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(A/N: Yes. Again, I am including the songs from the Disney movie. I have changed some lyrics in some of the songs to fit this story though. Enjoy!)

About 30 minutes later, Meena and BB-8 reached their destination. Finn followed behind tiredly. He stopped on a rock not too far away, hiding in the darkness, panting.

He watched Meena slowly move a large rock which hid a cave. She and BB-8 looked behind themselves in case anyone followed.

They then swam inside. The rock slowly drifted down. Finn gasped and frantically swam down to the cave. He barely made it, with his legs caught under the rock.

He hissed in pain. He looked around in the darkness and found some seaweed. He grabbed it and struggled pulling himself out. He wheezed and tried again.

He succeeded, bouncing in a swift manner by the force of the impact. He then bashed into a broken green bottle. He sighed and rubbed his head in pain.

He then stared wide-eyed up at the huge cavern as the moonlight from above the surface shone down like a faded spotlight upon the human trinkets and treasures Meena had collected from the past few years.

Finn's jaw dropped and he was worried. What would the king say?! His eyes then landed on Meena who was laying on her stomach on a rock in the centre of the cavern.

She was holding onto her new fork with a sad expression. "Meena, are you okay?" BB-8 asked her softly. Meena sighed. "If only I could make him understand." Meena said longingly.

"I - I just don't understand how a world that makes such WONDERFUL things - could be bad." She whispered looking at her friend. Finn slowly crawled into the large, wide open space filled with alien objects.

He hid behind a jewelry box watching the princess.

🎵Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?🎵

Meena started to sing, putting the fork in a candle holder which had a butter knife and spoon in the other two holders.

She then sat up straight.

🎵Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has

She sang as she tilted her head, staring at BB-8. She then looked up around her at all the treasures in each rock-shelf of the cave.

🎵Look at this trove
Treasures untold!
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here you think🎵

She then smiled to herself as she tilted her head again, gazing down at the rock she sat upon.

🎵Sure, she's got everything!🎵

She then started to swim off the rock and she swam up a bit and grabbed a few odd dangling human objects.

🎵I've got gadgets and gizmos of plenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore🎵

She then swam over to a small case and BB-8 swam with her. Meanwhile, Finn looked through a broken telescope laid on the floor, confused at what it was.

🎵You want thingamabobs?
I've got twenty!🎵

She sang opening up the case, showing BB-8 10 corkscrews and 10 bottle caps in it. BB-8 smiled in awe.

🎵But who cares?
No big deal
I want mooooorrrrrre~🎵

She chanted as she swam back to her rock. She rested on her bent tail and she folded her arms together on the rock; her cheek resting on them. Finn stared at her, slowly getting closer in the darkness.

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