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(A/N: Sorry I have never gotten around to updating this. I got really busy and not to mention when I did finally get the chance to come back and not just update this but ANYTHING on here, that was when my old iPhone 5c started acting up again and it crashed Wattpad and I couldn't come back. Thank the GODDESSES OF THE TRIFORCE I got a new and way better phone (the newest ZTE Android phone), and have, of course, returned​!! Now, I can come back to this! Special shout-out goes to VanessaTheBride for her lovely words and support. I hope you, Vanessa 😉, and the rest of you all enjoy the long awaited chapter 19! I love you all 😊💕💕)

(A/N: P.S. I didn't have any time to draw my own picture so I found this picture of Kylo and Rey. I like to look at this as her sort of taking control of him since Kylo looks like he's somewhat powerless and struggling while her​ arms are around him. I only look at it like that because it fits this chapter. All art credits goes to the artist!
Also play music when I say xD!)

Kylo and Rey were walking down the aisle. Everyone was standing with their heads bowed down in respect to the couple.

Chewwie was standing in between Hux and Phasma, growling up at Rey. He hated the woman and he knew something was wrong. As Rey walked by him, his growling grew louder.

Rey glared down with a snarled look and kicked the poor wookiedog in the face; causing Chewwie to whimper. The two made it up to the old priest. "Dearly beloved..." He began...

• • •

Meanwhile, BB-8 and Meena were nearing the ship. BB-8 was panting beneath the water but he trudged on. He stuck his head up out of the water.

"Don't worry Meena. Ugh – we-we're gunna make it. We're almost there..." He called up to her, getting exhausted. Meena nodded and kept kicking her legs tiredly but she still tried to help BB-8 go faster...

• • •

"Yes, um, do you, Kylo Ren, take Rey, to be your lawfully wedded wife, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked Kylo. "I do..." Kylo dully said, under Ventress's spell.

Rey smiled. "Eh, and do you, Rey..." Rey's eyes widened as she heard splashing and the sounds of different types of birds and animals. She slowly looked over her shoulder and looked up.

Everyone looked up and they all froze seeing birds of different kinds led by a seagull wearing a pilot's helmet diving down towards Rey. Rey looked up and she gasped.

"…then by the power invested in me..." The priest kept reading since he couldn't hear or see well and was completely oblivious to everything going on.

Two cranes dove down and yanked the bouquet of flowers out of Rey's hands and they ripped them up; all the shredded petals, leafs and stems raining down on Rey.

Two dolphins jumped up out of the sea and fired water out of their blowholes at Rey. Rey turned and shouted but her shout was silenced as some water fired into her mouth; her shout turned to distressed, muffled gargles.

She was soaking wet as she fell over and coughed. She looked up and gasped seeing two great white sharks getting into the boat thanks to the dolphins and they snapped their jaws on her wedding dress.

She screamed in terror as they tore apart her dress. They then hopped on their stomachs back to the side of the ship and threw themselves over so they would be able to breathe again in the water.

A couple birds dove down and kept pecking at Rey's face and even poked one of her hazel eyes. She cried out and she batted the birds away and held her eye.

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