Set up

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Oliver was put in a police car and driven to the prison.
"Guys I'm going die if you put me in there because I've put probably half the people in there and they want me dead." Oliver said walking towards the prison.
"Don't worry there's guards in there too."
"Most of them also want me dead. Who haven't I pissed off?"
"Keep walking!" The police officer pushed him forward. He was dragged inside the prison. It was a huge brick building with small windows that had black bars across the outside of the window. The floors were grey cement. There were bars across the hallway and around the desk inside. The officer inside the room buzzed them through the bars and got up. They walked through the door and stopped by the desk. His partner signed Oliver in and took an clear plastic bag out and labeled it Oliver 2017. He opened it and put Oliver's badge and gun inside and closed it then opened another bag. The guy that cuffed Oliver started to search him. He took out Oliver's keys, phone, wallet, watch, notebook, pen, handcuff key, and his headphones.
"Is this all you have in your pockets?" The officer asked him handing the stuff to his partner, who was writing everything that Oliver had and putting it in the bag.
"Yeah, did know I had that much stuff in there," Oliver said.
The guard took him into another room that had showers.
"Take off everything and empty you pockets out if I missed anything."
"Really?" Oliver said taking out anything he still had left in his pockets, "Here's some lint. Don't injure yourself picking that up" He said smiling.
"We have a joker here. You might last 5 minutes in there after all" the guard said giving Oliver a orange jumpsuit and towel.
"You know orange really isn't my colour could I get a different colour?"
The guard hit him in the back of his knee with his nightstick. Oliver fell to the ground screaming in pain.
"Shut up! Nobody here likes you or cares about what happens to you so keep your head down and do as your told or your going to know the definition of pain."
"What are you going make me find the definition of pain in a dictionary because I'm going need a dictionary for that." The guard hit him again but this time harder.
"Don't be a smartass or you wouldn't last until your hearing."
He clenched his fist but released them when his partner came in.
Oliver changed in silence and did what was asked of him. He walked into his prison cell and through his stuff on the bottom bunk. The guard walked out of the cell. A big guy with tattoos all over his body walked into his cell and looked around. Two other strong looking guys were behind him. They had a clover on their necks and they also had tattoos everywhere.
"Well if it isn't hot shot detective Aiden," the guy in front said, leaning against the cell door.
"Back off Tyler," Oliver growled at him. He continued to set up his bed and put his clothes under his bed.
"My dear boy, your in my area now and you play by my rules and you're the one that put me here so I'm not going anywhere."
"I said back off. You still remember what happen last time you tried to fight me."
He turned around and confidently walked up to him so he was face to face with him. Oliver was slightly shorter then him but he had twice the muscle then he had. He looked up at him and stared him in the eyes. He took a fight stance with his right fist clenched and his legs spread apart.
"I should have remembered that your not smart or even good at anything because I remember that when we fought I kicked you ass and through you down a two story building, so back off now!" Oliver growled at him.
"Hey I don't want any trouble from you boys." One of the guards said walking past them.
"No sir, I'm just telling him about the food here."
"Back off."
"For now." He walked away with his group.
"Hey, never mind him he has little to no power here." A inmate said walking up to him.
"Yeah I could tell."
"I'm Red by the way." Red said sticking his hand out.
"Oliver." They shook hands.
Oliver stared at him for a couple seconds then shock his head and walked out of his cell.
"You might need a friend in here, if you want to survive the night."
"So, what did you... Do to get in here?"
"I was with someone that robbed a store and they knocked me out and left me there to take the blame, what about you?"
"They think I kill someone."
"Whoah, did you?"
"No I was set up."
"So we are both taking the blame for something we didn't do."
"Yeah I guess we are."
"How long have you been here?"
"A couple months. I think."
"I'll be out of here before the end of the week."
"That's what I thought then the weeks turned into months and then I lost hope that they will find the people that actually did it."
"My partner is going get me out. She has to..." He said looking around. There were two floors with cells on them. There were a set of stairs to his right and a few picnic tables to his left. In the fair back there was group of guys working out on equipment. Most of the guys on the benches were watching him.
I took down that group last year.
"The clover group don't mess with them they own most of the guards in this place," Red said nodding to the group that Oliver was starting at.
"I took down there trafficking organization last year. I'm pretty sure they now want me dead."
"Bad luck, bro."
"I can take care of myself."
"Even the strongest people still need back up. That and you look like you can hit."
"Having problems?"
"Yeah. That group with the red bandanas. I kinda pissed them off once or twice. Now I think there going kill me in my sleep."
"Bad luck, bro."
He started walking away.
"Hey, wait," Red said jogging after him, "I'll help you out with your clover problem if you help me with my bandana problem."
"How can you help me?"
"I've got some connections outside that could help."
"Use them for you problem."
"I can't, can you help me or not?"
He looked at his pleaded face and sighed.
"Fine who's the leader?"
"The guy with the salt and pepper stubble and blonde short hair."
"Follow me. Do u have paper, pen?"
"Yes in my bunk."
"Get and meet me in my cell."
They walked in separate directions.
Oliver finish setting up his bunk and sat down on it. He looked around the room. It was tiny, and had no windows. His bed took up half the space. He had a toilet in the back of his room and a sink. From is bed to the wall there was just enough room for him to stand.
Every cell was the same layout. Red walked into the cell. He bumped into his bed and shifted it back more. "Sorry," Red said correcting the bed. Red handed him the paper and pen. Oliver took them and crouched on the floor. He began writing something on the paper.
"What does everyone look like?"
Red explained all of the members of the gang and they came up with a plan. They worked on the plan for a couple hours.

"Why did you have to take him in front of everyone?" Alexis yelled at the captain. The captain walked into his office. She followed him inside and shut the door.
"Sit down, and calm down," he said sitting in his chair.
"Brendan, why?"
She sat down across from his desk and crossed her arms while staring at him. He sighed and shock his head.
"The FBI is investigating this case because of the news. This is the biggest story right now and they want it solved fast."
"So Oliver was the fall guy because of some people in suits!"
"No, it wasn't my choice to arrest him."
A couple people walked out of the elevator with equipment. They had badges that read FBI. They where dressed in expensive suits.
"Who's was it and how are we going get him out?"
"I know you've got a lot of questions but this isn't the time."
He got out of his chair and walked to the door.
"I've got some friends in the prison. I'll ask them to keep Oliver safe."
"That's not what I'm asking!"
"Alexis do you job and," he said walking closer to Alexis, "get him back anyway possible. Break him out if you have to. I want him back ASAP. You two are my best detectives."
"Yes sir."
"Now get out him back. I'll deal with the Feds."
She smiled and walked out of the office. It was dark by the time she got to Oliver's place. She turned on the hall light and grabbed the case file, then left. Shadow walked out of the darkness and looked out the window and watched her leave the house and get in her car.
"She's got the file," shadow said into his cuff.
"We'll get her. We need those files back," Ray said, his voice was shaking. "She's on the move. Dark blue Lexus coming towards you. Stay on her I'm coming."
He watched her taillights disappear into the traffic. "In on her," Ray said in his ear piece. He smiled cruelly. He went outside and got on his street bike. He clicked it into gear and followed her. She went to her apartment. Ray and Shadow stopped a block away from her house. "Park on the other side of the road and watch her. I want to know if she leaves," Shadow said getting off his bike.
"Okay," he said, pulling back into traffic. He watched the building and saw a light flick on. He walked into a bar. He stayed there for a couple hours talking on the phone.
"Starr, I've got Oliver's partner. What do you want me to do?"
"Nothing, let this play out. See what happens."
"But Starr she's a lose end."
"I said don't touch her!"
Lucifer hung up on him. He finished his beer and walked outside.
"Ray, anything?"
"Umm, no. Nothing to report."
"Go home. We're not doing anything tonight."
"You said once this is all finished you would let my daughter go!"
"We'll it's going take longer then expected. Just remember your daughter life hangs in the balance, so don't do anything stupid or she's dead."
"Okay I'll do whatever you say."
He drove away. Shadow looked up at Alexis's window. The light was still on. He shook his head an got into a taxi.

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