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Alexis woke up strapped to a chair. She tugged on the restraints but they didn't move.
"Don't do that. Your just going make the cuffs bite into your skin." A voice said from the shadows.
Alexis looked around. She was in a dark room with a light aimed at her so she couldn't see behind the light. The floor was concrete and it had cracks around her.
"Where am I?"
"Where nobody can hear you scream" the voice said stepping out of the shadows.
"What do you want?" Alexis growled at the voice. The voice walked behind the chair and stroked her hair.
"Why must the pretty ones die."
Alexis tried to get away from the voice's hand. She heard foot steps walk away from her. Then she heard a knife sharpen and a click of a gun. Ray came walking out of the shadows with a knife in his hand.
"You helped me?"
"I help a lot of people, Alexis. Like I said earlier we will meet again" Ray smiled cruelty at Alexis.
"Where am I?!"
Alexis pulled at the handcuffs but they didn't move.
"Come on now, you don't have to do that. I want to hurt you not watch you hurt yourself."
"I hate you!" Alexis yelled at him and spit in his face. He pulled out a handkerchief from his suit pocket and wiped off the spit. He walked to Alexis and slapped her with his hand. Alexis spit blood and glared at him.
"You answer my questions and you might get a quick death. If you don't answer them then I will make you wish I would kill you and I know who to cause the most pain without you dying" Ray said and slammed the knife into the chair arm. He cut her forearm.
"Where is your boyfriend? I think his name is Oliver" Ray said and kicked her chair over. Alexis landed hard on her back.
"I don't know and even if I did I will gladly die for him!"
"Wrong answer."
Ray walked away and grabbed a cloth and a half a bottle of water.
"I'm pretty sure you know how this works."
Ray covered her face with the cloth . She struggled and moved her head up. He grabbed a chunk of her hair and pulled back on it hard. He head slammed on the ground. He threw his hand on her bottom lip and pulled her jaw down and stretched out the cloth. He then began pouring water over her mouth and nose.
"Where is he?" Ray asked and took off the cloth. Alexis chocked up water.
"Is that all you can do?" Alexis said in a mocking tone.
"Oh I love a challenge."
Ray but the cloth back on her face and poured water on her face for a minute. Alexis was chocking on the water and tried moving her face away from the water.
"Are you going to tell me where he is!"
Alexis was chocking and heavy breathing.
"You wish."
"Let's try something different."
Ray through her chair across the room and flipped upright and pushed it up against the wall. He took his knife and slashed her across the cheek. Blood began dripping down her jaw line from the cut.
"Think real hard about what you are going to say next" Ray said, slamming the knife right beside her ear. The knife sliced her ear and cut off some hair. He left the room.
Alexis cried out for help but nobody could hear her. She pulled against the handcuffs but it was no use they were never going to brake.
"Wait didn't Oliver have a fantasy of getting out of these things?" Alexis said out loud.
"Now how did he do it?" Alexis said looking at the cuffs, "What's the use in not going get out of here. I don't even know where here is."
"Oliver, please help me." Alexis said while crying. She leaned her head forward and cried. Her whole body was trembling from the adrenaline racing through her body. The cold hard metal of the knife pressed against her ear. "I'm going die here," she whimpered with her eyes closed.

What felt like three hours passed before she heard the door open. She looked up with her tear stained eyes. He makeup was running all over her face mixed with blood and sweat. There was a trail of blood running down her torso and leaving a small puddle on her lap.
"Detective Dark," a guy said coming closer. There was loud footsteps coming closer to her. There was multiple people coming towards. She flexed her muscles and clenched her jaw. The footsteps stopped just behind the light. "What do you want?" She screamed.
"There's no need to be loud," he said, stepping around the light, " I'm lucifer Starr. You might know me from my campaign for mayor."
"I know who you are. You killed Jane Anderson."
"That's her name? Didn't know that. All I do is tell my associates what to do and how. No names are spoken."
"Is that so you can sleep at night? It would be hard knowing who your killing then one girl out of 7 billion people."
"You can trust me when I say this. I could sleep just as fine, if I was killing an old friend or some guy in an street alley. It makes no difference for me."
"Because you associates do that for you. Have you ever killed someone?"
"More than I can count, Miss. Dark."
He smiled and closed the gap between them.
"You are evil."
"I know that. It's what makes this so enjoyable. I love this I can tell you my evil plan and you tell me how your going stop me but it won't happen because your handcuffed and Oliver is chasing his tail."
"He will find you and kill you."
"He doesn't even know your gone."
"He will find me."
"He won't be coming."
He turned around and motioned with his hand for the people behind the light to leave. The footsteps retreated to the door. He turned around and smiled at her.
"Oliver will kill you."
Alexis spit out some blood. It landed on Lucifer's boot.
"You have so much hope for this guy you barely know."
"I know him."
"I don't think so. If you did you wouldn't believe in him as much as you do. He a stone cold killer. He's killed more people then there are numbers."
"He's only killed two people and that we in self defence!"
"No, he has killed more then a couple people. He's also left lots of his partners behind to be killed. What's one more?"
He laughed and walked over to the table with all the knifes on it. He picked up a small knife. He grabbed the blade and aimed it at her and let go.

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