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(A/N: I drew this. If you look closely on the cover of this book or in the picture I used for the Prologue, you will see him. I think Finn looks cool as a crab to be honest 😹😹😹😹

I love this song so much. In fact, I love all the songs from Disney's The Little Mermaid! Which is WHY I have included them in this.

By the way, I just realized I should have made Maz Kanata Sebastian [a female version of him obviously], instead of Finn... Well, it is too late now. I might go back and change it and make a few tweeks 😹

Anyways, ENJOY!)

It was now dusk, twilight time. Kylo had parked the carriage by the lagoon, tying the reigns on a tree. He had his own rowboat there. The water was still, so he decided to take Meena out to go rowing.

He helped Meena into the boat then pushed it out into the still, surprisingly clean water. He then hopped into the boat just as it slid into the water and he picked up the oars. He started to row as he and Meena were facing each other.

Meanwhile, Poe and BB-8 were watching from the distance. Frogs and crickets and other nocturnal sounds echoed everywhere in the twilight-evening.

"Move over - move your big feathers. I can't see anything!" BB-8 whisper-yelled at the seagull annoyed; his one eye he had squinted to watch the rowing boat as Poe stood in front of him.

Poe stepped to the side, resting on a different rock. "Nothing is happening..." Poe said, worried. BB-8 sighed at this. "What can we do?" The one-eyed fish asked the pilot. "Only one day left..." Poe said to himself thinking.

Poe scratched his beak-chin. "And that guy ain't puckered up once!" He exclaimed, still thinking. He then flapped his wings excited. "IDEA!" He said happy. "All right, this calls for a little vocal ROMANTIC stimulation." He said to BB-8, winking as he playfully nudged BB-8's side.

He then took off his helmet and placed it on the rock he stood on. He then flew up to a tree branch where a few birds were getting ready to sing. "Stand back!" The seagull said as he landed on the branch, causing the other birds to fly off.

"WAGH WOW WOW WOW WAAAGGGHH!!!!!!!" Poe began to sing out in a really bad voice. Kylo and Meena looked around hearing the sound. Meena looked up at the tree behind Kylo to the left and saw the branch that was a bit high above them; seeing it was one of her friends.

"Wow. Someone should find that poor thing and put it out of its misery." Kylo joked chuckling as they started to row underneath the branch Poe was singing on. Meena smiled nervously biting her lip at Kylo.

She then looked up above her at the "singing" seagull and she furrowed her brows at him, shooting him a glare beneath her glasses. But Poe continued as he winked at Meena. Meena then sighed and she did a face palm; taking off her rectangular, plum-purple framed glasses pinching the bridge of her nose frustrated.

As Meena put her glasses back on, Finn was on the edge of the boat behind Meena. He looked up at Poe covering his ear holes. "Jeez, man, I'm surrounded by amateurs!" He exclaimed softly. He then jumped off and dove into the freshwater.

"You want something done? Then you got to do it yourself!" He said to himself as he swam towards some long grass that was at the bottom of the 5ft deep water. He picked up a small piece that was surprisingly stiff.

He nodded to himself, knowing he could use it for a conductor's baton. He then swam up to the surface and he was standing on a lily pad. Three mallard ducks and three freshwater turtles were there and they saw him.

They stopped and watched him. "First, we got to create - the MOOD." He said to them smiling. They nodded at him. "Percussion..." He began as he raised his new baton.

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