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(I am writing this in my iPhone in the Notes app by the way. So that is why there are fast updates.)

Back at the palace, Kenobi was sitting on his throne; chuckling and playing with the same flower Meena gave him as he waited for Finn.

"Haha! Oh, let's see... Oh who could the lucky merman be?" He said aloud to himself cheerfully as he stared at the flower in thought. Until, he could feel someone else's eyes on him.

He stopped and looked at the entryway where a small, shivering crab waited. Kenobi laughed awkwardly and he hid the flower. He then picked up his triton and cleared his throat.

"Err... Come in, Finn!" He said, sitting back and waiting for the crab. "I mustn't overreact!" Finn whispered to himself, still standing at the doorway. He then stood up straight.

"I must remain calm!" He said. He took in a deep breath and exhaled. He then, in a quick and frantic manner, crawled into the throne room until he was at the foot of the tall throne.

He swam upwards and floated down onto the throne arm. He then dusted himself off and took in another deep breath as he looked up at the old king. "YES?" He asked, his voice five octaves higher than usual due to his nervousness.

He froze then cleared his throat, back to normal. "Y-Yes, Your Majesty?" He said to the king, bowing. "Now, Finn, I'm concerned about Meena." Kenobi began, looking down at the crab.

Finn's eyes shot open as his pupils grew into tiny dots, on edge. "Have you noticed she's been acting peculiar lately?" He asked Finn. The crab squeaked, afraid. He stood up straight and chuckled awkwardly.

"Um, peculiar?" He asked with a nervous, wide smile. "You know, moaning and humming about!" Kenobi said. "Daydreaming, singing to herself..." The king added. "You – haven't noticed, hm?" He asked Finn.

Finn gulped nervously. "Oh, well – I..." He started but he swallowed down because he didn't know what to say. "Finn..." Kenobi chanted his name. "Hmm?" Finn hummed, smiling weirdly up at the king.

"I know you've been keeping something from me." Kenobi said, grinning. Finn froze as he shivered. But he shook it off, shaking his head. "K-Keeping - something?" He asked, chuckling.

"About Meena?" Kenobi went on, his grin slowly turning into a smirk. Finn looked down and noticed his 6 red legs were shaking and wobbling. He quickly bent over; hiding his wobbling legs with his claws as he stared up in fear at the king.

"M-M-Meena?" He stuttered, smiling awfully strange. Kenobi then gently poked Finn with his triton. "In LOVE?" Kenobi finished, wiggling his eyebrows as he chuckled. He looked at the crab, waiting for an answer.

Finn held his breath, he couldn't take the pressure any longer! "I TRIED TO STOP HER, SIR!" He cried out and he grabbed onto Kenobi's beard. Kenobi's smirk disappeared as he stared down at the crab confused.

"SHE WOULDN'T LISTEN! I TOLD HER TO STAY AWAY FROM HUMANS! THEY ARE BAD, THEY ARE DANGEROUS!!" Right when he said "humans", Kenobi blinked once as he slowly processed the words Finn said in between his sobs.

"They–" But Finn's cry was cut off as Kenobi moved. ""Humans"?!" He said. He then glared at the grab and Finn fell silent. "WHAT ABOUT HUMANS?!!!!" Kenobi shouted in the poor crab's face.

Finn stared at the king and realized what he just did. He then jumped up and laughed nervously; wading backwards. "H-Humans? Ahahahahaha! Who said anything about h-humans?" Finn asked in an awkward giggle.

But Kenobi grabbed Finn in his fist and yanked him in. With that, Finn began to spill everything...

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