Chapter 60

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I blacked out but not sure for how long.  I opened my eyes and found that I was still in the dining room lying on the floor.  First all I saw was feet but as I moved my eyes Colin came in focus sitting on the ground staring at me.

“Colin?” My words came out but not the way it should.  Instead I heard a bark. “Colin?” another bark sound.

Colin seemed to become alert.  “Celeste baby.” Colin’s action was confusing and he was starting to scare me.  I moved my head to take in the others and realized that everyone was quiet. Shocked faces stared back at me and then I remember the pain.

“Why are you all staring at me?  What the hell is happening to me?”  again my voice didn’t come but a series of barks.

I tried sitting up, but only able to lift my head.  I could feel my arms and legs but they felt different, funny.  I moved my head down to look at my body but  all I saw was a shiny black cover. “Hey, can someone get this blanket off of me, its heavy.  It’s weighing down my body.” Again barks were the only thing I could hear.

“Colin, see if you can mind link with her.  It’s obvious she is trying to talk.” I moved my head around to see who was talking to Colin but couldn’t find the speaker.

I felt a piercing pain in my head and I screamed and tried grabbing my head to rub the source of the pain. Was Colin causing that pain?  Why was he trying to mindlink me?  He can’t do that, unless I’m a werewolf.. OH MY GOD! 

Panic filled me and I desperately tried to stand up to make sure it wasn’t true.  I can’t be a wolf.  They said it was impossible.  No…No…No..

“Colin you got to calm her down.”

“Don’t you think I’m trying.  I think I’m causing her more harm by trying to mindlink with her.”  Colin hand began rubbing against body and I stilled at his hands.  His hands felt wonderful against my skin but somehow it was different. “Celeste, I need you to focus on me for a second.  I know this is scary.”

“Focus? Focus?  Am I a wolf?” bark, bark, bark

“Baby you shifted into a beautiful black wolf, I know it’s painful, I’m going to help you stand okay?”

“No, No, No, I can’t be a wolf.” I didn’t want this.  I love Colin and his wolf, but I didn’t want to be one.  I felt Colin wrap his arms around me and help me stand.

My eyes were drawn down my body now covered in black fur and stopping at the paws that were now my feet.  So now I have four legs and no arms. I cried and it came out as a whimper.

“I’m going to help you through this baby. Every step of the way.” Colin voice was soothing but right now I was too distraught at the idea of being a wolf. “I’m going to let go so you can hold your weight up.”

Colin let go and for a second I tried bearing my weight but my legs gave out immediately and I collapsed whimpering.  Colin then picked me up and took me out of the dining room, which I was grateful.  I didn’t want the whole pack to see me like this.

The fresh air hit me and all different smells and sounds greeted and overwhelmed me.  I cried whimpering from the overload to my senses. 

“Colin I think we need to take her to the medical room and run some tests.”

“Hell no, we don’t need to test to see she is a wolf.”

“We need to find out what’s-“

“I said no!”  Colin took me behind the shed that housed the golf carts for some privacy and he gently lowered me back to the ground.  “Okay baby, we are going to try this again.  I know you can do this.”

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