I AM BACK! Chapter 18 (FINALLY)

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FIRST OFF: I apologise for going SO long without updating this fic... I had a rough period for a while where I relapsed momentarily and needed to take a break from everything including writing this fic to get back on track. On top of that dance/life has been chaotic and I had some writer's block - BUT never fear. I am back and feeling more creative than ever to continue this fic. :')

At that grim moment; at the howl of those deadly words, Demi’s face turned ten shades whiter. “Don’t say that!” Demi mumbled under her breath angrily, as though her mood had changed within a split second.

 “Good to see you’ve finally knocked some sense into yourself!” Matthew said in a satisfied tone. He didn’t feel great about the words that escaped his mouth, but at least they woke Demi up to the grim reality that could potentially face her if she didn’t find a way to make Stefani see the brighter side of childhood.

"You better go inside and give the love that girl needs” Matthew said sternly as he pulled his car into Demi’s driveway. Marissa was waiting anxiously at the door for her return; this was above her. She couldn’t have dealt with Stefani alone that night.

 “Thank you so much Matt” Marissa said as she ushered the half-sobered brunette into the apartment. Matthew waved with a heavy sigh before making the journey back to his own home. He prayed, and prayed that Demi would be smart enough not to touch those deadly drugs again.

 “Where is she?” Demi asked, almost in a manic state of panic as Marissa slammed the front door behind them once inside.

 Marissa pulled Demi with force so that she faced her. “Promise me you will never do that again? Stef needs you. She needs you, Dem. Can’t you see what you’re doing?”

 Demi’s eyes filled with tears; Matthew already made her feel like the worst mother figure to walk the planet – she certainly didn’t need another lecture from her best friend.

 “I screwed up. I know. You don’t have to remind me.” Demi replied, lacking any tone of emotion.

 “Stef’s upstairs in her room” Marissa replied, almost defeated. She couldn’t stand being angry at Demi, but when an innocent child is hurt in the process of Demi’s reckless decisions, she couldn’t help but feel a horrible sense of pain and despair inside of her.

 A thick, ugly smog of guilt smothered Demi’s entire soul as she made her way upstairs to Stefani’s bedroom; she almost turned around and left the house; she was a disappointment. She let the most important person in her life feel rejected, and that small fact gave her enough pain to feel like she’d been burnt at the stake.

Without knocking, Demi opened Stefani’s bedroom door, taking in a heavy breath at the same time to prepare herself. “Baby?” She cried quietly, seeing Stefani in the same spot Marissa had found her earlier. “What are you doing down there, sweetheart?” Demi asked, kneeling beside the fragile young girl who had made bruises from pinching the skin she was convinced was 'fat'.

 “Leave me alone” Stefani grunted with a tear stained face that had seen better days.

 “Baby…” Demi replied with sympathy, laced in a tone of regret that she had failed the most important thing in her life. “Talk to me sweetheart. Mommy’s here now.” Demi cooed, desperately trying to redeem herself enough for Stefani to open up to her.

 “I’M FAT OKAY? OBSESE! I’M A WHALE.” Stefani yelled hysterically. “HAPPY NOW?”  She hissed, making Demi feel about the size of an ant.

 With a motherly instinct, Demi tucked the stray hair on Stefani’s face behind her ears before her hand got slapped away by an increasingly enraged eleven year old who had had enough. “Don’t!” Stefani huffed. “Please just leave me alone.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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