Past life

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Oliver got home and collapsed in the front doorway. He looked around for his couches. They were behind the door. He grabbed them and got back on his feet. He had a flashback to a night that he was in the same position but bleeding. He remembered a guy helped him to the kitchen. Oliver shook his head and got back to his feet. These flashes of my past are becoming strange. What was I? He grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and slowly made his way to the living room. His house was big for one person. He had a big kitchen that had marble counters, stainless steel appliances. The floors were a reddish brown hardwood. He used to have a dog but when he got injured his neighbour looked after it but Oliver's condition didn't look like he was going to live so he but it down. There was still dog toys in the living room and dog dishes in the dinning room. I don't even remember what type of dog I had or anything about it. He thought watching the sunset. He took a sip of water then headed upstairs to his room with his water bottle in his mouth. He spit the bottle out on his bed and walked over to his bathroom. His bedroom was small compared to the other rooms. He had a king size bed with a 32 inch tv hanging on the wall in front of the bed. His sheets were white camouflage. He had a huge teddy bear on his bed. I should find a new home for that bear but it's all I have left of my parents. He thought grabbing a towel from his closet. He had a walk in closet but he only used half of it. He had boxes everywhere. Still haven't unpacked. Probably will never get done. He walked back to the bathroom and started to undress. He turned the water on. He stood there in front of the mirror staring at his scars. They were everywhere. He had some on his legs, chest, neck, and back. He had a couple tattoos. One was a wolf paw on his chest. Another one was a quote just above his waistband for his boxers. It said heroes don't wear capes... He smiled at that tattoo. My dad said that before he died. His smile faded. He walked under the water and thought about that day.

"Hey, Dad when are you going show me what you do?" Little Oliver said.
"Tomorrow, but just to warn you that my job is really boring," Oliver's Dad said. He had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. His hair was starting to get white hairs. His hair was parted in the middle and one side was longer then the other so it fell over his forehead sometimes. He was wearing a dark blue dress shirt with the same leather jacket that Oliver wears.
"Ollie! James! Terry! Lunch is ready!" His Mom yelled calling their names. Oliver ran out of his dad's workshop. His brother James was on the back porch, eating a grilled cheese sandwich. Oliver walked over to his plate and stole the other half of James's sandwich.
"Hey, that's mine," James yelled at him.
"Mine, now."
Oliver took a bite and jogged over to his Dad. He was walking towards the house.
"Are you two going help me, with feeding the dogs at the shelter tonight?"
"Yeah! I love seeing the dogs and helping them out," James said forgetting about his sandwich that Oliver stole.
"Can I stay home? I don't feel well."
Oliver sat down on the steps leading to the back door.
"Yeah but don't leave the house or do anything dangerous, Ollie?"
"Yes, Dad. I'll be fine your only be gone for 30 minutes and your just down the road."
"Sometimes I forget how old you act."
"I'm quite mature for my age."
His Mom came out carrying a plate full of sandwiches and a jug of iced tea. Oliver played with his brother, while his parents talked about something serious. He focused on listening to them.
"Should we even leave the house because of what happen last week," his Mom said worried.
"He's in custody. There's nothing he can do to hurt us. We're going be alright. We can finely be a normal family," his Dad said grabbing her hand.

After supper, Oliver watched his parents leave to go feed the dogs and go to the store.
"We'll be right back. Stay safe, boys. I love you," she said it like it was the last time she was ever going say it. His father nodded his head and got on one knee. He took off his jacket and gave it to Oliver. "It will keep you safe, until I'm back. Ollie, remember this, heroes don't always wear capes. I know your going be a hero one day," he said getting back up. He grabbed the keys and shut the door.

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