender, who was also a seer, his face wore the mask of old age and hard times.

 “No just thirsty. You are a little old to be bartending?”

“It’s my place.”

“I see you let anyone come into your establishment,” my eyes signaling out the Reapers.      

“Hey,” bartender shrugged his shoulders and wiped down the bar, “it’s a free country.”  

I turned around to get a better field of vision to see if I could spot Sean among the other seers. Then there was a slight commotion noticing that some of the seers’ attention was drawn to the entrance.  Immersed amid the clouds of smoke was the photo coming alive and walking in my direction.  I remembered everything in that photo the Reapers had shoved at the human and now she was walking towards me.  The photo paled in comparison to the live version of the green-eyed beauty.  She was dressed in hip hugging jeans that extenuated every womanly curve and topped off with a mid drift red tank covered by a black leather jacket. My eyes briefly rested on the tops of her breasts that peeked over the top of the tank and continue to rise up to plump lips and stop at her green eyes.

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