Bombing 2.0

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He parked his truck and stared at the concrete wall in front of him.
What am I doing? I don't steal or do I? He hit his hand on his dash. "I don't even know who I am!" He screamed out. He ran a hand through his hair and pushed it over to the right side. He turned off the truck and got out. He opened his apartment door and walked through it. He quickly got changed then grabbed a apple and headed back to work. He stopped halfway to his door. He slowly turned around and threw his apple at someone who was behind him. Red caught it and took a bite out of it.
"It's a good apple," Red said between bites.
"What are you doing here?"
He sighed then chucked the apple into the garbage can. "Saving your ass and giving you a file," he said walking towards him. Deadeye stood his ground, glaring at him.
"All traces of Oliver is gone. Just the killing machine Deadeye."
He passed him a file and walked backwards a couple feet. Deadeye opened the file like he had done, many times before. He read the file quickly and glanced up at Red.
"What do you want?"
"Your help. I'll make you a deal."
"I'm listening."
"I'll help you with whatever you want and answer anything you want."
"What would you want me to do?"
"You'll have to agree and see."
"Secretive. Alright I'll help you but answer this question first."
"Who am I working for, you or the agency," he said walking towards him.
"Both but mostly me."
"Thought so. Who's this shadow?"
"The same guy that tried to kill you back in the building and hospital."
"What does he want with me?"
"I don't know. Never told anyone what you found out that night in the building. Your communication got turned off same with the tracker. What ever it was, it was big you were pretty shaken after that."
"I don't remember. It must have been big because I feel like I don't get scared often if ever."
"You don't and that's what scared the agency."
"What we've been able to track is that he's here in New York with his wife. They are campaigning to become mayor but the agency thinks that's not all he's doing here. Jane was working with us supplying information about his whereabouts and his plans, but she was murdered by him. His gone off the grid but his wife is still here. We need you to get to her and make her talk," Red said walking towards him. He handed him and ear piece and a gun. "If necessary use lethal force on her and the guards."
He walked back into the shadows and vanished.

He put the file on the counter and walked out the door. Traffic was heavy leading to the precinct. There were police cars lined up down 3 blocks from the precinct.
This is different.
He parked his street bike and jogged to the police line. He shoved people out of the way.
"Police coming through!" He yelled at everyone. Some people moved, others filled in the space he was running through.
"Get out of the way!"
"Oliver!" Alexis said when he got to the yellow tape. He saw what remained of the precinct. Oliver stopped and stood there frozen. He kept staring at the pile of concrete and steel. There was a huge pile of concrete with a few walls surrounding the rubble. There was nothing left sanding that showed that there was ever police building.
"Oliver?" Alexis asked coming closer to him. She was covered in dust and had some cuts over her body. Her clothes were ripped and she had a blanket hanging over her shoulders. He turned in a circle and saw that same guy from earlier. He ran after him.
"Hey stop!"
"Oliver what are you doing?"
The guy vanished into the crowd. Oliver stopped a looked into the crowd but couldn't find him.
"That guy," He growled and walked over to her. She was shaking and her hands had bandages covering them. "Are you okay?"
"Me? Yeah I'm great, I barely got out of there before it came down, but others weren't so lucky," she said sadly looking at the pile of rubble. Deadeye looked at everyone running around. Some were pulling people out of the rubble, others were putting them in ambulance and driving off. Firefighters were putting out the nearby buildings, because they had caught fire when the building exploded. It was total chaos. Sirens were going off people were screaming. News reports were screaming at him to give a comment. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and opened his eyes. All traces of Oliver was gone, it was just Deadeye left. Deadeye ran to the police chief and asked him about the situation.
"It's fucking chaos! I have men dying left and right," he yelled over the noise. Alexis was at his side.
The police radio cracked to life.
"Chief we have another bomb explosion in Washington Heights," the radio said.
"You two, suit up and get your asses down there asap!" The captain said handing them a radio.
"Okay, we're on it," Alexis said taking the radio.
"We're taking my bike, it's quicker, Deadeye said coldly.
"I'll send you some men. It might not be a lot because I can't spare anyone right now."
"It's okay we got this captain," she said jogging away. They ran to his street bike. He gave her his helmet and started the bike. He put on a pair of sunglasses.
"You don't have two helmets!" Alexis yelled at him.
"I'm fine. Just hand on tight."
She wrapped her arms around him tightly. She rested her head on his shoulder. He took off. He weaved in and out of cars and occasionally drove on the sidewalk. He almost got hit by a truck that blow a red light. They finally got there and saw the building was on fire. Deadeye jumped off the bike and ran through the doors, with Alexis right behind him. People were rushing outside. "Stay here!" He said climbing the stairs.
"I'm coming with you!"
"No stay here! Get these people out!" 
He threw his leather jacket at her. Then continued running up the stairs taking them three at a time. An explosion shook the building. He got to the second floor and ran in.
"Is anyone in here!"
He checked every room and looked under the desks. I have to go faster this is a building by a river that has 25 floors. The floor was clear so he moved onto the next one. The first five were clear. Deadeye started to notice the heat. He wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was panting like a dog that just ran a marathon. He keep running through the rooms.
"Help! I'm stuck under this door!" Someone yelled out. He followed the sound to a corner room. He saw him under a door and fire was all around him and closing in fast. He looked around the room for something. The sprinkler system was spraying water but the fire was too big for the little bits of water coming down.
"I'm coming!"

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