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They got back to the precinct. Alexis walked to her car and followed Oliver to his house. They spent the morning working on the case from his house.
"It's already 9:30," Oliver said taking a water bottle from his fridge. Alexis was in he living room sitting on the couch looking at test results and watching footage of the bombings. She was biting a pen. Alexis's phone started to ring.
"Hello?," she said into the phone.
"Dark, the 13 precinct wasn't the only precinct that was hit with a bomb. The 6 precinct was also hit with one last night," the captain said, "We've been moved to the 10 precinct until they can rebuild ours. I want you two to run point on this bombing case because I have a feeling it's connected to your murder case."
"Okay, should we head down to the 10 precinct?"
"Yes come here grab the evidence then leave. Try not to let people see you because of the stunt Oliver did yesterday, we're all over the news. Get this solved before the Feds show up and take over the whole operation."
"Do you two have backup evidence?"
"Yeah, I managed to get some before the whole bombing thing."
"Good. I hope you two solve this before the FBI get wind of this. I've got to go and talk to headquarters about the whole thing."
"Good luck, Brendan."
"Okay, tell Oliver I'll deal with him after this."
She hung up and turned to Oliver, who was leaning against the counter.
"Your in trouble, hot shot," she said putting the file on the table in front of the couch. He took a sip of water then walked upstairs.
"I'm getting changed."
"We have to head to the 10 precinct!" She yelled.
He changed into navy blue jeans and a red Reebok T-shirt. He grabbed his wallet and keys from the desk beside his bed. He walked downstairs and unplugged his phone and stuck it in his pocket.
She took her keys and phone then followed him outside. He locked the house then threw on his leather jacket.
"You really like that jacket."
"It was my dad's," he said when they got into the elevator.
She walked to her car and got in.
"You coming?"
He looked around the building then got in. They drove to the precinct and looked at the evidence from the bombings.
"Nice job Ollie!" Ryan said. He walked over to them. "I found something that you might like. There was a homeless man that said he saw someone hanging around that building the night before."
"Did he get a description of the person?" She asked.
"Yes and no. He said that he was about 5"8, green eyes and had brown hair. He also got a license plate."
"What is it?"
"RND 6739. I already ran it and it belongs to a Malcolm Red but he's up sate.
"We should go pay him a visit," Oliver said.
"We can't the prison just had a big riot, so there on lockdown until further notice," Alexis said looking back at the white board.
"We're back at square one."
"Not quite," Ryan said handing them a photo of someone in a car.
"Who's he?" Oliver said looking at the photo.
"He's this guy."
He put a photo of the guy that's running for mayor.
"Lucifer Starr."
"This guy is untouchable. Nobody can talk to him or even find him outside of conferences," Ryan said.
Officers were talking about Oliver outside the door and everyone was watching him through the window.
"You've got an audience, Ollie," Alexis said looking at everyone staring at Oliver.
"Yeah, it's strange. Let's go see the lab maybe they found something," he said heading to his temporary desk. He grabbed his jacket off of his chair. His phone started to ring. "Oliver, I got something you might be interested in seeing." Said the M.E.
"Okay we'll be right there." Oliver said hanging up. "Alexis, Lanie has something for us."
"Okay, but I'm driving."
Oliver tossed her the keys and they both walked to the elevators. "Your hair looks good flipped up." Alexis said hitting the lobby button on the elevator. Oliver froze for a minute but then his phone started ringing. "Hey, I'll catch up with you later." Oliver said getting out of the elevator just before the doors closed. "Hello?" A voice said on the phone.
"Aidan." Oliver said to the voice.
"I can help you trust me your going need it later, but for now go to your desk and open the first drawer on the right, there should be a box in there." The voice said.
"Okay but what's going on here? How did you get this number?" Oliver said doing what the voice instructed. Oliver grabbed the box and looked at it. The box was small, maybe 4cm by 4cm. "What's in the box?" Oliver asked pulling out his pocket knife and started cutting the tape.
"In there is what you will need to escape and there is the name of your new victim. You should be getting the call in about 5 minutes. Good luck Oliver. You can only trust two people, one you know already. Bye Oliver this is the last time I help you." The voice hung up. "Wait what escape? Why?" Oliver yelled in to his phone but the voice hung up on him. Oliver open the box and looked in it. There was a bottle of something and a note. Oliver picked up the note and started reading it. Hey Oliver I know this is a little weird but you will find out why later but for now you are just going have to go with your gut feeling and trust us. You already know this is not like your normal murder and that you know this person but you can't remember why. In the bottle is something that will stop ur heart for about 25 minutes. You will use that to escape then once you are outside go to the coffee shop across from your house. Seamus Jones. Oliver finished reading the note and started looking around. He got half way to the elevator before Ryan called his name. He came running out of the room and stopped in front of Oliver.
"There's been another murder. In Central Park," Ryan said breathless.
"Okay can you grab another detective and check it out. I'll swing by after we're done at the lab."
"I've never been the lead detective on the case before."
"It's easy. Go and check it out. Canvas the area and if there is any witnesses get their statements and write everything you see down or hear down, no matter how small it seems. Do that and it will make the case easy."
"Okay I'll grab Jason he's been to crime scenes before."
"Are you good because I've got to go?"
"Yeah just come by when every you have time."
"You'll be fine!" He yelled from the elevator. He clicked the lobby button. He walked to where Alexis was. She was standing beside her brand new Lexus and she was on her phone in a deep conversation with someone. Oliver walked over to her and got in the passenger seat. He waited for her to finish her conversation. Wonder who she's talking to? She's mad. Oliver thought watching her body language and she was pacing in front of her car. Alexis ended the call and ran both her hands though her hair. She got in the car and started it and pulled out in to the street. Maybe I should just be silent? No maybe try to claim her down. Tell her about that call. Yeah that's what I'll do. Take her mind off of whatever she's mad at. Oliver thought looking out the passenger window. "Alexis I got a weird call earlier when we were in the elevator."
"Yeah what was it about"
Oliver could tell she was in deep thought. Should I keep going? Yeah it would be weird just stopping but she's not really paying attention. He looked at Alexis. She was biting her lip and had both hands on the steering wheel.
"Are you alright?" Oliver asked.
"Yeah, just got a bad call," Alexis said looking at Oliver. Oliver continued to stare out of the window for the rest of the car ride.

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