Chapter Five

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*knock knock*

“Come in!” Demi yelled, grabbing all of the things she needed and shoving them messily into her purse.

“Hey!” Marissa said as she made her way inside. “You all ready?” She asked with a gigantic smile on her face. She could sense Demi’s nerves a mile off.

“Yup, ready as I’ll ever be.” Demi replied with a smile and both thumbs up.

“Remember, I’m here every step of the way.” Marissa said, pulling Demi into a giant bear hug. “It’s going to be fine!” She added.

Demi smiled, she was so thankful for such a wonderful friend like Marissa. In fact, she didn’t know what she would ever do without her. “Thanks babe” She replied. “Now let’s go get this cutie.” She giggled.

As Demi and Marissa became closer and closer to the care facility to bring Stefani home, Demi could hardly concentrate on her driving. She hadn’t been this nervous before. “Sweetheart, I think I should drive the rest of the way.” Marissa said kindly. She wanted to make it there alive, no offence to Demi.

“Sorry, M!” Demi said shyly as she pulled over to swap sides with Marissa. “I just can’t shake these nerves.” She said truthfully.

After an hour more of driving, Marissa parked Demi’s car in the parking lot to the care facility. “This is it!” She said excitedly. Demi smiled, her nerves were still skyrocketed, but she felt a little better.

“Let’s go” Demi replied, taking Marissa’s hand. Inside, the lady at reception remembered Demi’s face instantly. After all, who could forget THE Demi Lovato; it wasn’t like she was some nobody off the streets.

“Good afternoon Miss Lovato.” The receptionist said politely, prompting Demi and Marissa to follow her through to the room where Demi met Stefani for the first time.

Kevin must have heard Demi’s recognizable voice, because he opened the door before anyone had a chance to knock. “Miss Lovato, pleased to see you again.” He said politely, ushering Demi and Marissa inside.

Stefani was sitting in the same chair as last time, and seemed just as nervous. She wore candy pink skinny jeans and a cute tee-shirt with a sequined silver bow on the detail. Her shoes were black ballet flats, with silver diamantes, and her hair was pulled back neatly in a high bun. She looked beautiful. 

“Hi Stefani!” Demi said excitedly when she saw her. “You look so beautiful. I love your outfit.” She added with a big-Demi-smile.

Stefani blushed. How could anyone think she was beautiful? How could DEMI think she was beautiful? Was she insane? “Thanks” Stefani giggled nervously. She hated people commenting on her appearance, because she simply couldn’t believe a word anyone said to her.

“How are you today?” Kevin interrupted, signalling for Demi and Marissa to take a seat.

“Great, thank you.” Demi replied with a smile. “I have been looking forward to this moment ever since I left last time.” She added. The fact that she could make a difference in just one person’s life meant the world to Demi.

“Excellent!” Kevin replied in a jolly tone. “Now, before you leave, I’ve got a package for you to take home that might help you if you have any further questions about caring for Miss Stefani.

Demi nodded, taking the package in her grasp. It consisted of a massive book labelled ‘Caring for your Foster Child,” and a pamphlet titled ‘What Next? A guide to Adopting your Foster Child.’ There were also array of contact details for support when needed. “Thanks” she said politely as she flicked through pages and pages of information. To be completely honest, it made her even more nervous. She was now responsible for an eleven year old child, and that was a daunting thought.

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