Chapter Four

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By the time Monday arrived, Demi could not have been more nervous. Was she really doing the right thing? “Have faith” She whispered to herself, observing herself in the mirror.

9:32AM [Marissa] Hey girl! What time do you want to leave today? Excited?

Demi read the message out loud in her head, taking several deep breaths to calm her nerves.

9:33AM [Demi] 12? So nervous! Demi

9:34AM [Marissa] I will be at yours by 12. Don’t be nervous. You’re gonna be great kid

Demi took another deep breath. Marissa always had the right words to make her feel better.

9:35AM [Demi] Thanks babe, don’t know what I would do without you!

Just as Demi was about to put her phone in her purse, her mom called. “Hi Mom” Demi said as she pressed the green button nervously. Here we go, Demi thought to herself.

“Is today the day?” Diana asked curiously; she was worried that Demi still wasn’t up for something like this.

“Yup” Demi replied, popping the ‘P’. “Today’s the day!” She added, sounding as upbeat as she could, but Diana could see through the act.

“Did you eat your breakfast this morning?” Diana pried. Demi rolled her eyes, almost angrily. Why doesn’t anyone have faith that she’s not going to relapse every time she is nervous or upset or stressed?

“Yes Mom!” Demi replied angrily. She may not have eaten as much as she should have for breakfast, but nerves do that to people. It wasn’t rocket science to work that out.

“Good girl.” Diana replied happily. “Look baby, you’re going to be just fine. I have all the trust in the world in you.” She added sincerely.

“Thanks Mom.” Demi replied, feeling a little more relief. “I love you so much.” She added.

“I love you too sweetheart, always.” Diana said before ending the call. She was still unsure about Demi’s decision to adopt a child, but knew her daughter would be fine in the end. If anything, she knew how much of a learning experience it was going to be for Demi. 

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