Mysterious guy

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Present day

Ray followed Oliver around all day.
Oliver stop at a bar and ordered a drink. Ray ordered one too he was three seats down from him. Oliver looked at his phone. There was a text message that read meet me around back. He got up and walked outside. Ray watched him but stayed put. Oliver walked around back. It was dark outside and windy. There was no street lights on. Strange. He kept walking forward. It got darker the farther in he went. Something moved. His head snapped towards a figure walking towards him.
"Oliver. Haven't seen you in a month," the figure said stopping six feet in front of him.
"You remember?"
"Sort of. We used to work together."
"We still do. The Agency has deactivated you, until further notice. I have an assignment for you."
"What do you mean deactivated. What exactly did we do at this job?"
"Your a killing machine. The government spent a lot of money on you. Don't you remember? Afghanistan, Iraq, Russia or China, Japan? Do you remember what happened in those countries?"
"What are you talking about?"
Oliver had little snapshot of those places. Some of them he was shooting people while Red was driving through different cities or him repealing down a cliff towards a army base below. What was I. What am I?
"You are a spy. The best one. You could take out a whole army with only a pen."
"I'm not a spy anymore. I couldn't have been."
Red ran at him a hit him but Oliver dogged it easily and threw him to the ground and put his foot over his throat. Oliver jumped back in shock. He was surprised at what he had just did.
"Like I said your a spy and I'm reactivating you. How else can you explain what you did right there?" Red said getting back up.
"How could I have been a spy?"
"Easy. You have no relatives and your parents died in a store robbery gone bad. You joined the army when you were 18. You were the best solider the army ever had.
The government heard of you and watched you do a mission and
saw potential in you to be part of this new program. They spent lots of time and money into making you what you are today."
"But I'm not that guy anymore. I may have the skills but I don't have the desire to kill anymore and I'm done working for you."
"You don't just quit. The only way you can leave is if you get caught or end up dead. You still owe me."
"I won't kill anyone else. I've done it for too long."
"Your a spy, it's part of the job description."
"Not killing innocent people!"
Oliver took a couple steps closer to him and clenched his fists.
"I wouldn't fight me, but you don't remember how I fight."
Oliver had a memory of the last time he fought with Red. They walked into a office building. They were ordered to kill everyone they saw in that building. They cleared every floor of that building. They killed over a hundred people in that building. Red armed bombs all over that building. Once they were out of there, Red blew up the building.
"That building was full of innocent civilians! You could have saved them! I could have done something. They weren't bad people, some of them were in the wrong place at the wrong time. You killed them all just to find this guy. Just because you couldn't let him win!" Red lowered his head. "Your right." He raised his head and hit Oliver across the face. "I couldn't lose. He killed my family! He has killed so many people! A hundred people didn't matter to the thousands we would have saved! If you hadn't hesitated."
"If I hadn't hesitated I would be dead along with him and more than hundred people would have been killed!"
Oliver hit him in the stomach and hit him in the head. Red leaned forward and tackled Oliver to the ground. Red hit him repeatedly in the chest. Oliver punched him. Red was dazed by his punch. Oliver knocked him off of his feet. Red landed hard on his back. Red took out a knife from the inside of his boot.
"What happened to you? We nicknamed you Deadeye because you had no emotions. You always looked like a guy with nothing to lose." Red said lunging at him.
"I realized that killing one bad person is not enough to justify killing hundreds of innocent civilians!"
Red pined him against the wall of the bar. He stabbed him in the gut and twisted the knife. He left the knife in him and walked backwards.
"I used to be able to count on you, to always have my back. I used to trust you with my life. You were my friend but now your my enemy. If you live and change your mind about the assignment find me."
He dropped a folder on the ground labeled top secret. Oliver fell to the ground; blood was dripping from his mouth. He slide down the wall leaving a trail of blood. He put a hand around the knife. Oliver looked at the stars and closed his eyes. This is how I die. Oliver sat there for a couple minutes. Deadeye opened his eyes and looked around. This isn't how I die. Not today. He got up and grabbed a old shirt from the trash and took off his shirt. He put his clean shirt around the knife. He saw some string and a water bottle with some water in it. He put a piece of metal in his month and took the knife out. He screamed but it was muffled by the metal. Deadeye ripped the sleeves off of his shirt. He poured the water over the cut, and then wrapped the sleeves around his wound. He took the dirty shirt and ripped it in half and put it length wise over the wound and folded the extra parts over so that they also covered the wound. He took the string and wrapped it around his body and tided it so that it was holding up the cloth. He grabbed the rest of his shirt and put it on. He put his jacket on and went back into the bar and ordered a beer. Every time he moved he winced. He sat back down. Get a drink to numb the pain then go back home and fix it. Ray walked over towards Oliver's drink. Oliver backed up into Ray. Ray took this distraction and put something in Oliver's drink.
"Hey, sorry didn't see you there," Oliver said backing away from Ray.
"Yeah no problem," Ray said and walked away to the bathroom. When he came back. Oliver was struggling to stay on his seat.
"Hey, you don't look to good," Ray said looking at him. Oliver fell backwards into Ray.
"Yeah...I'm not fe..lling to goo...d," Oliver slurred, "can you help me to my car I'm just going go sleep this off in there."
"Yeah I'll drive you home if you want."
Oliver stumbled out of the bar with Ray struggling to hold Oliver up.
"My car is that black...truck near the end of the parking lot."
Oliver passed out before Ray could get him in the truck.
"Your really fucking heavy," Ray said quietly.
Ray got him in the passenger seat and went to his car and picked up his duffle bag and throw it in the back seat of Oliver's car. He drove to Jane's place. He changed into the same clothes that Oliver was wearing. He looked very similar to Oliver so it made his job easier. He had his duffle bag that was covered in Oliver's prints. He deliberately walked in front of security cameras. He would show just enough of his face to make it look like Oliver.
"This is a lot of work," Ray said.
He looked around then dashed across the street towards Jane's house. Ray snuck inside the building. He saw Jane in front of him talking to someone at the door. "Hey, Red" Jane said to the guy at the door.
"Be careful or don't do the job because something is going go wrong I can just feel it."
"I'll be back before you know it, bye sis."
Red smiled and walked away.
Jane put her purse down and turned on a lamp near the door. She turned her phone on and clicked something. Music started playing from a speaker in the living room. Ray watched her from the shadows but after a while he sneaked behind her. She was in kitchen grabbing some cereal. Ray grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with a rag that had chloroform on it. She struggled but Ray was bigger and stronger then her so it didn't do much. She went limp in his arms.
"That was easier then I thought it would be."
Ray walked her over to a chair and set her down on it. He got down on his knee and through her over his shoulder. He got up and turned the light off and left for Oliver's car. He put her the back seat of Oliver's car and drove out of the city to met up with a guy. Oliver was still passed out in the passenger seat. Ray put a ball cap on him. Ray drove out of the city.
He turned onto a old dirt road that looks like it hasn't been used in years maybe even century's. There were fallen trees rotting in the middle of the road and potholes everywhere. Half of the road was missing. There was blue headlights coming from around the corner. He looked over at Oliver. Oliver was still sleeping. He got out and walked in front of the truck.
"I've got her," Ray said to tall shadows behind the headlights.
The shadows stepped forward with a kid in front of them. The kid had a gun pressed against its skull.
"Scarlet!" Ray half screamed half cried.
"Who's in the passenger seat?"
"Why did you bring him?" The voice yelled drawing the girl closer to the shadows.
"I've got the girl and I framed him just let my daughter go," Ray pleaded.
"No, give me the girl," the voice demanded.
"Yes of course."
Ray dragged Jane to the front of the truck.
"Here take her."
Oliver woke up but was in a half awake state. He looked out the window and saw what looked like a hostage situation, but was to out of it to do anything about it so he watched for a minute then fell back asleep. Ray dragged Jane 5 feet in front of the shadow.
"That's far enough."
"Can I have my daughter please."
"Hmm, yeah I don't think that's a good idea."
The voice whipped her in the face with the pistol and threw her back in the car along with Jane.
"Wait we had a deal!"
"No we didn't," the voice said stepping out of the shadows,"I used you." Oliver woke up again and saw someone shoot some guy that he kinda recognized but couldn't remember where or when he met him. Lucifer shot him in the chest three times then turned and got in his car. I should help that guy. Oliver thought. He tried to left his arm but he just couldn't left it. It felt like a thousand pounds and not connected to his body. The guy slowly got up and removed a chest plate of some kind. He was moving but Oliver fell asleep before he saw the rest. Ray groaned and looked at the vest that he had under his jacket. He looked towards the car. Oliver was still asleep. He got back in Oliver's car and drove back to her house. He placed Oliver's blood all over the house. He placed his fingerprints on everything. He dropped Oliver off at his apartment. He made sure that Oliver was asleep in his bed before he left. Ray started walking towards his hotel which was four or five blocks away. He looked around at the city that never sleeps. There was groups of friends coming out of clubs and bars laughing and stumbling along to their homes. Drug deals where being made in the back alleys. Sirens could be heard in the distance. Cars still filled the roads. People where rushing to places even though it was almost 11:00. He smiled and walked inside the hotel.
"Done," Ray said while lighting a cigaret. He stood outside on the hotel balcony looking at the city. The night glowed with colourful lights from the different skyscrapers.

Lucifer pulled up to a old log cabin. He pulled up to the gate and rolled down his window.
"Shadow, open up." Lucifer commanded to one of the guards.
"Alright boss." Shadow said opening up the huge gate.
Shadow jumped down from the guard tower over looking the forest.
He followed the car up to the house. "Eagle, watch the post I'll be back later." Shadow said to another guard. Eagle was playing poker on the porch, with three another guys.
"Boss, want anything?" Shadow said to Lucifer.
"Set up the Room."
Shadow nodded and walked inside.
Lucifer grabbed the Jane and walked inside the house. He walked down a little hallway and turned right to go into the kitchen. He put her in a chair and walked over to the sink to grab a drink.
Shadow came upstairs a few minutes later. "All set up, do you want some water and a cloth?" Shadow asked picking up a bucket by the sink
"Yes, and I'm going need a car battery, with jumper cables."
Shadow left the room.
Lucifer looked at Jane who was kinda waking up. She would open her eyes for a moment then close them and open them again a few minutes later. Lucifer picked her up again and brought her downstairs. He dropped her on the ground and went back up to grab a metal chair. He came back a minute later with shadow following behind him.
He put down the chair and placed Jane on it. He tied her to a chair. Jane had her eyes open for a couple minutes then closes them again.
"Shadow, pass me the crowbar."
He handed him the bar and walked back upstairs.
"Hey wake up," Lucifer said to her and hit her with the crowbar.
Jane screamed and struggled to get out of the chair. Lucifer laughed. "Even if you got out of the chair you wouldn't last long outside, so your better off just telling me what I want." Lucifer said in a mocking tone.
"Your him aren't you?"
"If by him you me the agency's worst nightmare that they created. The guy that is a ghost that nobody can find yet everyone knows about me but doesn't know who I am then yes that's me."
"You'll never get away with this!"Jane spat.
"I already have. Look around nobody is coming to your rescue. They don't care about you, to them your just a number that can be easily replaced with someone else."
"Your evil!"
"Thank you so much for noticing. He smiled cruelly at Jane. "Who is he?" He said showing her a picture of a cop. The cop had short black hair and was good looking. The cop had a little bit of a stubble across his jaw.
"I don't know who he is!"
"Wrong answer."
Lucifer hooked up the cables to the battery and clicked the ends of it to wet sponges and pushed them against Jane's chest. She screamed and her body was shaking."
"Tell me who is he."
"I... Said.. I don't.. Know," Jane said breathless.
"Yeah you do. We saw you talking to him earlier today. So answer the question."
"Why do you want to know him?"
"I ask the questions."
He pushed the cables into her.
"Now tell me!"
"Wong answer" he said smiling devilishly. He pushed the chair backwards and it fell to backwards onto the ground. He threw a cloth over her face and started dropping water into her face. Shadow could hear her screams from outside the building. He stopped for a second then started to pour water over her face again. He stopped and pushed the chair to the left side. Jane chocked up water and was breathing heavy.
"His name is Oliver." Jane said glaring at Lucifer.
"Thanks." He said.
He picked up the cables and dropped them on her and started walking upstairs. He could still hear her screams from outside
"Shadow, take care of her."
"I'll find you, Oliver." He said under his breath and started his car and drove away.

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