Not everyone dies peacefuly

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Oliver parked his car a block away from the murder and turned the car off but didn't get out he just stared down the street. He sighed and got out of the car. "Hey hot shot!" Said his partner, holding up a newspaper with Oliver's name on the front page. "Hey, Alexis. Why am I in the newspaper?" Oliver asked Alexis. Alexis has light brown hair and wore a black jacket with a white blouse and faded blue jeans. Wow she looks amazing as always Oliver thought. A police officer came over to them and told them that the M.E wanted to see them. "I'll tell u later." Alexis said following the officer. Oliver followed Alexis to were the body was. Oliver looked around the crime scene, there was tons of people watching, trying to see the body and there was someone in the crowd that caught his eye but when he turn his head to get a better look the person was gone. "Hey Oliver you got lost or something?" Alexis said when he walked in the apartment. "No... I was just looking around."
"Okay but you have to see this."
Oliver followed her to the bedroom. The victim was laying on the bed with a huge pool of blood around her chest. The victim had two bullet holes in her chest. "Who is she?" Oliver asked the police officer waking towards him. "The victims name is Jane Anderson , she was 27 years old, has no criminal record, she lives in Toronto."
Jane? I've heard that name before.
"If she lives in Toronto then why is she here in New York?" Alexis asked looking at the body.
"Maybe a business trip?" Oliver said looking around the bedroom.
"Whatever your victim was doing it got her killed and it was not a quick death." The medical examiner said looking up at Oliver. "She was tortured because see here on her arms and chest there are burns, cuts, bruises and from what I can tell you they are pretty new maybe a few hours old."
"So she was tortured before the killer shot her. Man, what was she doing?" Oliver said looking at Jane.
"She also wasn't killed her because there's barely any blood around the body," The M.E said.
He walked back into the living room. Oliver spotted a note poking out from underneath the newspaper. He almost missed it if he hadn't been looking for it. Why did I know that would be there?
"Hey Alexis you have to see this!" Oliver yelled from the living room.
"Look it's a note" Oliver said, pointing at a note on the coffee table underneath today's newspaper.
"What does it say?"
He reached over to it and read it.
"It says Oliver I need your help. I know you don't know me but I know you and if your reading this then things are worse then I thought. There is someone you have to meet with. His name is Seamus Jones. You have been activated. Please help him or the Agency might not have a chance to fight off him without your help.
"What the hell is going on?" Alexis said to Oliver.
"I've been activated?"
They looked around the apartment but didn't find anything unusual. Oliver kept feel liking like he's been here before.
He snapped out of his thoughts and followed her back to the precinct. Oliver was thinking about that note and what she might mean by activated and Agency. I remember being there for someone thing with another man. Talking about something. What where we talking about?" A car horn blared behind him because the light had changed and he didn't notice.

They headed back to the twelfth precinct. Oliver sat at his desk starting at the board of all the information they knew about the murder. The murder board. What got you killed? He looked back at his computer screen. Alexis was busy talking to the victims parents. Oliver was going over her Financial records. You had more money then I make in a year. Yet you didn't do anything with it but by clothes once and a while. Why? Oliver thought with a puzzled look on his face. "Hey, Ollie. What's wrong?"Alexis said sitting on the corner of his desk.
Love it but also hate it when she calls me that. I guess it's now my nickname around work everyone calls me that now. Oliver thought looking at Alexis. "Hey Alexis, her financials their strange."
"What do you mean?"
"There's no record of her buying a house, car, or even paying bills?"
"Maybe someone else bought that stuff?"
"Yeah, but who?"
"Let's find out." Alexis said hoping off the desk and walking behind Oliver. She leaned over his shoulders to reach the keyboard.
"Fell free to use my computer, by all means," Oliver said sarcastically.
"Thanks." Alexis smiled. She looked up who bought the house on the computer.
"Did you find out why Jane was in the city?"
"No, her parents didn't even know she even left Toronto let alone know why she was in New York," Alexis said clicking a name on the computer.
"Here's him."
Alexis brought up a picture of Malcolm Red. He has was older than Oliver and had a salt and pepper beard. He had a scar across his face.
"That's the guy that paid for the house, her bills and gave her the money."
"Nice. How about a little chat with Mr. Red?"
"I'll drive," Alexis said writing down the address and grabbing her keys.
They headed to Alexis's car. Her car was a dark blue Lexus LF-LC.
"Nice car," Oliver said smiling, "so how much do you make, because I wouldn't be able to buy this car ever."
Alexis laughed at Oliver's face which looked like a little kid at a chocolate factory.
"Don't drool on it," Alexis said smiling at Oliver.
"This car is awesome! Can I drive?"
"No, I just got this car and last time I let you drive, you drove into a lake."
"It came out of nowhere."
"How do you miss a lake? It was huge."
"It was raining! Come on."
"No. Maybe if you drive your car into a lake, you can get this type of car," Alexis said getting in the car.
Alexis revved the engine and Oliver had the biggest smile on his face.
"If I crashed my car the captain would give me a rusted old car barely held together."
Alexis laughed while driving away from the precinct.
"True, they don't like you."
"Not my fault, the captain is always wrong about cases."
"You went against all her rules about the trafficking case, and it wasn't even ours. We were just helping."
"Something was off about that case and I was the only one willing to risk my job to find out what it was, but in the end she took all the credit."
"Yeah that was to be expected."
"But I solved it."
"Yeah, your good at that. Always solves the case no matter what."
Oliver nodded and continued looking out the window. They drove without talking for a hour. Music was playing in the car from Oliver's phone.
"It's a nice day," Oliver said breaking the silence.
"It is. Clear blue sky, nice and hot but with a gentle cool breeze. It would be a good day for a hike or laying by the beach."
"It would be nice laying on the beach instead of going to a creepy cabin in the woods."
"Not all cabins are creepy."
"Yeah tell that to scary movies."
Alexis grinned.
"I thought you gave up on scary movies because they gave you nightmares, and I stopped letting you use me as cover for the scary parts."
"I was protecting you from them."
"Oh from what the tv, come on."
"Nothing is going change the fact that cabins are creepy."
"They are not."
"Yes they are."
"I bet you 10 bucks that this cabin isn't scary or creepy."
They shook hands. Alexis turned off the highway onto a old dirt road. There were trees all over the road."Want to push them out of the way," Alexis said.
"Why me?"
"Fine, but if weird things start happening, I'm coming back in here screaming."
"Just get out chicken," she said while laughing. He grinned and got out of the car. The tree wasn't that big so it wasn't too hard to push it out of the way.
"See nothing happened," she said as he climbed back in.
"Not yet."
"Looks like I'm going be ten bucks richer soon."
"Don't be so sure we still have a cabin to see." Both sides of the road had tall old trees around them with moss growing everywhere. Trees were on the ground, decaying. Birds where chirping and you could see streaks of sunshine shining though the trees.
"It's peaceful out here," She said looking around.
"Yeah, perfect place to kill someone nobody can hear you scream," he said.
"Really? It a nice place to relax. Your away from the city."
"And cell service," he said checking his phone, "not even one bar."
"It isolated. It would be a good place to relax, there's a lake over there to go swimming."
"Probably full of dead bodies."
"Oliver, what is your problem with the country?"
"Nothing! I don't want to talk anymore," Oliver snapped.
He crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked out the window.
She looked over at him.
"We're here," Alexis said.
The cabin was 10 feet in front of them. It was a old log cabin with a grey stone chimney at the back of the house. There was a big front porch.
They stopped the car behind a black SUV. The SUV had black tinted windows. The birds stopped chirping.
"It's quiet," Oliver said drawing his weapon.
"Yeah I don't like it," Alexis whispered. Oliver went first towards the door stopping once to listen to the sounds of the woods. Alexis followed him. He stopped at the door and listened for half a sec before he jumped away. Alexis stopped behind the SUV's right front tire. Oliver crawled away from the door.
"What the hell are you doing?" Alexis whispered yelled.
He put a finger to his lips. The door opened with 5 heavily armed guards coming out of the cabin.
"Where is he?" One of the guys asked.
"Shut up, James!" The guy in front commanded.
"What's that car doing here,"James said becoming alarmed. They stopped just before the steps leading to the ground.
"Looks like we've got company, boys. Find them."
Three of them went back inside. One jumped over the railing and started walking around the house.
The other one slowly walked down the stairs. Oliver kept slowly crawling away from the door. He crawled under the porch. He glanced at Alexis who was crouch walking to the car. One of the guys spotted her. He lifted his guy, he took aim. Oliver shot him in the leg. The guard fell to the ground. He wiped around a shot beside Oliver. Oliver shot him again in the head.
Alexis got to the car and opened the trunk.
"Police, put your weapons down, or we will fire back!" Alexis yelled.
Gunfire rained down on both of them. Alexis took cover behind the car. Oliver crawled as far back as he could.
"Found some intruders, boss."
Alexis took a machine gun an headed for the woods. The boss came out of the house. Two guards went after her.
"Where are they?"
"Ones took off into the woods, the other is right here." The guard pointed to under the porch.
"Come out," the boss said standing on the porch, "We have you surrounded, just come out."
Gunfire came from the woods. There was screaming and cursing coming from the woods. Then there was silence.
"James check it."
James nodded and walked near the woods. He was shot in the head.
"Your dead," Oliver said firing his gun. The guy in front of the boss fell down dead.
"I'm called Deadeye for a reason."
He rolled on his back and shot. The bullet went through the bosses foot. The boss fell, screaming in pain. Oliver crawled out. Alexis joined him walking up the stairs.
"I could have done better," Alexis said looking at Oliver's shooting.
"I saved your ass, so be quiet," Oliver said pointing his gun at the guard.
"Roll over so your face is looking at the floor," he commanded, "hands behind your head, now!"
He did as he was told.
"May I?" Alexis asked getting her handcuffs out.
"By all means."
He was cuffed and dragged to the car. Oliver put his weapon back and called in. Dispatch told them to sit tight and not to move anything and that the ambulance and backup are on their way. Alexis patched up the guy as best she could.
"I'll stay here," Alexis said putting the gun back in the trunk, "and thanks."
He walked inside the cabin. He poked his head out and said "you owe me 10 bucks."
She smiled. He went back inside and looked around. He was in the hallway, and in front of him was the kitchen, and to his right was the living room. There were papers all over the floor, the furniture was knocked over. It was a complete mess inside everything was all over the floor. What hell am I even looking for? He walked into the kitchen and started looking around for something. He found a notebook but the first half was ripped. The pages almost looked indented. He ripped a couple pages out and stuffed them in his front pocket of his jeans. He looked around but found nothing else that caught his attention. He walked towards the far bedroom. Which turned out to be the master. He spent about 25 minutes in there looking. All he found was a wallet, guns, keys to something and a note that had an address on it with a time beside it. He looked down at his watch. 3 hours until this time
He scanned the place one last time then left to meet up with Alexis and the other officers. He came out the back door and walked around the back for a bit. He heard a twig snap. His head snapped towards the sound and saw someone. He sprinted after them but by the time he got to the woods, he was gone.
Where did you go? He scanned the area but came up with nothing not even a footprint. He just vanished.
"Oliver!" Alexis yelled.
"Coming," Oliver yelled jogging over to her.
"Did you find anything?"
"Just a address, wallet, and a gun."
"What is it?"
"I saw someone, I think. He vanished when I got closer to him."
"Your losing your mind, Oliver," one of the officers said.
"He already has," another one said.
A bunch of them laughed at him.
"Your mentally ill so it was probably nothing," a guy said.
"You might need to retired because your getting to old for this job if seeing shit that isn't there," the guys keep saying to him.
Oliver just stood there and lowered his head and walked towards the car. "How are you still his partner? He's crazy and unpredictable. He's going to get you killed." The same guy that started this said.
"Yeah he probably will get you killed."
"Your too good to still be this guys partner. He's insane. Everyone knows that," the same police detective that started this said.
"If you don't shut up I will personally suspend you all without pay! So shut up and do your jobs or are you guys too busy bitching? Don't ever talk about Oliver that way! He's a better detective then you will ever be. He's the best detective I have ever met and he always has my back no matter what. Go and secure the area, now!" Alexis snapped. They all shut up and started heading off in different directions. "You didn't have to..." Oliver begin saying but was cut off. "they need to just do there job and I know I didn't have to yell at them but I just am tried of them always second guessing you and talking bad behind your back just because of the accident."
"Thank you." Oliver said pulling the note out of his pocket.
He climbed into the car.
"Now that's find this address that you found," Alexis said. Oliver pulled out the piece of paper from his pocket and told her the address. Alexis started the car and drove off.

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